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From This Day Forward (Sex and Vows 3)

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“I know. I know,” I sighed. “You can be all macho later, after I’ve explained everything.”

I had a feeling macho was going to be an understatement if the test turned up positive. I’d seen how my brother was with Aspen when she was pregnant with their daughter, Willow. I was willing to bet Quinn was going to be just as bad—if not worse—with me.

I leapt from my car and raced towards the building as soon as I pulled into a parking spot and killed the engine on my car. If I didn’t move fast, Quinn would beat me downstairs before I could make it up to the Gray Security offices. Luckily, the guards knew me and waived me through.

“Seriously, I’m already headed to the elevator. Stay where you are. I’m coming to you.”

“Fine,” he grumbled. “But I’ll be waiting for you when you get here.”

“Like I ever expected you to do otherwise,” I snorted.

My phone’s signal always sucked on the elevator in this building, and today was no exception. The call cut out the moment the doors shut in front of me. I watched the number of each floor light up, and it felt like it was taking forever. By the time they slid open again, and I saw Quinn standing there, I was a nervous wreck. His dark eyes scanned me from head to toe, and his muscular frame seemed to relax slightly when he found me in one piece.

“Whose ass do I need to kick for upsetting you?”

“Yours,” I hissed, darting a glance at the receptionist, Jessa. Her head dropped low as soon as our eyes met, and I would have made a point to go talk to her except I had more urgent business with my fiancé. “We need to talk. In private. Now.”

“What the hell, Jenna?”

I shoved the bag full of pregnancy tests into his hand and waited for him to look inside. His entire face lit up when he realized what they were. And what they meant for us.

He didn’t freak out like I had. Why would he when his tuxedo would still fit him perfectly? Instead, he led me past Jessa and into Xander’s office.

“We need to use your private bathroom,” Quinn barked at his boss, shaking the drug store bag.

Xander’s eyes darted from Quinn, to the bag, and then to my belly. The man was way too smart for his own good because he immediately figured it out and grinned, gesturing to the door. “Sure. Go ahead. It’s open on this side.”

Quinn didn’t give me the chance to offer Xander more than a quick hello before he nudged me into the bathroom and slammed the door behind us.

“Holy crap!” I squeaked, taking in my surroundings. The bathroom was huge, with travertine flooring, cream painted walls, a cream and gold swirled counter, and an enormous shower, the tiles made to match the floor. There was a bench against the wall next to the door, and before I knew what was happening I was sitting on it with Quinn kneeling at my feet. Due to his six-foot-three frame, it left us at eye level with each other.

“Are you pregnant?”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged my shoulders helplessly. “I think I might be since my period was supposed to come yesterday and none of my pants fit me right.”

“Fuck, yeah,” he breathed out, making me narrow my eyes at him.

“Why don’t you seem the least bit surprised by this?”

“Worry about that later.” He dug through the bag and pulled out a pink box. After scanning the front and back of the package, he nodded and ripped it open. “It says you can get results up to six days sooner than your missed period with this one. Go pee on it.”

“Fine,” I huffed, scooting around him to use the toilet. It was a good thing it was in a little alcove off to the side, with a door, or else we would have ended up in an argument because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pee in front of him and there was no way I’d get him to agree to step out of the room.

I did my business as quietly as possible, and after I was done, I set the test on the counter and washed my hands. Quinn came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my belly and pulling me close. His scruffy chin rested on the top of my head, and his eyes were glued on the test. I was as anxious to know the results as he was, but I couldn’t tear my gaze away from his reflection in the mirror. I watched as his dark eyes filled with so much emotion—love, excitement, determination—and I knew. The test was positive. We were pregnant.

“C’mon,” he growled, gripping my hand in his tightly as he tugged me towards the door opposite the one we’d come through before. He threw it open and practically dragged me across the mats on the floor of the workout room.

“Where are we going?”

“The courthouse.”



Jenna tugged on my hand and dug her heels in an effort to slow my progress.

“Quinn!” she snapped. I stopped abruptly and spun around, pulling her into my embrace.

“This isn’t up for discussion, baby. You’re pregnant with our kid, and you’re going to be my wife right now.” My tone made it clear I expected no argument. I swung her up into my arms and continued striding from the room and over to the elevator.

“Quinn, be reasonable,” she pleaded. “Our wedding is less than three months away. I’ll barely even be showing by then! And, if we run off to the courthouse and get married, my mother will kill you.”

I growled in frustration as we stepped onto the elevator and the doors swooshed closed

. “Reasonable? Jenna, I’ve waited five very long years to marry you. My reserve of patience is empty.”

She sighed. “Put me down, please.” I could hear the adorable pout in her voice and gave in. I always did when she used that tone, and she knew it.

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