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Never Let Go

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But I don't. Instead I continue walking toward our bedroom. That will have to wait for another time. I want this first time to be special for her. I need to take my time with it being our first time together. I’m not going to rut into her on the wood floor like an animal. She deserves better than that.

“Yes, bed,” she breathes against me. Even her warm breath on my skin is a turn on. Everything about her is. From the way she chewed her food to how she puckers her lips when she’s thinking. To the way she moans my name. I’ve always hated when people called me Jay. Then she’d gone and done it in the middle of her orgasm and it was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard in my life.

“Jay.” I can hear the yearning in her voice. I pick up the pace, needing to take care of her as soon as possible.

“Slide down me,” I tell her as I stand at the edge of the bed. She does, causing me to feel every curve of her body. I lean down to give her a quick kiss as her feet meet the ground. “Undress for me.” I know she’s shy but I want her to give this to me. I want to know that the need to have me inside her is so great that she no longer cares to be timid in my presence.

I watch as she does exactly as I’ve asked until she stands before me naked. My cock strains against my pants as my eyes take in her perfection. “You’re fucking gorgeous, Bunny,” I tell her as I reach behind me to grab my shirt and pull it over my head. I toss it on the floor and go for my belt next. The entire time I watch as her eyes roam over me. I unfasten my pants and boxers and throw them to the side next. This time I catch her eyes widening when she sees how hard and how big my cock is. She licks her lips, causing me to leak a little cum from the tip.

“Jay.” Those are the last words I hear before I see her drop to her knees before me. Her delicate fingers reach out, taking my length in her hand. She strokes me softly at first. My eyes close for a brief moment as I enjoy the feel of her hand on me. It’s a fight not to come. I want to pick her up and throw her on the bed but she went for what she wanted and I’m not going to stop her.

“Go on.” I open my eyes to watch her lick her lips before she leans in, taking her first taste of me. Again, I think my knees are going to give out. I grit my jaw and fight for control. There are so many things I want to do right now. In time I will, because there will be time. There is no way I could ever let her go. Right now I am going to let her explore. For a little while at least.

She takes more of me into her mouth, tentative at first before she starts to bob her head faster. Her hand that's not on the base of my cock slips between her legs.

“Sucking my cock getting you wet, Bunny?” She moans around my cock. The sound vibrates through my dick, going straight to my balls, which draw up tight. I step back a little, letting my cock slip free of her lips. She lets out a sound of protest. “You’re going to unman me. I need to be inside you.” I reach for her and pull her from her knees. In one quick move, I toss her onto the bed. She doesn't have time to react before I’m on her. My mouth falls onto hers as I kiss her deeply.

“Gotta get you ready.” I try to slip down her body but she wraps her legs around me. Her thighs, powerful from all the years of dancing, lock me in tight.

“I’m so ready.” She lifts her hips, her wet cunt sliding along my cock. “I don’t want to wait anymore.” She does it again. I can feel how slick her pussy is as it glides along my dick. My cock slides down to her slit until I’m at her tight opening. She is drenched. It doesn’t matter how wet she is, it’s still going to be a tight fit.

I push inside her a little. She lets out a moan. I close my eyes tightly, sucking in a breath. My fingers grip the bedspread. It takes everything inside of me not to thrust right into her but I won’t. I’ll do everything I can to not hurt her, but that’s part of the problem.

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