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Road to Nowhere (Road to Nowhere 1)

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“Do you like my dress? It’s new...” I smirked, batting my lashes at him. “I bought it just for you, babe. I know how you love the color white on me.”

“Is that right?” He grinned, pushing off the door. Walking over to me, each stride more confident than the last. My heart sped up, as my breathing quickened. In a few short seconds, he would be over to me, and all would be right with my world.

All I needed was Creed.

I fervently nodded with nothing but mischief in my eyes. I wanted him to hold me, kiss me, and tell me he loved me. I hadn’t seen him in weeks, but it felt like no time had passed between us, exactly how it always did. It never mattered how much time went by until we saw each other again. Our connection was always alive and thriving, beating right in front of us.

I slowly licked my lips. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dress that’s still small, but will fit my…” I glided my fingers along the top of my ample cleavage that was popping at the seams. I knew he loved my breasts that were bigger now from my pregnancy. “They’re huge, right?” I leaned forward, slightly pushing them together, baiting him. Luring him in to love me again, and not be mad at me anymore.

He sat on the edge of the bed, immediately reaching over to bring me onto his lap, to straddle his thighs.

A much better position, I thought.

He softly, tenderly pecked my lips. Assaulting me with his peppermint and cigarette breath, making me quiver from that alone. His lips skimmed my neck then down to my breasts, which had doubled in size since he’d last seen me. I was so overly sensitive to everything, particularly his touch. He was taking his time with me, nice and slow like he knew I loved. His hands roamed while his tongue ran along the seam of my white dress, causing my head to fall back, and a soft moan to escape my lips.

“Pippin?” he said in between kissing me. “As much as I’d like to titty fuck you and come on these right now. Asked ya a question, expectin’ a fuckin’ answer.” He pulled away, lying back on his bed with his hands under his head.

Leaving me wanting more.

Wanting everything.


“Didn’t you miss me?” I pouted, swaying my hips on his hard cock, causing him to chuckle. I wasn’t about to give up without a fight. I was relentless. I was getting my way, plain and simple.

Besides, he couldn’t stay mad at me. He never could.

“Creed? Mia?” Noah’s voice resonated through the door. “What the fuck are you doin’?” He loudly knocked.

“Fuck off! We’re busy!” Creed roared, never taking his eyes off me.

I shook my head, leaning forward to kiss him, but he stopped me, putting his index finger to my lips. “Not gonna ask you again, Mia.”

I sighed. I couldn’t explain my relationship with Noah as much as I couldn’t explain my relationship with him.

It was all so complicated.

So I simply stated, “Noah was just excited about finding out we’re having a girl. He got carried away. It doesn’t matter. Don’t you trust me?”

In one swift movement, he was on top of me, closing me in with his strong muscular arms. “How often does that little shit get carried away? I saw him eyein’ your tits. He get carried away with them, too? Don’t fuckin’ like it.”

“It’s not like that. I love you.”

“You love me so fuckin’ much, I’m the last to find out you’re havin’ a baby girl?”

“That’s not fair. My appointment was this afternoon. I knew you were riding home. Not like you could have come… Besides, you wouldn’t have heard my call anyway.”

He arched an eyebrow, calling my bluff. “Phone’s always on vibrate. Try again.”

I didn’t hesitate, blurting out, “I don’t know how all this works, Creed,” I honestly spoke for the first time, needing him to hear me and understand. “It’s new territory for me, too. I want my baby to have a father, and Noah has been there for all my appointments, he knows everything that’s going on. He seems invested in being a part of helping me raise her. We’re just getting to know each other so we can be the best parents to our baby. That’s all.”

“I respect the hell out of both of ya for that. But I’m gonna be just as much, if not more, a part of this baby girl’s life as he is. Ya feel me?”

I nodded, hearing him say that gave me the courage to ask what I needed to know the most. “I know you said you’re claiming me, but I don’t entirely understand what that means. Are you my boyfriend? Are we together?”

He kissed my lips, murmuring, “Not fuckin’ anyone else, Pippin. Haven’t in a while. Who’s my girl?”

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. He was always so crass and vulgar, but those were some of the things I loved the most about him. He spoke his mind, no matter what.

“I want to hear you say it. Not going to ask you again, Creed,” I mocked. Making him smile while he ran his nose from my chin to my collarbone, kissing all over my tender breasts.

“How you smell so fuckin’ good all the time? You’re my girl,” he reassured me, pulling down the front of my dress. “I lov—”

“Oh my God, babe! She just kicked,” I shouted, cutting him off. “Give me your hand. You need to feel this.” I grabbed ahold of his hand, placing it on my belly. “Say something, I think she likes your voice.”

My baby girl already loved him as much as I did.

He instantly looked up, glaring at something out in front of him, not paying me any mind. “Fuck!” he seethed, his demeanor quickly changing into the man who hid behind his cut.

I opened my mouth to say something but sounds of rapid-fire echoed all around the room, rendering me speechless. The glass windows shattered as each bullet ricocheted off the walls, landing on the ground below us. Within seconds, Creed sprang into action, rolling us off his bed while tucking my head against his chest. Trying to break our fall as he threw me onto the wood floor. Immediately shielding my body with his.

Shots continued to fill the air throughout their house, bullet casings falling all around us. I was terrified, I had never been so scared, but not for my life.

For my baby’s.

I gasped, finding it hard to breathe. How long was I out for this time? I was no longer in a moving vehicle, but in sturdy arms that were now carrying me to the unknown.

“No!” I yelled, trying to fight, but it came out more like a soft murmur.

“I’m not going to tell you again. Shut the bitch up!”

“Shhh…” the man carrying me repeated in the same tone as before. Calm and collected.

“Please, please let me go. I promise, I promise I won’t—” They were laying me down on what felt like a mattress and I instinctively, exhaustingly fought to get free. Kicking my legs, flailing my arms, clawing to escape from the men who were probably preparing to rape me.

Or worse, kill me.

“Enough,” a stern tone demanded, holding back my hands and pinning me to the bed. Slits of light shined through the blindfold that was still securely placed around my eyes.

“Please don’t hurt me. I’m pregna—” the familiar pain of a needle poking my thigh rendered me speechless. Tears ran down my heated cheeks as darkness took a hold of me all over again.



I clutched onto my stomach, screaming and crying out in agony. Convulsing in his arms. Something was wrong. The pain was blinding. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t see, all I could do was feel the excruciating stabs all over my abdomen. Crippling me in ways I never thought possible.

Creed pulled out his gun, sat up and returned fire.

“Ahhh!” I cried out, rolling over into a fetal position, my arms tightly wrapped around my baby.

Chaos erupted all around me, yet all I could comprehend and wrap my mind around was my baby was in danger.

I was there but I wasn’t.

It felt as though hours had gone by. The pain was getting more and more unbearable. Every last part of my body hurt, suffocating me and making

it hard to breathe. I choked on my words, overcome by fear of what was happening.

Was I losing my baby?

“Fuck! Baby, you okay?” I heard Creed yell out from above me. Pure panic laced in his tone.

“Creed, I can’t… she’s… it hurts…” I whimpered, barely speaking through the pain.

His bedroom door was suddenly kicked open, slamming against the adjacent wall. It vibrated deep within my core. For a split second, I thought this was how my life was going to end. The baby and I were going to die right here on the floor with Creed's arms wrapped around us. I couldn’t help but think about all the times he told me to stay away from him.

That he was no good for me.

I breathed out a sigh of relief when I heard Noah’s voice fill the small room, “Boys are coming! Ma’s in the steel pantry, she’s safe! Give her to me, Creed! I’ll take her to the basement!”

“The fuck you will! Cover me!” Creed picked me up off the floor, cradling me in his arms. I cringed from the sudden movement, on the verge of passing out. The pain was too excruciating to bear. Mentally begging him to stop. Pleading with him to leave me there.

I closed my eyes, coming in and out of consciousness until Creed gently laid me down onto a hard, cold surface. I slowly opened my eyes, seeing boxes all around me with a single name written on them all. Luke. A damp, stale smell assaulted my senses, causing a sudden wave of bile to rise in my throat.

“I’ll be right back. Do not move!” Creed demanded in a harsh stern tone.

“Creed… please…” I bellowed, shaking so damn hard. “Don’t leave me… please… please, I need you!”

I caught the panicked expression on his face. It was the first time I had ever seen worry radiate off his eyes and sear into my skin. He wasn’t even trying to hide it from me.

“Mia, you need to stay here. Protect our little girl, alright,” Noah chimed in, making me look over at him. It was only then I realized he was there too.

“Promise, baby. Be right back.” Creed kissed my forehead. Letting his lips linger there for a minute before releasing me. He stood up, taking his warmth with him.

The sound of bullets decorating their house echoed in the distance. They stood there, listening intently to all the rounds going off. One right after the other sounded with no pause in between.

“Stay with Mia—”

“Fuck you!” Noah interrupted. “You’re not goin’ up there alone. We can take them all out. The boys are on their way. Won’t be long.”


“Wasting fuckin’ time! Let’s go!”

Creed took one last look at me before returning to the violence that had always been his life. I understood it now more than ever. Everything he warned me about, all those times he pushed me away, his words repeating themselves over and over in my mind like a broken record.

I watched them leave with hooded eyes as they ascended back up the stairs, locking me in.

Where was I?

My grip tightened on my stomach, trying to steady the stabbing pain coursing throughout my entire abdomen. The pressure intensified with each second that passed, lying curled up on the concrete floor. Not only was my baby girl’s future hanging on the line, her daddy’s was too. Along with the man I couldn’t live without. All I could hear above were sounds of rapid gunfire, bodies hitting the floor with a thud, bullet casings littering the ground, and loud voices echoed in the air vents above, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. My heart beat uncontrollably in my ears. Pounding against my chest, taking over every last inch of my body.

I don’t know how much time went by when I felt a sudden rush of warmth seep beneath my dress, in between my legs.

I sucked in air until there was none left for the taking. My lungs feeling as though they were collapsing. There were no more tears for me to shed, no more prayers for me to plea, there was nothing left but darkness.

I didn’t know how long I was out when my eyes flickered open. The pain returned with a vengeance as I was being carried away.

“Creed?” I softly spoke, blinking away the haze and tears. Willing my eyes to stay open. “Please… save… her…” was the last thing I said.

I swear I could hear Creed yelling, he was coming for me, closing the space that separated us. It’s only then that I realized the strong arms that were holding me weren’t familiar. They weren’t Creed’s.

I couldn’t fight.

I couldn’t move.

I couldn’t speak.

Everything just faded to black.

I jerked awake, sitting straight up in the bed gasping for air. Immediately gripping my head between my hands, noticing the blindfold was no longer in place. I closed my eyes, desperately trying to catch my bearings. The dizziness had washed over me. Where was I? Who had taken me? Creed and Noah never talked to me about the MC, why was I dragged into something that had nothing to do with me?

The questions were endless.

I protectively placed my arms around my baby girl, when the realization hit me like a ton of bricks, I didn’t feel any pain like I had before. It was gone, replaced by my body’s own drowsiness holding me down. How much time had gone by since they took me? Was my baby okay now?

Nothing made sense.

As if sensing my panic, she kicked making her presence known, and I breathed out a huge sigh of relief as I stared around the bedroom. Taking in my surroundings, thinking I would find the answers written on the walls or something. There were two black nightstands, one on each side of the bed with a lamp placed on top. A long dresser in the corner of the room, and a chair strategically placed by my bed as if someone had been sitting there, waiting for me to wake up.

An eerie feeling swept through my body, like a cold gush of water hitting my overly-frenzied skin. I swallowed hard, continuing to let my eyes wander. The black curtains were closed, keeping the light from shining through, making the room have a soft, dim glow. It was easier on my eyes to get accustomed to the brightness, and for some reason, I knew someone had done that on purpose.

There wasn’t anything hanging on the white walls other than the flat screen TV in front of my bed. The room was small, but not entirely unpleasant. Under any other circumstances, I probably would have loved it in here. It reminded me of a bed and breakfast I’d seen in movies.

I shook off the thoughts, peering down at the bed, feeling the plush fabric of the duvet comforter under my fingertips, and comfy sheets beneath me. Pushing through the lightheadedness, I guided my legs to hang off the side of the bed. Setting my feet on the cold wood floor, I slowly stood, holding onto the bed as I made my way toward the door. I knew it wouldn’t be open, but it didn’t hurt to at least try. I turned the knob back and forth, wiggling it and just as I presumed, it was locked. I made my way over to the window next. Pulling back the curtains, causing the vivid sunlight to shine in, assaulting my sensitive eyes.

The windows were locked as well, with steel bars secured all around them. There was no way in hell I was getting out of this room unless they allowed it. That realization was the hardest pill to swallow.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed another door slightly ajar. Making my way over to it, I slowly pushed it open, revealing an en suite bathroom. Complete with all the toiletries I would need, laid out on the counter. I didn’t think twice about it, I rushed in, roughly tearing through the cabinets and under the sink, needing to find anything I could use to protect myself.

It was fight or flight time, and I refused to be a victim in this situation. I had to try to save my life and most importantly the life of my unborn child. It wasn’t just me anymore. I had to protect her at any cost.

“Yes!” I breathed out when I found a pair of scissors behind the toilet paper.

They were a bit rusted and not as sharp as I would have wanted, but they would do. I securely placed them in the back pocket of my jeans, noticing for the first time that someone had changed my clothes. I was wearing a tan, wool sweater with a white tank top

underneath it. My jeans fit perfectly, accommodating my swollen belly.

I abruptly stood up on trembling legs, confused by the turn of events. Taking a good hard look at myself in the mirror in front of me. Turning my head side to side preparing myself for the worst. To my surprise, there were no bruises on my face, neck, or chest. I ran my hands through my hair and took a closer look at my face. I was paler than usual, but I didn’t look any different than before. The fact that no one had harmed me was mind-blowing and too much for me to take in at that moment, but I continued to stare at the girl in the mirror.


I splashed some cold water on my face, brushed my teeth and took one last look at myself before I went back to bed. I couldn’t mentally or physically do a damn thing about the situation, but at least I was prepared to fight back when the time came.

So, I allowed my eyes to close and my body to sink into the mattress, aware of the cold metal on my back. Welcoming the darkness with open arms, allowing myself to slip back into dreams of the man I knew in my heart, would come and save me.

He grabbed my ankle, tugging me back toward him. Making me squeal. “Babe, if I want in. I’m gettin’ in,” Creed rasped, flipping me over in one quick, sudden motion. Kneeling on his bed, he hovered above me, locking my arms above my head. Holding me in place, he peered deep into my eyes and spoke with conviction, “This is how it’s gonna go down. I’m gonna angry fuck you now, and then you’re gonna beg me to make you come with that saucy, little mouth that never seems to know when to shut the fuck up. Yeah?”

“You wouldn’t dare,” I offered in a shaky voice, mostly because I wanted everything he just said.

“Try me.”

I smiled, cocking my head to the side, provoking him even more. “I’m sorry, but visiting hours are over. I’m afraid you will have to come back later when you can be a gentleman.”

He grinned, arching an eyebrow. Getting closer to my face, he started to kiss his way from the corner of my lips, down to my chin and neck. Working his way toward my breasts that were just as eager for his touch.

“Oh, I will be comin’, question is… will I let you.”

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