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Never Let Go

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“I don’t bring anyone home.”

“Oh.” I bite my bottom lip, liking that more. “So I guess I’m special then.”

“Something like that.” He leans down, his mouth meeting mine. I close my eyes, enjoying the feel of him. The kiss is over almost as soon as it began. He stands from the bed.

“If I don’t leave we’re never getting out of this room.” He reaches down, adjusting his cock. I try to keep my face neutral acting as though I’ve seen a man do that before. Pretending that it’s normal. I can be cool and casual. “Meet me in the kitchen? Mom’s cooking.”

“Sure,” I say with too much pep. So much for playing it cool. He smirks at me before leaving me alone in his bed. Not wanting to be away from him, I dart into the bathroom to get myself ready. Not that I have much to wear here so I pull on my pants under his shirt before I venture out of the bedroom.

“Should I go to the store? I bet she needs clothes. Is she allergic to anything?” I hear Jameson’s mom before I can make it to the kitchen.

“Why don’t you ask her?” He turns, looking at me. I didn’t think I was that loud. He must have killer hearing or something.

“You’re awake.” Rebecca practically bounces over to me, wrapping me in a hug. “JJ told me everything. I hope you’re okay.” She pulls back, looking down at me. Everyone in this family seems so tall compared to me. Her eyes are soft like a mother’s. A rush of emotions fills me from her genuine concern for me. I can already tell what a good mom she is.

“I’m fine.” I smile at Jameson. “Your son has been looking out for me. He makes a mean grilled cheese. And I’m not allergic to anything.”

“Perfect. I’m making brunch.”

“Brunch?” Jameson looks confused. “You said breakfast.”

“Well, it’s brunch now.” I fight a laugh because I don’t think he knows what brunch is. I think she meant for it to be breakfast but I slept too late.

“I don’t care what you call it, Ma, I’m just hungry.”

“Then set the table and I’ll get your girl here some coffee.”

“You mean the breakfast bar. Wait.” He gives his mom a playful smile. “Brunch bar?”

She lets out a huff. “That’s fine if you don’t want to eat at the table.”

“We never eat at the table,” he points out. I keep on smiling watching the two of them bicker.

“That’s because you haven’t gotten married and given me grandbabies to fill the table.”

“Did I tell you, Bunny?” He looks over at me. “She barely made it five minutes before she mentioned babies. I’m working on it, Ma.” He bends down, planting a kiss right on me. It’s quick. He starts whistling while pulling plates out of the cabinet. I stand there in shock.

“He’s talking about you,” Rebecca whispers from next to me. My whole face flushes. I don’t know if she’s now teasing me or not. Either way, excitement builds inside me. I know it’s too soon to think about those things, but it is nice to know that’s an option for me. I am starting a new life. One with Jameson sounds really good. More than good actually.9JamesonI lean up against the counter watching my mom and Bunny talk. I take a long sip of my coffee. This is a sight I could get used to. It's not only the breakfast I’m talking about. It’s everything about Bunny, from the way she’s making easy conversation with my ma and the overall feel her presence has in my space. I can’t explain it, but I know she’s meant to be here. And not only temporarily.

Her cuddling into me all night was both satisfying and excruciating at the same time. I could feel each little inhale and exhale that came from her. Her round ass was pressed against my hard cock all night, tempting me to within an inch of my control. She’d finally turned in the middle of the night and wrapped herself around me. I thought it would be better but I was wrong. She had thrown her leg over mine, causing her hot little cunt to rub up against my thigh.

It took every last bit of my willpower not to flip her over and pin her to the bed. That was about the time I decided that no matter how much I wanted to stay there with her like that forever, getting out of the bed was the only option. That and I heard my mom come in the front door. She and I are going to have to discuss some new ground rules. Not that she’ll abide by them fully.

“What are you kids up to today?” Ma asks, breaking me from my dirty thoughts of Bunny. I watch as Bunny looks over toward me. I can see the excitement in her eyes thinking about spending some time together.

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