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From This Day Forward (Sex and Vows 3)

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I collapsed on her for a minute, then gathered her close as our breathing returned to normal. I rolled onto my back, situating her on top of me, my semi-hard dick still gloved in her heat.

Rubbing lazy circles on her back, I thought about the life we were building, the baby we’d created. I wasn’t exaggerating when I told her I was out of patience. But, I wasn’t completely unreasonable. With a finger under her chin, I gently lifted her head from where it was lying on my chest, then tenderly tucked her honey brown hair behind her ear. “How about this? We’ll make an appointment with the doctor tomorrow and confirm you’re pregnant. Then we can make a decision.”

She beamed at me and I felt a little guilty because it may have seemed like I was compromising, but I still intended to have her at the courthouse the next night.

I noticed her bra was still hanging haphazardly from her shoulders and my dick hardened when I pictured what she’d looked like standing in the bathroom doorway. Maybe I’d let her try and convince me a little more…



Walking out of the teacher’s lounge at the end of the day, I paused just past the door for a moment to squeeze my legs together lightly. The short amount of time I’d stood at the copier had been enough for me to feel stiff. Again. Not that it was the copying that caused the soreness. That was all Quinn.

Between knowing he’d knocked me up and me trying to talk him into keeping our wedding plans intact, he’d been closer to the edge than usual and he’d taken it out on my body in the most delicious of ways. Over and over again. I’d barely gotten any sleep, I was practically bow-legged when I arrived at work, his handprint was still on my ass, and I had scratches from his scruff all over my chest and thighs. But I wouldn’t change one damn thing about last night. In fact, I wanted us to celebrate any future pregnancies the same way. Just without the pressure of a wedding standing between us.

I leaned against the door behind me and dropped my head low as I took a deep breath. Quinn was going to be here to pick me up in about five minutes, and then we needed to head over to the OBGYN office that Xander recommended to him. I’d planned to call mine today during my lunch break, but Quinn had texted me before I’d had the chance to let me know he’d already set an appointment with the one Calista was using. Since Dr. Lennon was one of the best OBGYN’s in the Atlanta area, I kept my mouth shut instead of snapping at him for being so overbearing.

Plus, I was still hoping to be able to convince him not to rush me to the courthouse, so I didn’t want to push my luck too much.

Taking one last, deep breath to settle my nerves about the appointment, I straightened up to my full height and shoved my papers into my bag. Once I had everything situated, I stepped into the hallway and made my way to the front doors. As I neared them, my steps slowed. One of my students, Darren, was standing near the entrance with his mother. Classes let out more than twenty minutes ago, and the only remaining students should have been the ones in the after-school program.

Darren’s mom was a single parent, but she always picked him up from school on time. From what she’d told me during an open house at the start of the year, she worked long hours and was always on call, but made whatever sacrifices were necessary to be there whenever her son needed her. He was a sweet boy, bright and conscientious. It was rare to find him without a smile on his face, which made his expression of fear stand out even more.

His mom was talking to a man I didn’t recognize, but I was fairly certain I’d never seen him at the school before. He didn’t look like he belonged there. Not with his dirty jeans, greasy hair, and the faded blue tattoo of barbed wire circling his forearm. And certainly not with the menacing air he had about him as he loomed over Darren’s mom, standing close with his hand wrapped around her elbow.

“Can I help you?”

My question halted their argument, and three sets of eyes jerked up to look at me, each filled with a different emotion. Relief from Darren, fear from his mom, and anger from the stranger. The fingers clenched around her arm whitened, starting to turn her skin purple before the man let Darren’s mom go.

“No,” she yelped. “Everything’s fine. We were just headed home.”

I glanced at the man standing next to her. His gaze was locked on my face as though he was memorizing it, sending a shiver up my spine. “Are you sure?” I asked, switching my attention back to Darren’s mom.

“Yes. My”—she paused as if she was searching for the right word—“friend thought I was still having car problems and came to help in case my battery died again.”

She grabbed Darren’s hand and made her way to the parking lot, the man following closely. I stayed a few feet behind them as I walked to the curb to wait for Quinn, happy he was going to pick me up because I didn’t want to be alone with the guy when Darren and his mom left. As she settled her son into the back seat and watched while he buckled up, I heard the man tell her he’d see her at work the next night. His tone sounded off to me, almost coming across as a threat, but maybe I was reading more into it than I should if they were co-workers.

If he’d really come to the school because he was worried about her, then I was judging him too harshly based on his appearance when it was entirely possible that he’d dragged himself out of bed to do a good deed. Thinking of it that way, I felt horrible. Quinn pulled up in a dark SUV, and I offered the guy an apologetic smile as I climbed into the passenger seat before Quinn had the chance to get out and open my door.

“Who was that?” Quinn asked suspiciously, his eyes narrowed as he watched the guy walk to a black Mercedes parked in the lot.

I shook my head as I buckled my seat belt. Only his over protective alpha mode would override his usual irritated grumble when I didn’t wait for him to help me into a car. “A friend of one of my student’s parents.”

“Huh,” he mumbled, his brow furrowed.

“Huh, what?”

He shook his head slowly, his eyes still on the man as he climbed into his car then drove out of the lot. When Quinn glanced at me again, his expression had smoothed out and he smiled casually. “Nothing, baby. Don’t worry about it.” Looking straight again, he put the car in drive and made his way to the main road.

“Um…okay. What’s up with the SUV?”

His dark gaze swung my way, sweeping down to my belly as his lips tilted up in a smile. “I borrowed it from the company since it has a better safety rating than my car.”

And so it began. Early evidence pointed towards Quinn being even more ridiculous than my brother with his macho bullcrap now that I was pregnant. Not that I was surprised since it’s what I’d expected from him. The next thing I knew, he’d be trading my beloved BMW in for a minivan. I shuddered at the possibility.

“Of course you did,” I sighed. “Just like you set up the appointment with Dr. Lennon instead of us going to see the gynecologist who’s been my doctor for years.”

He chuckled as he pulled away from the curb. “You can’t possibly be upset that I want you to have the best care possible. With a wait list like hers, there’s no denying she’s second to none.”

“I’m not mad about it,” I mumbled. “It just would have been nice if you had asked me before you did it.”

“We were lucky Calista’s already a patient of hers and was willing to pull strings to get us in today. The opportunity dropped in my lap, and there wasn’t time to talk to you, not when you were in class and unreachable.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I huffed.

My grumpy mood didn’t seem to bother him. He flashed me a quick grin before the red light we were stopped at turned green. “Someone’s grouchy today.”

“If I’m pregnant, you’d better get used to it. Pregnant women get to be as moody as they want.”

“Challenge accepted, baby.”

“Challenge?” I echoed. “What challenge?”

He reached over and squeezed my knee with his right hand. “To do what it takes to keep you happy. I bet if I’d made you come

hard this morning before you got ready for work, you’d be in a better mood.”

I tried to fight back my smile, but it was no use. My lips tilted up at the edges and Mr. Observant spotted it right away.

“See, you think so, too.”

“I think you’re forgetting something,” I laughed. “Since I definitely remember having an orgasm this morning.”

“The one at two o’clock doesn’t count. That was part of last night, before I finally let you pass out because you needed some sleep.” He looked thoughtful as he pulled into the parking lot at the doctor’s office. “From now on, I think I’ll set the alarm five minutes early so I can squeeze in an extra one to start your day off right.”

“Only five minutes?”

He waited until after the SUV was parked and the engine was off before he turned to me and responded. “We both know that if I set my mind to it, I won’t even need that much time to have you squeezing my fingers with your tight little pussy. Or quivering against my mouth. Hell, maybe I’d better make that two extra each morning just so I can feel you fall apart both ways in five minutes or less.”

“Ohmigosh,” I gasped. “Forget the orgasm. I should have shoved an extra pair of panties in my purse this morning because you just ruined the ones I’m wearing.”

“I’ll add that to my to-do list, too,” he promised.

Even though his dark eyes twinkled at me, I fully expected he’d have a pair tucked away somewhere the next morning.

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