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Never Let Go

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“Are you going to handle Michael?”

“His family won’t try to save him again. They’re scared of you.”

They should be. I could crumble their lives with a few calls and keystrokes. They should already know that with money a person can do almost anything. They’re used to having things go their way by throwing money at their problems. They hadn’t anticipated someone else having more money and reach than they do. Oil is liquid gold around not only these parts but the world.

“PJ can stay here. Can’t she, Jay?” Bunny hops up from her chair.

“I can’t stay here.” PJ doesn't look over at me when she says it but to Davis.

“She can,” Davis answers for me.

“These two are going to be going at it like bunnies. I don’t need to see that.” PJ motions between Bunny and me.

“How long have you been holding on to that joke?” Bunny smacks her arm. PJ cracks a smile. Bunny’s eyes remain on me. She doesn't have to say it but I know she doesn't want PJ to leave. PJ is the only family she has besides that piece of shit father of hers. I can also tell PJ doesn't want to feel like a bother.

“I’ve got a few cabins here. There is plenty of room,” I offer.

“He does!” Bunny hops up and down with excitement. I can't stop myself from enjoying the view of her tits bouncing. Davis is lucky his eyes are still locked on PJ.

“I don’t know.” PJ lets out a long sigh. Bunny’s eyes are big and pleading with me to fix this.

“But you have to be close. You’re my bodyguard.”

“I don’t think you’ll need me anymore.” She lifts one of her shoulders in a shrug.

“I’m not always around and I could use a little help too. The security on the ranch could be tighter.” Everything I said is the truth. I’m not always around. That said, wherever I’m going I’m taking Bunny with me. PJ doesn't need to know all that. This is about me convincing her to stay by giving her a reason to do it.


“I can stay for now.” She finally gives in. Bunny wraps her in a tight hold.

“I can’t believe you were trying to leave me. You done lost your mind?” Bunny kisses her on the cheek.

“I’m sure Davis can show you to one of the cabins,” I offer. Surprisingly, PJ begins to blush. She reaches up, smoothing down her blond ponytail. Davis grunts from beside me in agreement.

“I’ll still have to run to get Bunny’s and my stuff from the hotel.” She looks anywhere but at Davis now. I have no idea what is going on between these two. They’d make an odd pair if you ask me but what do I really know?

“What if she leaves and tries to not come back?” Bunny nudges her.

“Then I’ll go get her,” Davis drawls, standing up a little straighter as though he might need to pounce on her.

“I don’t need someone to come and get me,” she snips at him. “I’ll be back soon.” She hugs Bunny again before heading out of the house. Thankfully, Davis follows after her. Bunny strolls over and wraps her arms around me. I grip her ass, lifting her off her feet. Finally we’re alone.

“They have a thing going on or something?” she asks me.

“I have no clue what’s happening there. I didn't know Davis was into people, period.” Bunny’s whole body shakes with laughter. After everything that’s happened she doesn't seem fazed in the least.

“Sorry I kind of invited someone to stay here for a while.”

“You can do whatever you want, Bunny. It's your place too.”

She tilts her head, her face lighting up with a smile. “You didn't ask me to move in.”

“Not really asking.”

“You know you’re bossy sometimes. I didn't know someone could be this bossy and this sweet.”

“I taught him well.” Mom comes strolling right into the kitchen. “God knows he didn't get his sweetness from that dead husband of mine.” She never calls him my father.

“You taught him good.” Bunny tries to kiss me on the cheek, but I turn my head and steal a real kiss. “Your mom,” she hisses at me. She wiggles her ass for me to put her down.

“She doesn't care.” If anything it makes my mom more over the moon.

“I don’t,” she agrees as she drops a bunch of bags. “Did you catch that guy yet?”

“A few hours ago. Sure the news will get wind of it soon.” I was hoping to have Bunny alone for a while. I should have known Mom would pop up anytime. I was surprised she didn't last night but I think her plan was to give us as much alone time as possible. I bet it took everything in her to stay away this long.

“I knew it wouldn’t take you long.” I walk over, setting Bunny on the kitchen counter. “I brought you some stuff to hold you over until you move in,” Mom tells Bunny.

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