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Kiss Me (Fool's Gold 17)

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“I wouldn’t try it,” Zane said.

She jumped and screamed, then turned and saw him standing right behind her.

“I didn’t hear you,” she said, wondering how foolish she’d looked draped across the steer.

“I didn’t want to interrupt your bonding.”

She squinted, trying to tell if he was teasing or making fun of her.

“Manny and I like hanging out,” she said, tucking her hands into her back pockets. “So I was wondering. You said that each of the members of the herd has his own place and that if they get sick and fall back, they’ll return to it when they’re better.”

Zane looked more than a little cautious. “Right.”

“What happens if Manny gets sick? Who takes his place? Do you have a leader in training?”

“We make do until Manny’s better. If he weren’t a part of the herd, another steer would take his place.”

She considered that and had a bad feeling that “not part of the herd” meant something really permanent, like death. Better to not go there.

“Cookie’s about ready with dinner,” he said.

“That’s subtle,” she told him and gave Manny a last pat before heading for the campsite. “See you in the morning,” she told the steer.

Zane fell into step beside her. After a couple of seconds he said, “You know Manny can’t actually understand what you’re saying, don’t you?”

She grinned. “I have an active imagination, but I’m not an idiot. Yes, I know that.”

Zane looked relieved. “I’m sure he likes you and all...” His voice trailed off as if he’d just realized what he’d admitted.

“I like him, too,” she said, keeping her expression serious. “We’re friends.”

Zane muttered something under his breath, then turned to her. “I can’t figure you out. You’re not crazy, but sometimes you’re strange.” He shrugged. “I don’t get it. Or you.”

“I like to connect with people or animals. So I talk to them. Sometimes they talk back.”

“The people, right?”

“Sometimes the animals whisper me a secret or two.”

One corner of his mouth curved up, then the other. When Zane smiled, her entire body felt lighter. Almost as if she was filled with helium and could float.

“I’ve never met anyone like you,” he admitted.

“Is that good or bad?”

His dark gaze zeroed in on her mouth. “Good. Definitely good.”

Her throat twisted up tight, and her skin tingled all over. “Even though you think I could bond with a rock?”

“Rocks need friends, too. You have the biggest heart of anyone I know.”

She figured that had to be a compliment. After all, being told she had a big heart was nothing like hearing she had a big butt.

She thought of Chase’s words, that Zane liked her. Maybe, just maybe, it was true. Wouldn’t that be the coolest thing ever? Because she sure liked him. More than a little. And she wasn’t just talking about the tingles, either.

Phoebe took a step toward him. At that same second, there was a noise in the bushes next to them. Off balance, she started to turn and found herself falling over a partially covered log. She fell at an awkward angle and landed directly on her back. All the air rushed out of her. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything but lie there gasping.

Zane bent toward her just as Chase burst through the bushes. He took in the scene and lunged for his brother.

“What did you do to her?” he demanded, grabbing Zane by his shirtfront. “What is wrong with you?”


PHOEBE FELT AS if Manny had plopped down on her chest. After a couple of seconds of ineffectual gasping, she managed to draw air into her lungs. When she was breathing regularly, she realized that Zane and Chase were scrambling around together. On the ground!

Maya rushed over with Thad right behind her. Cookie followed. Seconds later, Zane had Chase pinned. Both brothers were breathing hard, glaring at each other.

“What the hell?” Maya demanded.

Cookie threatened both of them with a frying pan to the head if they didn’t stop. Phoebe still couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Nor did she understand what was happening or why.

“Do it,” Chase taunted from his place flat on the ground. “Hit me. You know you want to.”

Zane’s tight expression was unreadable. Tension crackled in the air.

“Dammit all to hell, hit me!”

Zane released his brother and stood up. Then without saying anything, he stalked away. Maya dropped to her knees next to her stepbrother.

“What’s going on? Why are you two fighting?”

Chase pointed at Phoebe. “Ask her.”

Everyone turned to stare. Phoebe scrambled to her feet and brushed off her fanny. “Me? I didn’t do anything.” She pointed at the log. “Okay, I tripped and fell and got the wind knocked out of me. What does that have to do with anything?”

Chase’s mouth dropped open. “You tripped?”

Phoebe sighed. “So I’m not the most graceful person here. Why is that such a big deal?”

Maya stood and put her hands on her hips. “Kid, you just screwed up big-time.”

Chase groaned and flopped back on the ground. “No. I thought... She was on her back and upset and he was bending over her.”

Thad and Cookie backed away from the scene. Phoebe looked from them to Chase as all the pieces fell into place.

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