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Tis the Season for Love

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“Right,” I snorted. “Because that’s so much worse than dating the mom of one of Luke’s classmates?”

“I never—” Her face turned beet red and it looked like she was about to explode before she turned on her heel and stormed away.

“Geesh, do you have to put up with crap like that all the time? Who knew the elementary school was the busiest meat market in town.”

“I’ve made it damn clear that I’m not interested in dating, so most of the moms have left me alone.” He shrugged his broad shoulders, but didn’t let go of his hold on me. “Janice has been the exception to the rule, but hopefully that’ll change from now on.”

“Well, if you ever need someone to shield you from her again, I’m your girl,” I offered.

His dark eyes heated as they scanned my face. “Same time, same place, tomorrow?”

“Sounds perfect to me.”

“But that doesn’t mean you’re getting out of teaching me how to bake cookies today when you drop Tyler off to play with Luke.” His head tilted to the side. “You do know how to make them, right? Because if not, I might have to email Janice and tell her to sign me up for those paper plates after all.”

“Have you ever tried the cookies at Cake Walk?”

His brow wrinkled in confusion. “The bakery down the street? Of course I have. They have the best desserts in town.”

I flashed him a smug grin. “Then prepare to be wowed because that’s where I work.”

“Well, hell,” he mumbled as the bell rang and kids poured out of the school doors. “There you go, being even more perfect than before.”

Chapter Three


My heart sped up at the sound of the doorbell. Luke went streaking from the kitchen to answer it with Lucky, our cocker spaniel, flopping along behind him.

I rounded the corner into the entryway just in time to see two small sets of feet and four furry ones, disappear up the stairs.

Harley stood just inside the door, her arms full of plastic bags. She smiled a little shyly at me and it was adorable. I wanted to kiss those plump lips but I stifled the urge and instead, took the bags from her. “Let me take these.”

“I brought decorating supplies”—she grinned and rolled her eyes upward—“though that clearly didn’t pique Tyler’s interest in helping.”

“No problem. That just means I get a one-on-one cookie baking lesson from a gorgeous pro.”

Harley laughed and the sound mesmerized me for a moment before I shook it off. “Kitchen is this way.” Pivoting on my heel, I led her to the back of the house where I’d laid out all the ingredients and supplies according to her texted instructions. I set her bags on the only free space and then took her coat. I almost started drooling when my suspicions were confirmed about what was beneath those heavy layers.

She was wearing a soft, white sweater that clung to her high, full breasts and tapered down to her small waist. Her jeans showed off the flare of her hips, a tight ass, and long, long legs. Right then and there, I knew without a doubt that eventually I’d be squeezing that ass while those legs were wrapped around me. Grateful for the excuse of hanging up her coat, I hightailed it out of the room and took several deep breaths, adjusting the uncomfortable bulge in my pants. After a few minutes of thinking about anything boring and ugly, my hard on subsided and I was able to return to the kitchen.

Over the next couple of hours, she walked me through the process of making sugar cookies and I listened to every word. More because I was enchanted with the sound of her voice than in an interest to learn. I couldn’t keep my eyes from frequently straying to her curves. Damn she was gorgeous.

We cut the dough into Christmas shapes and started the process of shuttling them through the oven. She bent to slide in a tray, giving me a fantastic view of her ass and I licked my lips. When she stood and turned around, I dragged my eyes up and chuckled at the sight of powdered sugar streaked across her cheek.

“C’mere,” I encouraged, holding out my hand. She took it without hesitation and her brown eyes sparkled. “You’ve got something on your cheek.” Once I’d pulled her close, I leaned down and gave in to my urge, licking the sweet sugar from her skin. “Mmmm delicious.”

Her breath caught and her head reared back slightly, her eyes wide with surprise, but with a hint of intrigue. “I think these cookies aren’t the only thing that would taste amazing covered in frosting,” I murmured. Reaching to the side, I swiped my finger into the bowl of creamy goodness and tapped the tip of her nose before licking it clean. Her mouth fell open and I took advantage, smearing her lips then lowering my head to suck and kiss it off. When they were devoid of every drop, I slipped my tongue into her mouth and groaned in complete bliss. She tasted like the sweet, vanilla frosting, cinnamon, and something else intoxicating.

My hands splayed across her back, plastering her chest to mine. Her arms slowly caressed my body until they were circling my neck and she enthusiastically returned the kiss. I’d just taken hold of her ass and was about to lift her onto the counter when the clattering of feet running down the stairs broke the spell and we jumped apart. The boys barreled into the kitchen, heading straight for the bowl of frosting.

I was breathing hard and quickly spun toward the sink to hide my aroused state. Harley jumped into action, grabbing a spatula and lightly smacking Tyler’s hand before he could stick his finger in the bowl. “Only helpers get to sneak tastes.”

Tyler looked up at her with big, brown, puppy dog eyes and an overly exaggerated pout. Luke copied his expression and she threw her head back, laughing heartily.

“Okay, but wash your hands first and use a spoon. You each get one taste.” She waved a hand toward the spot on the counter we’d prepared for frosting the cookies. “If you help, I’ll let you guys lick the bowl.”

Both boys immediately perked up and pushed me aside to get to the faucet.

The oven beeped and Harley grabbed oven mitts and removed the tray, quickly replacing it with another. She avoided looking at me as she transferred the cookies from the tray to wax paper so they could cool.

Then she busied herself helping the boys pick out the decorating supplies they wanted to use. I sidled up behind her and laid my hand at her waist, giving it a gentle squeeze. Bending low, I whispered in her ear, soft enough that only she would hear. “This isn’t over, beautiful.” A shiver ran through her body when my lips brushed along the shell of her ear and I grinned.

We focused on the boys, and it took another couple of hours to get the cookies done. It was time for dinner when we finished, but Harley declined our invitation to join us, saying their parents were waiting on them.

I didn’t have another moment alone with her, so I made sure to covertly touch her any time I could. When they were bundled up and ready to walk out the door, I gave her a meaningful look and longingly dropped my eyes to her pink lips for a moment. It was hard to let her go without getting another taste, but it wasn’t the right time.

“Tomorrow?” I asked softly. Her cheeks blushed pink and she nodded before scurrying out the door and rushing to her car to get out of the cold.

For the next three weeks, I was tortured with seeing her each weekday at school. Unable to touch her or get any time alone with her. Tyler and Luke had a few more play dates, but she didn’t stay when she dropped him off which meant I didn’t get the chance to do more than sneak in a quick kiss before she left. My constant state of need was making me edgy and having a negative effect on my Christmas cheer.

I tossed and turned every night, my bed suddenly seeming too empty and my dreams full of our naked, writhing bodies.

The more I got to know her, the more I was convinced she was meant to be mine. Luke adored her, and she’d even charmed Lucky into following her around worshipfully whenever she was here. She belonged in my house, in my bed, permanently.

I just had to come up with a plan to sweep her off her feet and convince her of the same thing.

Chapter Four


“I’m so glad I was able to drag you out of the house,” I exhaled as I plopped down onto a chair, slurped at my smoothie, and tried to focus on my best friend who I missed terribly—and also tried to stop thinking about David and how I was already falling for him. Hard. “It’s been way too long since we last had H’s united time. I miss you.”

I grinned at Holly when we simultaneously lifted our pinky fingers and locked them together, just like we’d been doing ever since we’d come up with the silly nickname back in kindergarten almost thirteen years ago.

“I miss you, too,” she whispered. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a recluse lately.”

“Hey.” I reached for her hand. “It’s not like I don’t understand why. I just wish you’d let me be there for you, especially at this time of year when I know you’re missing her more than ever.”

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