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The Billionaire's Housekeeper Mistress

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They had just started their entrée—a smoked salmon parcel containing crab and avocado and tomato—when James Ellicott led his party into the restaurant, making a somewhat boisterous entrance. He descended on their table, loudly but good-humouredly declaring, ‘I see the opposition is here already. Got to say Mickey’s got Midas Magic running well, Ethan, but I’m betting on my horse for The Slipper.’

‘Each to their own, James,’ Ethan answered equably, standing up to shake hands with the man, who had a stunningly beautiful blonde in tow—skin like porcelain, cornflower blue eyes, an hour-glass figure poured into a high-fashion black-and-white suit with a matching hat that only an amazingly creative milliner could have made.

‘Who’s your little filly? ’the big man demanded, eyeing Daisy with interest. ‘Haven’t seen her around before.’

‘Daisy, may I introduce James Ellicott and Serena Gordon. Daisy Donahue.’

‘What a quaint name!’ Serena drawled, icy blue eyes sizing Daisy up as she stood to acknowledge the introductions.

‘I think it’s a great name, full of sparkly sunshine,’ Ethan quickly slid in, smiling his approval of it.

It probably stopped his ex-fiancée from saying it was usually attached to a cow.

‘Hello to both of you,’ Daisy said brightly, shaking James’s offered hand.

‘A pleasure to meet you, Daisy Donahue,’ he replied, as though relishing the roll of her name off his tongue, twinkling hazel eyes flirting with her. The man was definitely a womaniser with a big personality to go with his even bigger pockets.

‘I see you’re wearing Liz Davenport,’ Serena remarked, naming the designer who’d created neon butterfly.

‘Yes,’ Daisy answered in surprise, not being so familiar with the fashion scene that she could actually recognise individual styles.

‘She seems to have gone all gaudy this year.’

Daisy smiled to take the sting out of the snipe. ‘I guess, with your colouring, you don’t wear bright colours well.’

‘Each to their own,’ she said, giving Ethan a mocking look as she parroted his words. ‘I much prefer European designers. James bought this Christian Dior suit for me in Paris.’

‘How lovely for you!’ Daisy said sweetly. ‘I hope your outfit gives you as much pleasure wearing it as I’m having wearing mine.’

She sniffed haughtily and patted James’s arm. ‘Let’s move on to our table, darling. I’m dying of hunger.’

‘Got to feed the beauty and the beast,’ he said jokingly, grinning at Ethan. ‘Good luck with Midas Magic!’

‘Good luck with your choice, too,’ Ethan replied.

They moved on.

As she and Ethan resumed their seats at the table, Shannon raised a hand and said admiringly, ‘Daisy, I salute you. That was a brilliant piece of sticking it right back at Serena.’

‘Believe me, give Daisy a challenge and she rises to it every time,’ Ethan declared, making them all laugh again at how challenging she had been to him.

Daisy was awash with pleasure. Ethan was proud of her. And he’d said so many complimentary things about her, leaving his friends in no doubt he held her in high regard, she was beginning to believe anything was possible between them, no limits at all on their relationship.

The races were watched and commented upon between the many courses of their lunch. Mickey had to leave the party when two other horses he’d trained were running. He returned each time in a celebratory mood after the horses had performed well, one coming second, the other third.

‘Waiting for the big one,’ he told Ethan with ebullient confidence.

The big one was preceded by an amazing ceremony. A helicopter hovered over the field beyond the finishing line as a man carrying a box descended on a rope to a podium which had been set up over there. A string of models wearing gold catsuits moved out across the racetrack, forming a line between the podium and the stage in the parade ring. The man unlocked the box to reveal what actually was a golden slipper. He presented it to the model closest to him, who passed it to the next, and so on down the line to the stage while an operatic tenor sang ‘Nessun dorma’.

‘Time for us to go,’ Ethan said, taking Daisy’s hand as he rose from his chair.

‘Go where?’ she asked. Mickey had already left the table to ensure everything was right for Midas Magic.

‘To one of the owner’s boxes beside the stage. We have to be on hand for the presentation if Midas Magic wins.’

As she leapt up to accompany him she saw that James Ellicott and Serena Gordon had already vacated their table. It only took a few minutes via a long elevator to arrive at the parade ring. The master of ceremonies was still introducing the jockeys who were to ride and photographers were everywhere, taking shots of the scene. A formal usher opened the gate for Ethan and Daisy to enter the fenced-off area and Ethan escorted her to the only empty box left—the rest of them already occupied by groups of people.

‘Most of the horses are owned by syndicates,’ Ethan explained. ‘Mickey talked me into buying Midas Magic outright so we’re on our own here, Daisy.’

Together, she thought happily.

They didn’t have long to wait for the big race. They watched it on the huge television screen set up for the crowd and Daisy found herself sharing Ethan’s excitement as Midas Magic shot to the front at the turn and sped away from the rest of the field, winning by seven lengths as though he was in a league of his own.

‘What did you feed that horse, Ethan?’ James Ellicott yelled out from his box.

‘It’s all in his genes,’ he yelled back. ‘You should listen to Mickey about bloodlines, James.’

Daisy couldn’t help grinning at the vexed look on Serena Gordon’s face. She felt like a huge winner today.

Ethan took her up on the stage with him for the presentation. He made a charming speech, giving all credit to his friend for the win, calling Mickey a brilliant trainer, then smiling at Daisy while saying Midas Magic had brought some magic into his life and he hoped it would last for a long, long time.

Some magic…her?

Daisy tried to caution herself not to read too much into everything Ethan said today. She was riding such a dizzying high, it was difficult to grasp any down-to-earth common sense. Nevertheless, she did manage to remind herself that when Ethan set out to do something, he carried it through, covering every detail. He was determined on having a happy day which meant giving her one, too. Midas Magic winning was icing on the cake—two million dollars’ worth of icing! He was probably so happy, wonderful words were simply spilling off his tongue.

And continued to do so.

On their way back to their party in the Winning Post, they were accosted by Lynda Twiggley. ‘Ethan!’ she cried, pouncing on his arm, her eyes glittering with gambling triumph. ‘What a fabulous win! Congratulations! I bet on Midas Magic again.’

‘Splendid!’ he tossed at her.

She gave Daisy a saccharine smile. ‘And you’ve certainly come up in the world, Dee-Dee.’

Ethan pointedly picked her hand off his arm, saying in a cutting tone, ‘Ms Twiggley, my partner’s name is Daisy Donahue, who, I might add, is well worth knowing. A loss to you. A win to me. Have a good day!’

He swept Daisy off, leaving Lynda Twiggley’s mouth agape. It was marvellous! Bubbles of joy inside Daisy burst into giggles as they rode the elevator up to the restaurant.

‘What?’ Ethan asked.

She sucked in a sobering breath, but her eyes were still dancing with laughter as she looked up at him. ‘I did hate being called Dee-Dee.’

‘Insufferable woman! I hated how she treated you. I was right to rescue you from her, Daisy.’

‘Yes, you were,’ she had to agree. Despite all her heartache over the past few months, she was in a far better position at the publishing house and whatever happened with Ethan, she was happy to have had him in her life.

Ethan felt intensely gratified by this admission from Daisy. She had been at war with him for so long, holding out against his siege, only giving in under force. To have her freely concede that he had been right to push for where they were now really did make him a winner.

There was not the slightest bit of tension coming from her for the rest of the day. She was completely relaxed with his friends, showed open affection towards him, delighted him with her attitude towards everything, and incited a burning build-up of desire which took all his willpower to keep under restraint until he had her to himself again.

The moment the door of the apartment was closed behind them, she was in his embrace and kissing him back as feverishly as he kissed her. They were on fire together, couldn’t have enough of each other, and she discarded her clothes as urgently as he discarded his, leaping onto the bed, welcoming him with open arms, her legs winding around him in fierce possession. The sex was fast and incredibly intense, mounting swiftly to an explosive that was totally out of his control but he didn’t care. She shared it with him and she was all his…all his…

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