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Never Let Go

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“You think my pants are okay to wear? I’m not sure-” My words are cut off when he lifts me. My back meets the wall as his mouth comes down on mine. I moan, wrapping my arms around him. God, he always feels so good. I push my tongue into his mouth, tasting him and his coffee.

“You’re driving me insane.” His mouth leaves mine as he trails kisses down my neck. My whole body lights up as I try to move against him, but the way he has me pinned to the wall I’m not going anywhere. That only turns me on more.

“Jameson, please don’t pause,” I beg.

“I’ve got you.” He steps back, making room for his hands to slip inside my pants. He toes my feet more apart, making my legs spread more. “This what you need?”

“Yes,” I breathe. My whole body throbs with need. My nipples harden against his shirt.

“Fuck you’re wet.” He groans as he spreads the lips of my sex.

“I’m sorry.” I don’t know what else to say. It’s his fault I’m this way. My body has no control when he’s around. I love the feeling. It’s freeing. One I’m not used to. My whole life has been about me making my body do what others wanted. Pushing myself to the extreme until there’s nothing left.

“Don’t you be sorry. I’m the sorry one. I should be on my knees licking your pussy clean but that will have to wait for later.”

“Jameson,” I moan, his words almost sending me over the edge.

“Got you.” His fingers push down harder, circling my clit. Giving me the pressure I need. “Quiet. Don’t want anyone else to hear you come.”

I shake my head no I don’t think I can be quiet. His other hand comes up, covering my mouth as he moves his fingers faster, making me come. I cry out into his hand, my eyes falling closed as an orgasm like I’ve never felt washes over me.

I open my eyes when Jameson drops his hand from my mouth and starts to kiss me again. I grab his shirt, pulling him back into me, deepening the kiss.

“Did you find my boots?” Rebecca calls out. Jameson pulls his mouth from mine. I watch as he licks his fingers before he responds.

“Not yet,” he calls back to his mom before dropping his forehead to mine. “For a woman who wants grandchildren she keeps interrupting us.” He smirks and I don’t know if he’s teasing me or not. “You taste good, Bunny.”

I love the way he says my name. It doesn't sound like my name at all but a term of endearment. Before now I found the name Bunny childish, but it’s sweet coming from him. “Jeans are fine for today.” He steps back but I don’t let go of his shirt I’m still holding on to.

“What about you?” I ask, looking down at him. There is no missing his erection.

“I got what I wanted.” He smiles at me. How did he get what he wanted? I was the one who got the orgasm.

“Even confused you’re sexy.” He grabs my wrist and my hand releases his shirt. He lifts it and kisses my palm. “I got to see you come and find out what you taste like.”

“So basically we’re pausing again?” I know I’m blushing but the orgasm might be hiding it. There is something about him, though, that makes me feel more bold. I find myself saying things I never would have before. I think it’s because I feel safe with him.

“No more pausing. We’re moving right along.” He pulls me into him, his mouth dropping to mine. I can taste some of me on his lips.

“Oh, sorry,” I hear Rebecca say. I jump back from Jameson to see her standing in the doorway to his bedroom. She doesn't look sorry at all. “Boots.” She holds them up.

“Thanks,” Jameson says dryly, taking them for me. “Can you see if there’s a hat for her? I don’t want the sun on her face too much.”

“Of course.” Rebecca is off again.

“If it was me that needed a hat, she would have told me to get it myself.” He shakes his head. I watch as he goes into his closet, coming back out a few seconds later with a flannel shirt.

“That is not going to fit me.” I laugh. The shirt I have on now is giant. I grab the end of it, tying the corner.

“That works.” He wraps the arms of the blue and white flannel around my waist, tying it for me. “If the sun starts bothering you.” I nod in understanding. “Let me help you with the boots.” He pulls me over to a chair. I drop down, and he does the same, going to his knees in front of me. He carefully puts socks on me and then slides the boots on to my feet.

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