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For You, I Will (Sex and Vows 2)

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Chapter 7


Sitting in the back of a town car, cuddled against Isaac’s side, I wasn’t paying much attention to the route the driver was taking until I noticed we’d passed the beltway on the completely wrong side of the city. “Did we need to stop somewhere else before heading to the airport?” I as

ked worriedly. “If so, I think we’re going to be late.”

We’d already been cutting it closer than I liked, considering what security was like at BWI, and the last thing I wanted was for us to miss our flight. I had a feeling that if we did, I was never going to get another chance to do what needed to be done in the Cayman Islands. It had been hard enough to get Isaac to agree the first time around, and I wasn’t willing to keep what I’d learned at my doctor’s appointment yesterday from him much longer—and then he was bound to become unbearably overprotective.

“Don’t worry, Sunshine. He’s taking us to Martin instead.”

“Martin?” I repeated. “I thought they only had corporate and private planes there.”

His fingers tightened around mine, a sure sign he was about to say something I wasn’t going to appreciate. “I booked us a charter flight.”

A private flight to the Cayman Islands would sound like an incredibly romantic thing for him to do, except that I wasn’t a big fan of flying. The thought of being stuck on a smaller plane for five and a half hours, going over a huge body of water? It was enough to make me feel like I was going to hyperventilate. “A charter flight,” I gulped.

“It’ll be okay, Eden,” he assured me. “I’ll be right next to you the entire time. And since it’s a private flight, I can think of several ways to distract you while we’re in the air.”

I cocked my head and narrowed my eyes while staring him down, trying not to give him any indication of the thrill his suggestion sent racing through my veins. “Fair warning, you might have to work hard to divert my attention away from the fact that I’ll be flying across the country and over part of an ocean in a much smaller tin can than I’d planned on.”

“I’ll give you hard all right,” he rumbled in my ear. “Hard orgasms, followed by a rock hard cock in your tight little pussy.”

“Private plane it is then,” I agreed, something I quickly started to regret once we’d made it through the airport and were boarding the jet he’d booked for our flight. It was bigger than I’d expected when he’d said it was a charter, but still smaller than anything I ever wanted to fly on. It wasn’t long after the pilot had informed us we were at our cruising altitude that Isaac was unsnapping both our seat belts. I stiffened in alarm, but not because I was worried about us being caught doing something naughty since we didn’t have a flight attendant. Flying without my belt buckled only intensified my fear.

“I’d grab you a drink to help settle your nerves,”—his statement didn’t help my nerves, actually making them worse—“but I have something even better in mind.”

His hand slid up my thigh, slipping under my skirt and nudging my panties to the side. My head dropped back against my seat as I moaned.

“Your pussy feels so good. Hotter than ever,” he murmured against my lips as he slowly circled my clit with his thumb. “And so damn wet.”

His fingers slipped through my wetness as he moved them towards my entrance before thrusting two inside me.

“Please,” I mewled, my hips bucking upwards to chase his fingers as he moved them in an out.

He dropped to his knees in front of me, and I was incredibly grateful for the layout of the private plane because he had enough room to maneuver as he shoved my skirt up high and ripped my panties from my body. Then he lifted one of my legs over his shoulder and dipped his head to flick at my clit with his tongue.

“Isaac,” I moaned, sliding my fingers through his dark hair and gripping it tightly. Then he sucked my clit into his mouth while twisting his wrist with his fingers inside, and a powerful orgasm crashed over me. His fingers and tongue worked to lengthen my climax, until I was a trembling mess staring down at him with a half-smile on my face because I didn’t have the energy to manage a full one.

After cleaning me up with a tissue, he smoothed my skirt back over my thighs and climbed onto his seat. I yawned widely, resting my head on his shoulder as a miracle occurred—I fell asleep on the plane and didn’t wake up until we’d landed safe and sound at the airport in Grand Cayman. After making it through customs, we stopped at a little café for lunch before heading over to Cayman National Bank for our appointment.

Isaac had managed to book our appointment with the branch manager, which meant we were in an office and not one of the cubicles out front. My admiration for my husband grew by leaps and bounds as he deftly maneuvered the bank employee into letting me stay in the office while they went to look at the safety deposit boxes. I didn’t let him know that his excuse about my nausea wasn’t pretend because my stomach really was turning. Between the flight this morning and my nerves going apeshit over what I was about to do, I was surprised I didn’t have to use the trash can under the desk to puke.

Keeping every sense on alert, I slipped around the desk I’d been sitting in front of and knelt down. I shook the mouse to wake up the computer, then quickly plugged in my small drive. Their system was password protected, and hacking it would have taken way too long, so I’d written the bug to open a backdoor to their system so I could hack it remotely. It would kick in the next time anyone logged in.

It was a good thing I hadn’t had to stop and be sick since that would have used up time I wouldn’t have had. I’d barely managed to pull my thumb drive out of the USB port, and return to my seat, before his secretary peeked her head into the office to ask me if I needed anything. I waved her off with a grimace and rubbed my tummy. She gave me a sympathetic smile and then logged into the system to print out some paperwork for us in case we decided to open an account with them. I contained my triumph until she’d left me alone, but then a huge smile split my face and I punched my fist into the air. I’d done it! I might have broken into a happy dance if Isaac and the manager hadn’t reappeared.

Isaac took the paperwork and shook the man’s hand, informing him that we would be in touch. Then he ushered me out of the bank and into our waiting limo. He slid in beside me and glowered at me. “I hope you were able to get it done because we this was your only shot.”

Cocking my head to the side, I winked at him. “Who do you think you’re dealing with, Mr. Harvey? Of course I pulled it off!” He looked a little relieved, but I could tell he still wasn’t completely calm after the whole ordeal.

I didn’t lose my grin until we were back on the plane and in the air again. I’d wanted to at least spend the night on the island, but Isaac had insisted this be a quick turnaround. He didn’t want to run the risk of anything going wrong and me landing myself in a Grand Cayman jail. Apparently, he figured he would have a better chance arguing against an extradition if the worst case scenario came about. Luckily, for both of us, it went smooth as silk—right up to the point when I found myself in the familiar position of praying to the porcelain goddess on the plane.

“That’s it,” he growled, after he’d helped me to my feet and back to our seats. “First thing tomorrow morning, you’re going back to the doctor’s office and I’m going to be right by your side this time. I never should have let you go without me. No court appearance is worth more than your health.”

Mid-flight on a charter plane wasn’t how I’d pictured sharing my big news, but I’d held off for a full day already and didn’t want to wait any longer. I’d barely been able to keep myself from spilling the beans last night when he’d been so damn certain he’d knocked me up after I’d ridden him to an incredible orgasm. Isaac and I didn’t keep secrets from each other, so it was killing me to hold out this long. Butterflies swirled in my belly as I took a deep breath. “Umm—” I mumbled. “Yeah, about that. I actually have a follow-up appointment next month.”

A hint of fear filled his eyes. “A follow-up appointment in a month? I thought you said your illness was temporary?”

“I wouldn’t say illness, exactly,” I murmured, reaching up to cup his cheeks in the palms of my hands. “And nine months is temporary.”

“Nine months?” he breathed out, his hand dropping down to my belly. “We did it? We’re having a baby?”

“Yes,” I cried, tears of joy streaming down my cheeks. Nothing was going to ruin this moment, not even the dawning realization in his eyes that I’d deliberately kept the news from him. I refused to feel badly about it since it had only been one day, especially since there was no way he would have let me go if he’d known about the pregnancy—and he was going to want to keep me in bubble wrap from this point until after the baby was born.

Chapter 8


Long after we’d returned home and Eden fell asleep, curled up against me, I hugged her naked body close and stared at the ceiling.

A baby.

I was still processing everything, but the most prevalent emotion was joy. It consumed me and washed away my irritation at Eden’s delay in sharing the news. For the most part. Only when I let my mind wander to all of the worst case scenarios that could have happened on our trip, did my anger rear its ugly head. For both our sakes, I pushed it away and focused on the fact that I was finally getting everything I’d ever dreamed of. My sexy little wife would soon be round with my child and I couldn’t fucking wait to see it.

I was going to have to figure out how to boot Eden off of this case. Something about it had been bothering me since the beginning, and I was only becoming more and more concerned over the danger she could be involving herself in. As soon as she got into the bank records, I’d have to come up with a way to distract her. When the perfect idea hit me, I almost jackknifed up in bed with excitement. Luckily, I caught myself right before I did it and would have knocked Eden off of me, jarring her awake. She needed her rest. A huge smile broke across my face.

She was carrying my baby.


“Holy shit!”

I almost dropped my head down to bang it on my desk when Eden’s exclamation rang out from her office. A client was in mine and he looked towards the sound, before turning back to me with raised eyebrows.

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