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From This Day Forward (Sex and Vows 3)

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Normally, I didn’t stick out like a sore thumb in a crowd. Although, at six foot three and two hundred pounds of solid muscle, I could be a little intimidating. I was also rocking the scruffy look since it wouldn’t be long before I’d be trimming it all off and headed to Officers Candidate School. But, that day as I entered the classroom, I felt like an alien on Earth. The college lecture hall was filled with mostly women, though a few guys were scattered about. I hated to stereotype, but let’s face it, they were pretty nerdy. You’ll understand what I meant later in the story.

When a few heads turned my way, whispers began floating around and suddenly, I stood frozen in the doorway as every eye was aimed at me.

This couldn’t be my class. Admittedly, Georgia State was a big school, but by the time you reached your last semester in the Business Economics program, you expected to see a lot of familiar faces. I didn’t recognize anybody. I started to retrieve my schedule, but stopped when I glanced at the smartboard at the head of the room.

Orientation to Early Childhood Education.

Now the nerd reference made sense, right? As did the extreme ratio of men to women. Again, not to stereotype, but the reality was, Early Childhood Education tended to have a higher percentage of women graduates. As soon as I realized I was in the wrong class, I pivoted to exit, but once again found myself frozen.

The most brilliant green eyes I’d ever seen were staring at me curiously from the back row of the hall. Long, wavy, light brown hair framed a sweetly rounded face, with prominent cheekbones. Her full lips were tilted up in a tiny smirk. Our gazes collided and she raised a single eyebrow, her smirk growing.

Rather than succumb to embarrassment, which I was sure she was expecting, I returned her expression. The apples of her cheeks dusted with red, and I couldn’t help grinning widely. The seat next to her was miraculously empty, so I took the two steps to her row and slid into the chair desk.

“I’m Quinn Evans,” I told her quietly.

“I think you’re in the wrong class,” she whispered back. Her voice was like sweet honey, and I was instantly hard and salivating for a taste.

“Nope,” I disagreed with a shake of my head. “I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”

Surprise flitted across her delicate features. “In Early Childhood Education?”

My eyes dropped to her pink, plump lips for a moment before lifting back to her green gems. “If that’s where you are.”

She tilted her head to the side, her long curtain of satiny hair falling over her shoulder and resting on her full, perky tits.

“You don’t even know me.”

Unable to resist the temptation of her pale, creamy skin, I ran the back of my hand down her soft cheek. “Not your name, but I knew you the second I laid eyes on you.”

“You can’t possible know anything about me!” she scoffed.

I cupped her face in my palms and stared into those green depths, seeing the other half of my soul.

“I know you’re mine. That’s all I need to know.”

The morning sunlight streamed through my apartment window, making Jenna’s skin glow where it slashed across her bare back. I wanted to trail my fingers down the path of her spine and savor the feel of her silky skin. But, I didn’t want to wake her. There was too much to do to get everything ready.

The first day I met her, I’d badgered her into meeting me for dinner that night. Spending time with her only strengthened my belief that she was put on this earth to be with me. Most men would have my balls for what happened next, but I had no fucks to give. We’d been on three dates when I told her that I loved her. She’d thrown her arms around me and yelled that she loved me too.

After a month of dating, we went away for a weekend and finally made love. It was her first time and it was the most amazing experience of my life. We spent the whole weekend in bed.

When we returned, she went back to her dorm to work on a paper and I had a test to study for. We agreed to meet up the next day but after barely a half hour in bed, I knew it wasn’t going to work. I went to her room, snuck in her window and packed her a bag. Then I went into the front room where she was studying, threw her over my shoulder, and took her home. She’s been living with me ever since, though we’d kept it quiet so she wouldn’t lose her spot in housing.

I didn’t know how I was going to leave her behind. OCS was only twelve weeks, but I didn’t know where I’d be sent after that. She still had three years of college left, and I refused to be the reason she didn’t graduate and become a kindergarten teacher.

It was shredding me inside, knowing how long I’d have to wait before marrying her. But, I wasn’t about to leave without the whole fucking world knowing she was all mine. Forever.

The buzz of my phone vibrating on the nightstand drew my attention away from the gorgeous woman sleeping in my bed. I shifted to a sitting position and swung my legs over the side before grabbing it and checking the text.

Weston Davis: My sister isn’t in her dorm room this morning. She better not be with you at the ass crack of dawn, Evans. Or you’re going to report to OCS with a broken jaw.

I rolled my eyes and typed out a quick response.

Me: Bring it, Spook. And don’t forget the cake.

Weston was Jenna’s older brother. He’d joined the CIA recently and had been training at the farm. But, the timing had fallen just right, and he was home for Jenna’s birthday. And, in a surprising twist, it happened to be my birthday as well.

She was nineteen today, and I was twenty-two. Our age difference hadn’t affected our whirlwind romance, other than the fact that I had just graduated and Jenna was about to start summer classes for her sophomore year.


I shook off the melancholy mood that was trying to settle over me. Standing, I stretched, then took a shower and got ready for the day.

Jenna finally wandered out of the bedroom just as I was placing a platter of French toast on the table, next to eggs, bacon, and strawberries.

Her hair was adorably mussed, her green eyes sleepy, her lips still rosy and kiss swollen from the night before. She’d slipped on one of my T-shirts, and it fell halfway to her knees, exposing plenty of delicious leg. I suddenly regretted my clothing choice. My jeans had no give, and I felt as though I was going to bust through the zipper.

“Hey there, gorgeous,” I said softly, holding my arms open wide. She walked right into them and hugged me tight, nuzzling her face in my smattering of dark chest hair. “Happy Birthday.”

“Mmmm, you too,” she hummed before smacking a few kisses up my chest and neck. Her head fell back, her lips puckered, and I laughed before lowering my own to take her mouth in a deep, drugging kiss.

My hands bunched my shirt at her back, tugging her even closer. I let go of the fabric after a minute and moved my hands down to the backs of her thighs, lifting until her legs circled my waist. My palms slid up to cup her naked ass, and I groaned.

I flipped around and swiftly made my way into the living room and over to the couch. I sat down, with her straddling my lap, and whipped the shirt over her head. Her tits were covered in marks from last night’s sextivities, and I couldn’t help but grin at the sight of them. Possession slammed into me, fueling my lust as I sucked one wine colored nipple into my mouth.

Jenna’s hands found purchase on my shoulders and her nails dug into the bare skin, her lower body beginning to undulate. I switched to the other breast and reached down to unzip my jeans and ease out my cock.

She eagerly rose onto her knees, and I let her nipple go with a pop so I could watch as she slowly sunk down on me. Jenna had gone on the pill a few weeks after we started dating and every time I felt the unfettered warmth and satiny walls clamping down on my dick, I sent a prayer of thanks to the person who invented it.

“Quinn!” Jenna squeezed her inner muscles and moaned.

“Fuck, baby,” I growled in ecstasy. “This sweet, tight pussy feels even more amazing every time we fuck.” I kissed her hard, then leaned back a little, resting my hands lightly on her hips. “Ride me, birthday girl.”

She started to move up and down smoothly, her eyes locked with mine. But I wanted her wild and abandoned. It was the most beautiful sight. I swiftly raised a hand and brought it down hard on her ass. She cried out and her head dropped back, her hips speeding up a little.

“Should I give you your nineteen birthday spankings, baby?” My voice was low and gravely as I clenched my muscles and tried to keep my orgasm at bay. I spanked her opposite cheek, and she began to lift and fall sporadically. Her tits were bouncing merrily in my face, and I lavished them with attention while finishing up her spankings.

By the time I was done, she was bucking like a fucking cowgirl on a mechanical bull and screaming my name over and over. I ached like a son of a bitch, my cock desperate to explode. Slipping a hand between us, I pinched her hard little clit and she tensed before blowing apart.

Her pussy pulsed around me, milking my cock and drawing my orgasm to the surface. In a flash, I flipped us over, so her back was on the couch and I hovered over her. I began to hammer into her, making sure to angle just right so I hit that sensitive little spot inside her with every thrust. My hands groped her full tits, kneading them and plucking at the nipples.

“Come again, Jenna,” I growled. “I want to feel your pussy clenching my cock and sucking up every drop of my orgasm. Fuck yes!” I shouted as she bore down, and I came so hard I saw stars.

Later, I reheated breakfast, and we fed it to each other around kisses. Eventually, I covered her pussy in syrup and ate my favorite morning meal before fucking her on the table.

We finally made it to the shower where Jenna dropped to her knees and gave me the best fucking birthday present ever.

I’d told her that her parents agreed to let me take her to dinner for her birthday as long as we stopped by there first. When we arrived, the door swung open wide and all of her friends and family yelled “Surprise!” causing her to stumble backwards into my arms.

Once she was steady, she twisted around and kissed the fuck out of me, right there on the front steps of her parents’ house.

“Thank you,” she mumbled against my lips.

“You’re so welcome, baby.”

We didn’t have another moment alone for the next few hours and at one point, I slipped away from the party to speak with her dad in private. After our conversation, I shook his hand and we walked back to the dining room where her mother was just setting out a pink, three-tiered cake with a cluster of white roses at the top.

I breathed a little sigh of relief at the sight. I couldn’t figure a way to slip out and get the cake without Jenna catching on, so I’d reluctantly asked Weston for his help. Though, I didn’t explain the true importance of the cake, I threatened to force-feed him his own balls if he didn’t get the right one. I’d had the cake custom made for my girl.

Carol, Jenna’s mom, plucked the flower cluster from the top and handed it to her daughter before starting to slice the cake. I walked up behind Jenna and slipped my arms around her waist. She laid her head on my shoulder and looked up at me with a smile.

“Thank you for an incredible birthday.”

“I hope it’s about to be even better,” I murmured. “Is there something in those flowers?”

Jenna quirked up her mouth into a knowing half-smile. “Always up to something,” she joked. Turning to the bouquet in her hands, she looked closely, then stuck her fingers between a few of them and pulled out a little velvet bag.

Her gasp drew everyone’s attention and the room fell silent. Opening the little pouch, she emptied the contents into her hand. A three carat, cushion-cut halo diamond ring fell into her palm.

With my hands on her hips, I guided her around to face me and got down on one knee.

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