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From This Day Forward (Sex and Vows 3)

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I blearily blinked my eyes open at the sound of the alarm going off the next morning. Between the quickie in the garage against Quinn’s SUV, the spankings I got when we were finally alone again, and the reward for taking my punishment after my ass was the cherry red Quinn had promised, my body felt sore in the most delicious places. My brain was still fuzzy when I felt warm fingertips gliding up my inner thighs. “What’re you doing?”

“What do you think I’m doing?” I felt Quinn’s warm breath on my skin, trailing behind his fingers.

“But I need to get ready for work,” I protested half-heartedly.

He gently nudged my legs apart, wedging his shoulders between them and lifting my hips off the mattress. “Don’t you remember? I told you I was going to start setting the alarm early to make sure you start your day off right.”

He shoved up the T-shirt I’d worn to bed and his mouth hovered over my pussy. His scruff scraped lightly against my sensitive skin and my hips jerked even higher. “An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away,” he chuckled against me, and I quivered. “As pleased as I am that you’re seeing Dr. Lennon, I’m all for doing whatever it takes to make sure you don’t need any unplanned visits.”

“Only one? I’m still kind of out of it, but I’m pretty sure you bragged about being able to give me two orgasms with five extra minutes in the morning,” I teased.

His brown eyes darkened until they were almost black, determination flaring in them. “Challenge accepted, baby.”

He lowered his head, his tongue lapping at my pussy in fast and furious strokes designed to drive me crazy. The pregnancy hormones must have done something to my libido because it took less than a minute before my body tightened as an orgasm crashed over me. He didn’t stop to give me time to recover, either. Instead, he spread my folds with his thumbs and continued to feast on me, putting his tongue, lips, teeth, and fingers to work. A few minutes later, with two fingers pumping inside me and his lips wrapped around my clit, I quickly flew apart a second time.

“Mission accomplished, and with one minute to spare,” he boasted, pulling me into his arms and settling us against the pillows.

I slid my hand down his chest, along his stomach, heading lower. “I bet I could do a lot with that extra minute.”

Rising up to my knees, I crouched over his body and licked along one side of the V below his abs. It was one of the best parts of his body, leading me straight to another of my favorites. I wrapped my lips around his cock and sucked deep, determined to get him off as quickly as he had me. Only I hadn’t counted on a new reaction to the feel of his hardness when it bumped against the back of my throat. Instead of the usual rush of desire, my stomach twisted and I gagged.

I pulled away from his cock. “Blech,” I groaned before I scrambled off the bed.

“What the hell?” I heard him murmur as I ran into the bathroom with my hand over my mouth. I dove for the toilet, falling to my knees as I threw up. Quinn must have followed behind me because one of his hands sifted through my hair to pull it out of my face as the other slid up and down my back in comforting strokes. “Fuck, baby. I’m sorry.”

“Morning sickness better not mean I can’t suck your cock for the next eight months,” I grumbled.

“I hope not, too,” he laughed. “But if it does, no more blow jobs for me. Making you gag is a boner killer.”

I weakly punched him in the arm as he helped me to my feet. “Haha. Do me a favor. Don’t quit your day job to become a comedian.”

“What?” He clutched his chest dramatically. “I thought you loved me for my sense of humor.”

I giggle snorted while turning the faucets on the sink to get the water at the temperature I wanted. When I was done washing my face, I felt a million times better. Quinn handed me my toothbrush, paste already squirted onto it. I met his dark eyes in the mirror and offered him a smile to let him know I was okay. He couldn’t hide his worry for me behind jokes, I knew him too well.

Brushing my teeth, I let my gaze sweep down his body, enjoying how the muscles in his arms bunched while he splashed some water on his face. When he lifted his head, droplets clung to the scruff on his chin and I wanted to lick them away.

“These stupid pregnancy hormones really are wreaking havoc on me.”

He swiped a towel over his face before studying me, raking his eyes up and down my body. Then he flashed me a wolfish smile. “I guess I’ll have to give myself ten minutes tomorrow instead of five, since it looks like two orgasms isn’t enough to give you what you need in the morning.”

“Whatever.” It was a ridiculous response, but it wasn’t like I could argue with him when he was right. “Maybe you can still be useful to me this morning by making me breakfast or something.”

He swiveled on one heel and reached over to turn the shower on for me. Then he yanked my shirt over my head before he kissed the hell out of me. “I’m always more than happy to be of service to you, in any way you need it.” His hand slid down to cover my belly. “Now more than ever, since it means I’m doing it for my two favorite people in the world.”

I practically melted into a puddle of goo onto the bathroom tile while he left me to take my shower and get ready for work. My morning started earlier than Quinn’s since the school doors opened at seven forty-five. When he’d returned home from the military and took the job with Xander’s company, we’d quickly fallen into the habit of me getting ready while he made breakfast and packed me a lunch to take to school since I preferred to not eat the cafeteria food. It was a good thing, too, since the mere thought of it made me want to puke again.

Once was enough, especially since it meant I was running behind and we had to rush to get to school on time. Luckily for me, my fiancé was amazing behind the wheel, and when we pulled into the parking lot none of the buses had arrived yet. “Thanks for the ride.”

I tried to give him a quick kiss, but he didn’t let me get away with it, pulling me close for a deep and passionate one instead. “I’ll be here to pick you up at two fifty-five.”

With everything that had happened yesterday, I’d forgotten to ask what made him decide to drive me to and from work again today. I didn’t have time for an inquisition though, I needed to get inside before the first bell rang.

The day flew by, and at the end of it I was exhausted and nauseous again. As I was shutting my classroom door behind me, I made a mental note to ask Aspen how long the nausea usually lasted for her. At least we could commiserate with each other about pregnancy symptoms since the reason she and Weston wanted to come over for dinner last night was to tell us they were expecting another baby.

“Wasn’t that exciting news, Squiggle Doodle? Another little cousin for you to play with. One who’ll be your age. It’s going to be perfect,” I whispered.

I started to make my way to the entrance since Quinn would be waiting for me in front, but I swiveled around at what sounded like a child’s cry from behind me. Pausing, I scanned the hallway but didn’t see anything. Just as I decided I must have been imagining things, I heard it again, the low cry of a little boy. As an elementary school teacher, it was a sound I was familiar with and I thought it was coming from near the emergency exit off the side hallway. None of the kids should be back there, and the sound of the cries worried me.

“Hello!” I called out. There was a thud, and I hurried forward. “Please don’t be scared. It’s just Miss Davis.”

I rounded the corner and came to an abrupt stop. Darren was on the floor, cowering at the feet of the man I’d seen arguing with his mom yesterday. He was holding his hand up to his cheek, and I could see a bruise forming there. My gaze jerked up to the man, and I found him stalking towards me.

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