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Not-So Temporarily Married

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I took her face between my hands. “Because you are married to a U.S. citizen and more than likely have my baby growing in your belly.”


Rolling my eyes, I kissed her softly before murmuring, “Yeah, oh.”

Somewhere in my conscience, I registered the click of my office door, signaling my dad had left us alone.

My hands slid to her hips and I shifted her until she was straddling me. “But, just in case...”

Chapter 9


“Mmmm,” I moaned, waking up to the lash of Landon’s tongue on my clit. Lifting up onto my elbows, I peered down the bed and found him sprawled between my legs. His head was bent low, his light-brown hair mussed from me running my fingers through it the night before. We’d fallen into bed after spending the day moving my stuff from my apartment into Landon’s house. It wasn’t the lazy Sunday I’d been hoping for, but the shock of finding Spencer Teagan waiting in Landon’s office Friday afternoon made it clear we couldn’t wait very long without risking questions we didn’t want to answer. Since Landon had work that required his attention on Saturday, and our week was going to be jam packed, Sunday was our only viable option.

With a few more flicks of his tongue against my clit, I wasn’t thinking about how we’d spent our weekend anymore—I wasn’t capable of thinking about anything other than the zinging sensations running through my body.

“Morning,” he breathed against my sensitized skin. Then he swiped his tongue through my slick folds, making my hips buck upwards.

I threaded my fingers through his hair and rasped, “Please, Landon. Don’t tease me.”

He blew against my pussy, making me whimper in need, before thrusting his tongue into me. With his tongue, teeth and lips, he tortured me for another ten minutes until I couldn’t take it any longer.

“I need to come,” I pleaded.

“And I need to be inside you while you do,” he growled.

He didn’t waste a second, rising up on his knees, tilting my hips and plunging his cock into me. That was all it took, the feel of him deep inside sent me over the edge. He rode me hard while I shook beneath him, my pussy clenching tight. His head was buried in the crook of my neck and his hand gripped mine tight, his thumb rubbing against my rings as he often did when we made love.

“Come with me,” I urged.

He looked down at me with such intensity, his jaw flexing and his eyes filled with need. He slammed into me a few more times and followed me over the cliff, roaring my name. I stayed wrapped around him, his orgasm triggering a second one in me.

“So damn perfect,” he murmured against my lips, giving me a soft kiss before taking me with him as he rolled to his side.

“What a way to wake up,” I sighed, rubbing my cheek against his chest.

“Now that I’ve got you right where you belong, you can have all the mornings like this that you want. Finally.” He gave me a quick squeeze. “If you hadn’t been so damn stubborn, you would have been here months ago.”

I slapped him lightly on the arm. “You’re insufferable. And for the record, even if I had said yes to a date with you, way back when,” I drawled sarcastically. “I wouldn’t have been in your bed right away.”

“Are you sure about that?” He slid his finger down my spine, sending a trail of goosebumps in its wake.

“Impossible man,” I grumbled, since I couldn’t argue my point too hard because I wasn’t sure about it. How could I be when I’d fallen straight into his arms our very first night together?

“That’s what I thought.” His smug tone earned him an elbow in the side as I moved to get up and head to the bathroom. “Hey, I left something on the counter for you when I got up earlier.”

“You did?” I squealed, picking up the pace in my excitement to see what kind of surprise he had in store for me. The pink box wasn’t what I was expecting and was a major disappointment. I picked it up after using the toilet and getting cleaned up, and then marched back into the bedroom. “This is the something you left for me?”

He flashed me a quick grin, his eyes lowering to my belly and staying there—looking at me like he had x-ray vision and could see inside to the baby he was so damn certain he’d planted there. “Yeah, I thought you could take it this morning.”

“It’s too early,” I hissed.

“When is your period supposed to start?”

“My... what?” I sputtered.

“Your period,” he replied, as though it was the most normal thing in the world for us to be discussing. “I did some research, and you can test as early as five days before your missed period with that one. It’s the most sensitive over-the-counter test you can take.”

I should have known he wasn’t going to let it drop so easily, even though he hadn’t brought the tests up again over the weekend. It was kind of adorable how excited he was for me to pee on a stick, but I wasn’t quite ready to handle the confirmation of what I was starting to believe to be true. I needed a little more time while I adjusted to the idea of being Landon’s wife for longer than a couple years. Recalling the date of my last cycle, I did some quick math in my head and heaved a deep sigh of relief. Then, with my face filling with heat, I answered. “We have to wait until Saturday morning.”

“That’s basically the whole damn week,” he grumbled as he climbed out of bed and pulled on a pair of pajama pants that hung low on his hips.

I picked up the matching shirt and tossed it over my head, following him down the hall and into the kitchen. When I caught up to him, he was staring into the fridge with an adorable pout on his face. I couldn’t help but take pity on him, not when his disappointment was due to his excitement about the possibility of building a family with me. His enthusiasm was starting to grow on me. “How about I make you some of my famous blueberry pancakes? I can whip some up before we head in to the office. Will that make you feel better?”

“Definitely not better,” he chuckled. “Because I’d end up in the emergency room since I’m allergic to blueberries.”

“I’ll have to keep that in mind,” I teased, pulling ingredients out as the doorbell rang. “Who could that be so early in the morning?”

“Get to work, woman. You’ve got a man to feed.” He dropped a quick kiss on the top of my head and gave me a soft slap on the ass on his way to the door.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I yelped.

“Dammit,” he cursed, right before he yanked open the door. “I wasn’t expecting to see you again quite so soon.”

“I did say I’d be in touch.” The reply was said by a voice I was hoping not to hear for a good, long while. “I just didn’t say when, since the unexpected tends to work well for me when I’m investigating a marriage that could result in one of the parties getting citizenship.”

I left the kitchen and steeled myself f

or what was going to come next as I spied Landon at the door with our visitor. “Mr. Teagan, what a nice surprise.”

“Please, call me Spencer.”

“Not dressed like that she won’t,” Landon growled. “Would you mind giving us a moment while my wife goes and puts on something more appropriate?”

Landon’s tone of voice made it more than clear that he couldn’t care less if Spencer minded. He didn’t even give him time to answer as he dragged me out of the kitchen and into our bedroom to dig in the dresser. He yanked out an old pair of sweats I hadn’t worn since about my freshman year of college and tossed them at me.

“What are we going to do?” I whispered, quickly changing clothes.

Landon wrapped his arms around me and held me tight, giving me the comfort I needed to calm down and stop being so freaked out by the immigration officer’s surprise visit.

“There’s nothing to worry about, baby,” he rumbled softly. “We don’t have anything to hide.”

“But we do,” I cried softly, thinking about the reason we decided to run off and get married in the first place. Things had changed drastically since then, but it would be hard to explain it away if the truth ever came out.

“No we don’t, Zoe. You’re my wife, and nothing’s going to change that. Nobody has the power to take you away from me.”

“That man out there does! He could deny my case if he thinks our marriage is a sham,” I insisted.

“It’s not going to happen,” he reassured me, opening the door and nudging me through it. “But if worse comes to worse, we’ll just move to Canada and I’ll apply for citizenship there.”

“But your business? Your family? They’re all here.”

He stopped at the end of the hallway, turned towards me and cupped my cheeks in his palms. “Don’t you get it, Zoe? Nothing else matters without you.”

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