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Mark (Mallick Brothers 3)

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"I'm sure it won't be a problem," I said, watching Mark. As if sensing my gaze, he looked over his shoulder at me, and the area around his eyes softened slightly.

"Oh, I know that look," Lea said, smile warm.

"That's a good look on a Mallick man," Fee agreed. "Though I like it a lot more on Hunter."

"Has he told you yet?" Lea pressed.

Confused, my brows drew together. "Told me what?"

"That's a no," Fee answered, leaning forward to look at Lea on the other side of me.

"Soon," Lea agreed.

"That seems to be the pattern," Fee said with a nod and smile.

Completely out of the loop, maybe even wondering if the stress had gotten to them a little, I stayed silent. In fact, we all did until the men finished talking to the man who came in at around five in the morning, looking fresh and handsome in a silver fox sort of way, in a fit black suit and sporting very classically handsome features.

"That's Ellis. He's the attorney," Lea explained. "Best in the state."

Well, there was that at least.

Ellis talked to the Mallick men for all of ten minutes before moving to talk to a detective. It was at this point that the men finally turned back to us, then moved toward us as a unit. We stood as one as well, moving to our respective men.

"They want to know if you can take Coop," I said as soon as the others moved away.

"Of course we will take care of Coop," he answered, putting an arm around me, and pulling me close to kiss my forehead. "There's nothing more to do right now. Ellis needs to get in to see Eli, then he will get back to us. Right now, we should go get Coop, clean up Eli's place, and try to get some food or caffeine in us."

No sleep.

I wasn't surprised.

I was pretty sure he had many sleepless nights ahead of him.

But when we got to Eli's place, there was no Coop.

In fact, there were no signs that Coop had been there in a long time. His leash was off the hook too. Like maybe he had been with Eli when he got pinched. "I'll have Rush go by the shelter," I offered as we drove back to Mark's side of town.

He didn't fight me on it, insisting on doing it himself. I think the stress was getting to him. "I'll send you a pic from Eli to send to him," he agreed instead, then did just that.

But Coop wasn't at the shelter.

And despite countless posters, calls and visits to all shelters and vets in the area, he was nowhere to be found.

We never did find out what happened to Coop until... well, that was a story for another day.

And another woman.

As for Mark and me, well, we went back to his place.

And then we kept going back to his place.

And I learned to call it home.EPILOGUEMark - 2 daysAggravated assault did end up being the official charge.

When I got home and saw the news, saw the leaked cellphone video of the attack, I was actually surprised they didn't bump it up to attempted murder. But given as the bastard was beating on his wife, they let it be at assault.

Ellis had needed to wait a full day before Eli would agree to see him, and even then, Ellis said he barely got a handful of words out of my brother.

I had the distinct, sick feeling that that was not an isolated incident, that something had changed in Eli, that he might never let any of us in again.

Maybe it was premature to feel that way, but it was just the sensation I was getting. There was something about that look on his face when he walked out of the interrogation room. We all felt it. It was why my ma freaked the fuck out.

Because that man, that empty shell of a man that was in those cuffs, that wasn't Eli Mallick. It was a different person completely.

And maybe none of us were sure we would ever get the old one back.

It was premature for that kind of thinking, but I couldn't shake it either.

Through it all, through my pacing, my raging, my sleepless nights, Scotti had just... been there. She didn't nag on me to open up when it was clear I didn't want to. She didn't demand I hit the sheets and get some sleep when it was clear I needed it. She made food, but didn't beg me to eat. She just let me go through it, but was there for me when I dropped down on the couch, just completely empty. She curled in. She fucking held me.

If I wasn't sure before, even through the stress and devastation, I knew it then.

I loved the woman.

Too soon? Maybe.

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