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“You’re such a brat, call me later.”

“Ok, bye.”

I hung up and tossed my phone to my bed, took a shower, and ate lunch while watching football. Men loved women who knew their sports. As much as I would like to say that I watched it for them, it would be a lie. I secretly loved it.

I thought back on what Brooke had said about Sebastian. He was good looking. He had to be about 6’4. I was wearing five inch stilettos and only reached his chest. I found myself fantasizing about his blonde hair, wanting to run my fingers through it. His blue eyes were just as entrancing. His narrow face showed perfect white teeth and a killer smile.

I wondered if I would ever see him again. I hadn’t taken on a new client in a few months. The look on his face when he saw me definitely left an impression. He looked at me like I was his everything. I wanted to see that look again. I don’t know why, but I did.

I had to make myself stop thinking about someone that I didn’t know. It absolutely made no sense. I went back to my normal life the next day, yet, just for that day I let myself fantasize about the unknown possibilities.


It had been a month since I had met Ysabelle, a month since the business card started burning a hole in my wallet. I didn’t know what to do I felt guilty for thinking about another woman, as much as I wished and prayed that it would go away it didn’t.

I thought about her, and I dreamt about her. I couldn’t get her out of my mind it devoured me. It was like a tsunami had come crashing down on me, I felt guilty and I hadn’t even done anything.

The thoughts of Ysabelle brought back thoughts of Olivia. I felt ashamed to think of Olivia after all these years. Seeing Ysabelle made me realize that Olivia would always hold a piece of my soul.

I know when you’re young you truly don’t know what it means to love. I knew that I did. I was given the opportunity to love two women in my life. I had the pleasure of experiencing that twice in my short lifetime. I know that made me sound like a selfish bastard, like I’m bragging about loving two women, though, it was the truth.

I loved my wife and my son. I couldn’t be thinking about someone just because, they looked like someone I had lost. It wasn’t fair to me and especially not fair to my family. I had been spending more time with Julia and Christian. It was like I was trying to make up for the thoughts that overpowered me. I knew what I was thinking was so wrong, I couldn’t help it. I didn’t know what to do.

“Sebby.” I heard Julia say from our bedroom. I immediately went to her.

“Yes, Babygirl.” I replied coming into the room.

“Can you help me get these shoes? I can’t reach them.” I heard her say from our closet.

I walked in to her wearing her crème silk robe, her see-through crème silk robe. My eyes greedily took her in.

“Where’s Christian?”

“He fell asleep on the couch, watching Finding Nemo. He was exhausted from Kevin’s birthday party yesterday. I think he may be coming down with something too, he felt a little warm this morning. If he’s still warm tomorrow I may have to call in to take him to the doctor.”

“I only have one appointment scheduled tomorrow, I can take him if needed.” I stated as I walked to her.

“How did I get so lucky, huh? You are amazing, Sebby.” I pulled the front ties of her robe pulling her to me and letting the robe fall open. My hands went around her waist to her ass and my mouth landed in the nook of her neck just below her ear. Her skin was warm and she smelled of lavender.

“You took a bath. Why didn’t you call me?”

She laughed. “Because, I wanted to relax and if I had called you I wouldn’t have gotten to.” She moaned as I kissed my way to her collarbone.

“I love bath time with you.” I taunted continuing to kiss my way down her body.

“Sebby.” She sighed as I brought her nipple in my mouth. I sucked on it, soft at first and then firmer. It became a soft peak as her hands went into my hair. I moved to the next one and repeated the process, moving towards her belly button while my hands continued to caress her breasts.

Julia breathing became elated. I kissed and licked her hipbones. My thoughts flashed to Ysabelle just for a second. I thought about her soft skin. I thought about kissing her- Fuck no…

I bowed my head on Julia’s stomach. What the fuck was wrong with me? How could I picture another woman when I was about to make love to my wife?

“What’s wrong?” Julia asked, I could hear her hesitation. I looked up at her flushed face. Her eyes were my undoing they were filled with love for me.

“Nothing, Babygirl, I love you. You know that right? You know I love you more than anything in this world.” I confessed.

“Of course I do.”

I pressed her back to the wall and kissed her hipbones once again. I kissed my way to the top of her mound and gave a light peck to her clit. I spread light kisses all around her lips until she was panting and subtly moving her hips.

“Don’t tease me.” She proclaimed in a raspy voice.

I licked her from the bottom to top of her slit while placing her leg over my shoulder. Her hands instantly went into my hair for balance. I opened her wider and lightly kissed and licked my way to where she wanted me the most.

Her clit was throbbing for attention. I sucked on it lightly at first and then more demanding. Her fingers began pulling at my hair.

I brought my middle finger to her entrance and eased my way in. Her head fell back while sighing, Oh My God…I sucked on her clit, while simultaneously pushing my fingers in and out of her.

When I could feel her getting close I motioned a come here movement with my fingers and roughly fucked her g-spot, never letting up with sucking on her clit.

Her hips started moving on their own accord, causing my actions to move faster and harder.

“That’s it, Babygirl, fuck my face like you want it.” I went back to devouring her clit and finger fucking her pussy, and not a second later did I finally taste her climax. She slid down the wall and kissed me urgently.

Nothing turned me on more than when she tasted herself. Her hand urgently went for my pants until she had my cock out and stroked it. She propped herself up, positioned my cock at her entrance and slid her way in.

“Holy fuck, Babygirl you’re so wet. Don’t stop, ride my cock. Ride it hard and fast, let me feel your sweet pussy come on my cock.” I groaned into her mouth.

Her hips took their own accord and she began bouncing up and down. I grabbed her hips while she extended out her legs and we fucked each other in sitting position. She moved forward and backwards and I could feel her pussy throbbing.

“God I love it when you squeeze my cock, nothing feels better than that Babygirl.”

“I’m almost there, oh God….” She exclaimed.

“Yes, oh fuck…come on my cock, let me feel you.”

I felt her grip onto me and I quickly followed, kissing her breathlessly.

“I fucking love you.” I panted.

“I know.” She repeated.

Chapter 15

I hadn’t stopped thinking about Ysabelle for the two weeks that followed.

Even though I knew so little about her I could tell she was a force to be reckoned with. I found myself fantasizing about seeing her again, in my dreams it would go further and I would kiss and caress her. I would touch her soft tan skin, and kiss every inch of her body; I would always wake up before it would lead any further than fondling. I couldn’t stop my unconscious mind from where it wondered.

To say that I didn’t feel like a piece of shit to wake up with a hard on for another woman would be a lie. I talked myself out of calling the number on the business card daily. There were times that I would pick up the phone start dialing the number and abruptly hit the end button on my cell phone.

I didn’t know what the fuck to do. I know what I wanted to do, although I couldn’t allow it to happen. I know I sound like a selfish fuck but being with her did something

to me. I knew she wasn’t Olivia, I also didn’t care. She looked like her and that was enough for me.

“Mr. Vanwell.” My secretary said, through the intercom in my office.


“Your son is on the line, would you like me to put him through?”

“Yes, thank you.” I said, clicking over.

“Hey Buddy.”

“Dad! Guess what?”


“Mommy said we could get a puppy. My teacher’s dog just had puppies and she said we could take one.”

“Oh really?”

“Christian!” I heard Julia yell in the background through the phone. “Are you talking to your dad? Let me see that.”

“Hey Sebby.” She said in her sweetest voice.

“We’re getting a dog?”

She nervously laughed, “he told you that, huh?”

“Mmm hmm…”

“See what happened was that his teacher said she was going to take the last puppy to the pound because she had sold all of the others. You know what they do to dogs at the pound if they don’t sell them. They kill them and I just couldn’t let that happen. Christian has been asking for one and I think he’s old enough to accept the responsibility. Plus, it would protect us when you work late; it’s a Lab/Golden Retriever mix. And-“


“Are you mad at me?” She asked with trepidation.

“No, I just wish you would have discussed it with me before you said yes.”

“I know I just got excited and then Christian got excited. I couldn’t say no. I was going to tell you later, I was just going to be naked at the time. Christian kind of ruined that plan though.”

“I see.”

“Don’t be mad. I think this will be good for our family. I mean we do kind of need an animal and neither of us like cats.”

“I understand.”

“Oh man. You’re upset, I’m sorry. I can’t go back on it now. Christian would be so upset.”

“It’s not a problem. I think a dog is a great idea.”

“You do?”

“Yes. Why are you surprised?”

“I don’t know. You’ve just been very amazing lately. Overly amazing.”

“And that’s a problem?”

“No, I love it.”

“So when do we get this mutt?”

“Oh…that. He’s kind of…already…here.”

“I can’t wait to meet him.”

“Can you stop by the grocery store and get some puppy food, I sort of forgot to do that on the way home.”

“Of course, I will be home in a few hours.”

“Great. I love you to pieces.” She praised.

“You better!”

I hung up the phone and promised myself that I would stop thinking of Ysabelle. I loved my family and I wouldn’t do anything to ruin how lucky I was. Too bad fate had other ideas.


I hadn’t seen Devon in months. He had been pestering me to come by the bar and spend some time with him. He knocked up his girlfriend, which further proved my theories that she was a money whore. Needless to say, we didn’t get to see each other very often.

Devon fell head over heels in love with her and now they were having a little person. I was happy for him, it just didn’t make me like her anymore.

She still didn’t care for me, and Devon didn’t give a shit and told her that often. He always seemed to make room for me in his life in one way or another. I went by the bar on a Tuesday evening and had little too many cocktails.

“Kid, I’m cutting you off after this one.” I laughed, everything he said made me laugh. I was definitely the girl who got the giggles when she was drunk.

“I think you should have cut me off like two ago, two before, two less. Wait, what?”

“Oh man, you’re definitely taking a cab home. You’re losing your edge Kid, you used to be able to handle your liquor.”

“Hey…mister.” I said, pointing my finger at him. “I haven’t ate much today and if you haven’t noticed I’m a tiny person.”

“Oh…I’ve noticed.” He said wiggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, “And…this is why your baby’s momma hates me. She’s a stupid bitch, you could do so much better.”

“Don’t talk about Christine like that and Kid, look at you. Any woman would hate you. It doesn’t matter, because I love you.” I rolled my eyes and for some reason that made me lose my balance and I almost fell off my chair, then someone caught me.

“Damn heels!” I scowled. “Thank you...” I exclaimed looking up at familiar blue eyes and it sobered me right the fuck up.

“Nice catch, Sebastian right?”

“You remember?” He seemed surprised.

I cocked my head to the side, “Don’t let it go to your head. I’m good with names.” He smiled.

Damn there’s that smile.

“Are you alright?” He questioned.

“Yeah…you seem to always be catching me. Do you have some sort of radar?” He laughed.

“Something like that.” He suggested.

“Well my shoes thank you. They would have been scuffed if it hadn’t been for your timing. Would you let me buy you a drink?” He nodded and sat on the barstool next to me. I looked back at Devon who had a stupid smug face.

“What’s your poison?” I asked looking back at Sebastian.

“Whisky straight.” I looked back at Devon and held up two fingers. He left shaking his head at me.

“You know him?” Sebastian questioned.

“Old friend. I actually used to work here many moons ago.”

“I see.” He nodded.

“What brings you out on this fine Tuesday evening?”

“I was meeting a friend for a drink and you caught my eye as I was walking out.”

“Interesting…then it wasn’t my eloquent grace of almost falling that brought you over.”

“That helped. It gave me a reason to come over.”

This man was intriguing to say the least, he avoided looking at me and that didn’t happen often.

Devon came back over and handed us our drinks winking at me before leaving. I knew what he was thinking, forever the eternal romantic. You’d think he was fucking cupid.

“What brings you out? Isn’t it a little late for you?” Sebastian asked, making me take my gaze back to the side of his face.

“I’m a big girl, Sebastian.” He chuckled and it made him even more handsome with his bright blue penetrating eyes. You could tell everything from his eyes. His structured cheekbones and jawline accented his thin lips. Men are my life and this one was a keeper.

“Doesn’t your husband worry about you?” I raised my left hand and moved my fingers. He smiled, “Boyfriend?”

“Do I give off the needy vibe?” He laughed again. I could tell that he was nervous which was typical.

“What do you do?” I asked.

“I’m a yacht broker, I’m actually a partner of the company.”

“Oh, is that why you were on Alejandro’s yacht? He’s your friend?”

“He’s a client that invited me that evening.”

“I figured as much, you don’t seem like the type of man that Alejandro would associate with, no offense.”

“None taken.”

I sipped on my drink some more and noticed that his was entirely gone.

“Would you care for another?” I asked.

“I better not. What do you do?” He stammered, I could sense that he had been hesitating and waiting to ask me that since he sat down.

“It depends.” I said putting my hand on his knee. His eyes peered right at mine and I saw pain.

“God…you look just like her.” He whispered.

“Who?” He sighed and abruptly stood.

“I have to go. It was nice seeing you again, Ysabelle. Take care.”

He grabbed a fifty out of his wallet placed it on the bar and left.

I had made several

impressions on men throughout the years, I had never encountered someone quite like Sebastian.


I had been staring at the VIP card on my desk for at least an hour.

She was nothing like Olivia except her appearance. She had a rough exterior and it made it all the more inviting for me to want to break down those walls. Sitting with her at the bar was puzzling and captivating.

The second she put her hand on my knee I was done for. For the last few days I thought about her. She was intoxicating to me. It wasn’t even her appearance that I wanted to be around anymore, it was her. I enjoyed her company. Her smile and laughs were addicting, and her feistiness was appealing. It didn’t help that she was fucking gorgeous and looked like the woman that would always own a piece of my being.

I continually reached for my phone, then I would stop myself, and then the whole process would repeat itself. I kept contemplating what would happen if I just called, I mean there’s no harm in picking up a phone and talking to someone right?

I didn’t even know who I would be talking to. I had a good feeling that this number might not be hers. Alejandro said she belonged to Madam, what does that even mean? And she wasn’t keen on providing information.

I Googled VIP into my computer, one website came up on the browser. I clicked on it. It was a discrete website that looked very much like the business card. Except it described the words beautiful women and companionship, nothing elaborated other than the same number and address. It stated to ask for Madam.

I picked up the phone and dialed the number. It was as if I was having an out of body experience. I could see everything I was doing, and I couldn’t control any of it. I was a crazed man that was possessed to see Ysabelle again.

The phone rang four times before I heard a voice on the other end.

“Madam Residence.” He stated.

“Good afternoon, is Madam available?”

“Who may I ask is calling?”

“Sebastian, Sebastian Vanwell. She doesn’t know –”

“Please hold.” He said, cutting me off. I waited on the other end for what felt like an eternity. My palms were sweating and my heart was pumping out of my chest. I was about to hang up when I heard my name.

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