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Baby Daddies: A Me, Myself & I Collection

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“Feel what?” My eyes drifted shut as he pulled my body into his and stroked his hand over my belly.

“We made another baby tonight. I know we did,” he swore. “I bet it’s a boy to help me take care of you girls.”

It turned out that Trace was half right—he’d gotten me pregnant again...but it was another baby girl for him to worry over.

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Her Boss’s Baby

Elle Christensen



In my opinion, there was a clear difference between a vagina and a pussy. Being an OBGYN, it was my job to know the vagina better than most women. It may not have seemed like there was a distinction between the two, but when you spend every day probing women’s southern region, it became very clear.

Vaginas are meant for bodily functions, babies, and other practical purposes.

Pussies are meant to be fucked. Tongue fucked. Finger fucked. Just plain old fucked.

Not that I’d been all that familiar with pussies as of late. Longer than I cared to admit in order to continue being a card-carrying member of the male race.

Over the last six months though, I’d become obsessed with pussy. Well, one pussy in particular.

Aubrey Tucker’s, to be exact.

I’d been on a campaign to get her to go on a date with me since the day we met. Being my administrative assistant, she’d continually refused me with the excuse that she couldn’t date her boss.

It was complete bullshit, and we both knew it. But, I’d been patient (despite my worry that I would drop dead from a terminal case of blue balls) and given her time to accept the undeniable chemistry between us. To admit what I’d known from the moment we met.

Aubrey was mine.

And her time was up.

Chapter One


The door to the office opened, and butterflies erupted in my stomach as Nash walked in.

He smiled when he spotted me at my desk and the butterflies, along with the rest of my insides, melted. “Aubrey,” he greeted in his deep, smooth baritone. All the molten heat suddenly rushed to my core, and I squirmed on my seat. Nash’s smile grew, his green eyes not missing a thing.

It’d been practically impossible to hide anything from Nash in the six months that I’d worked for him. He always seemed to be hyper-aware of me, and I swore sometimes he could read my mind. It was disconcerting. If it were anyone else, the way he watched me would be considered sexual harassment. But, I couldn’t deny that it made me all warm and tingly inside. Still, I was determined to do nothing about it. He was my boss, for crying out loud. It was inappropriate.

Nash sauntered by my desk, setting down a cup of coffee on his way and my eyes glued to his very tight derrière until it disappeared into his office. I sighed and shook my head at myself. Ogling him was not helping. It only fueled his ego whenever he caught me, and he doubled his efforts to convince me to give in to the crackling chemistry between us.

Since the day of my interview, Nash had shown a more profound interest in me than any other guy I’d ever met. I’d just graduated from college with my business degree and decided to expand my job search beyond San Diego, where I’d grown up. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my education, so the job description of administrative assistant/office manager appealed to me as a temporary gig. I’d dressed professionally in a black pencil skirt that ended just above my knees, a silky white blouse, and a fitted, black suit jacket. I’d gone back and forth over professional footwear and something a little ostentatious. The truth was, shoes were my obsession (until I met Nash…). Eventually, I gave in and chose a pair of five-inch heels that were mostly black but had the look of a saddle shoe on the toe. I swept my shoulder-length curls into a French twist, added diamond studs to my ears, and applied a light touch of makeup. Standing in the mirror, I looked myself over before nodding with satisfaction. Then I drove up to Malibu Hills to meet with Dr. Nash Mason, a well-known OBGYN throughout the country.

I figured that there were going to be many applicants who were more qualified than I was, but it would be good interview experience. Except…the interview was anything but ordinary.

When I entered the office, the desk out front was empty, and I wasn’t sure what to do. There was an open door behind it, but all I could see were a set of chairs, presumably facing a desk out of sight, and a large picture window with a view of the ocean.

“Come into the office.” The sound of the hidden voice immediately set my skin sizzling with energy. I sucked in a breath and shook out my arms, trying to toss it off. “I don’t have all day, Ms. Tucker.” He sounded slightly irritated, but even more, he sounded stressed and harried. I hightailed it to the door, wanting to make a decent first impression. At the threshold, I stopped short and swallowed so hard I was afraid he could hear it.

Behind a large, oak desk sat one of the most beautiful men I’d ever seen. He had thick, messy blond hair that was just a little too long. A square face with a strong jaw, a straight nose, and lips that were thin but still looked soft and kissable. I couldn’t see the rest of his body, only his torso, but he filled out the blue, button-down shirt very nicely. Not overly muscular, more like toned, and I wondered if he was an athlete. Then his head lifted, and I got my first glimpse at jade green eyes that were emphasized by thick blond lashes and sun-kissed skin. And, holy hell, he was wearing rectangular, black-framed reading glasses. I prayed that the blush I was feeling didn’t show on my face because I was pretty sure I would die of embarrassment if he knew how wet I was.

He sat back and removed the glasses, setting them on the paperwork in front of him. When his gaze performed a similar once-over, lingering on my lips and legs, a slow burn ignited in my sex. Yeah, there was no hiding the heat engulfing my face at that point, and when Dr. Mason’s eyes darted to my cheeks, a slow smile grew on his face. I fervently wished for a black hole to open beneath my feet and swallow me.

“Have a seat, Ms. Tucker.” He gestured to the chairs in front of his desk, and I quickly walked to one and lowered myself onto the sturdy wooden chair. His eyes immediately dropped once again, and I looked down to see what had caught his attention. Despite the length when I was standing, my tight skirt had ridden up when I sat and crossed my legs, revealing a good portion of my thighs. My breath got stuck in my chest and I shifted, uncrossing my legs and tugging my skirt back into place. When I dared to peek at his face, he looked disappointed and didn’t bother to hide it.

After a moment, he cleared his throat and picked up a sheaf of papers, straightening them and tapping the bottom on the desktop before setting them back down. “Let’s get started.”

I nodded, not trusting my voice to stay level and not squeak when I spoke.

He kept his head down as he asked me a few standard questions about school and my work experience, scratching a pen across the paper on top of the stack. I answered as calmly as I could and gave myself a mental pat on the back for the normal tone of my voice. Then he paused and set the writing utensil down before running a hand through his unruly locks and looking back at my face. His green eyes were full of fire and what seemed like hunger. I felt a shift in the atmosphere around us. The air was suddenly thick with tension, and the heat in his gaze warmed me all over.

“Are you currently dating anyone?”

“Uh…um,” I stammered, stunned by the abrupt turn in the conversation, not to mention the inappropriate nature of the question. “I don’t see how that’s relevant.”

His eyes narrowed a fraction, and he leaned back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest. “Answer the question, Aubrey,” he commanded.

“I’m single,” I found myself answering, even though I knew I should nip this line of questioning in the bud. Something moved across his face but it was gone in a flash. It had looked like…satisfaction?

“You’ll be moving to Malibu?” he inquired next.

“If I get the job.”

He nodded resolutely. “Good. I’ll need you close. We’ll be together a lot.”

I cocked my head to the side and asked curiously, “Do you have a lot of late nights and weekend work as an OBGYN?” I felt like an idiot after I asked the question. The guy delivered babies for a living. They didn’t exactly keep a schedule. “I meant, do you have a need for me in the off hours. When you’re delivering babies?”

“Yes,” he stated, his face deadpan. “I’ll need you.”

I waited for him to expound but he stayed silent, his penetrating gaze still trained on me. I wondered if working for this guy was a good idea. The heat sizzling between us would be a distraction and could be very stressful to ignore.

Then he spouted a salary that had my head spinning, as well as offering to cover the cost of moving. It’s not like I was so shallow that the money would completely sway me. But, damn. It was a lot, and I had student loans on top of my other life expenses. Plus, it was a good job and had great benefits. Still, I hesitated.

Nash raised a single brow as he watched me steadily. “If the money doesn’t do it, what can I do to convince you to take the job, Aubrey?” Just the way he said my name had goosebumps trailing over my skin.

“Our relationship would have to be strictly professional, Dr. Mason.” His eyes darkened at the title, and I glanced away, afraid of getting lost in them.

He ran a hand through his hair before settling his arms across his chest again. I tried like hell to ignore the way the position showed off the toned muscles in his arms. Then he shrugged. “No.” I gaped at him; sure I’d heard him wrong. What the hell? He grinned and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk. “Are you afraid you won’t be able to resist me?” he asked smugly.

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