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Mark (Mallick Brothers 3)

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They all just... knew their women when they saw them.

Maybe they wouldn't have admitted it while it was happening. In fact, I was sure none of them would do such a thing. They likely evaded, made excuses about just wanting to get laid, being mildly intrigued, whatever. But in retrospect, each one would tell you there was just a... pull. Right from the jump.

What I felt toward Scotti, it was a definite pull.

And it was driving me up a goddamn wall that I wasn't being given the chance to pursue that, to see if it led somewhere that would miraculously make me want to leave my old life behind and start a future with her. As absolutely batshit crazy as that sounded.

Quite frankly, I was more than a little pissed that the chance was completely taken away from me.

"Figure this job of theirs is far off?" Eli asked, trying to tuck the ball behind him which only made Cooper leap up and nudge the shit out of him until he sighed and gave in.

I shrugged at that, a strange pit forming in my belly.

"Sounds like they are almost done with their plans. After that... it's Russia or China. I'll never fucking see her again."

"Just watch the news," Eli said with a shrug, giving me a look that years of experience reading my brothers' facial expressions told me said 'you fucking moron.'


"If they keep robbing the stores, it will hit the news somewhere. Figure they have to crash somewhere near by. They wouldn't risk going across state lines with dirty money. That's probably why they were here so long- getting their money cleaned. Maybe getting more fake IDs if they heard about Barney. So if you see the news of a robbery, you can head out to that town and look for her."

"Seems a bit stalker-ish, don't you think?"

"Or maybe a grand romantic gesture?" he supplied, not looking convinced himself.

"Think that's a bit of a stretch, man," I said with a laugh. "Coop, Jesus, sit the fuck still for two minutes," I said, snagging the dog and pulling him between us, trying to distract him with petting. This didn't work, in case you were wondering. He thrashed until he scooted away and went right back to begging for the ball to be thrown.

"Dunno. Think you can get away with it. Just once. Just to confront her and see what she has to say. What's the worst that could happen? She sics her brothers on you? You've survived beatings from all of us; I think you can handle it." He looked away for a long minute. "You know... just so you don't always have this 'what if' hanging over your head. That isn't any way to live, Mark."

Sadly, I was pretty sure he knew this from experience.

Not over a woman, mind you.

But I think he felt that way about his life choices, his career, his constant putting his desires on a back burner to handle family business, being forced into being a rage monster when it was needed.

There were times I really felt bad for the fuck.

"How are things with whats-her-name?"

"You mean the girl you guys call a harpy behind my back?" he asked with a small smile. "Coop ate one of her shoes this morning so she left me a nasty message about it being the dog or her."

"So naturally, it's the dog," I observed, watching the crazy fuck chase a goddamn bumblebee across the backyard.

"Gonna tell her in the morning at the coffee shop in Hollydell. You know," he said suddenly, changing topics. "I heard whispers about a new shop opening in Navesink Bank. There are these two chicks who were doing a stand at some local food fair or some shit talking about their plans to open brick and mortar. I hear the coffee is the shit."

And anyone who knew Eli knew he liked his coffee. He went two towns over to find a decent cup.

"Let me know how it goes, man," I said as he stood and whistled. And, wild as that dog was, he stopped immediately and ran toward his person, letting his leash be applied to his collar. "He's only being good because he knows we have a half an hour walk home." He moved to walk away. "Just give it some thought. She might be worth all the hassle."

With that, he was gone.

I didn't really even have to give it any thought.

Because I did think she was worth the hassle.

And maybe it was a bit stalkerish of me, but I was going to keep an eye out for her and her brothers.

Then I was going to track her ass down.NINEScotti"Need to know your head is in this," Nixon said, giving me an impatient look across from the dining room table.

It had been two and a half weeks.

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