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Mr. D - Black Mountain Academy

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She softly touched my hand. Her palm was warm, smooth, and delivered chills racing up and down my spine. She looked deep within my eyes, and I wondered how I could ever resist a woman like her? She was in my blood.

She may have forced her way in but was there regardless.

“I’ve never felt that way in my life. Never,” she said.

“Well then we’re even. Because you sure as hell have introduced me to a wave of intense feelings myself. It’s like a rollercoaster. Thrilling.”

She winked. “I like hearing I got your blood pumping.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, you definitely woke up something I had pushed deep inside. I’ll give you that.” With a mischievous smile, I asked, “Do you want to get out of here? Let’s go home.”

She glanced at her plate and then mine. “We haven’t finished eating yet.”

“All I want right now is to pick you up, toss you over my shoulder, and carry you out of this restaurant. I want you alone so I can show you just how much you have gotten into my head, my heart, and my body.” I pushed my chair back, grabbed my wallet, and placed a pile of cash on the table.

“We didn’t get the bill yet—”

“Corrine…” I reached out my hand and stared down into her eyes.

She took a moment to think about it, playfully acting as if she were actually considering just keeping her seat. Finally, with a sly smile, she stood up and took my hand.

“Let’s go home, Mr. D.”22Mr. DI’d wanted Corrine back in my bed for days now, and my desire had only grown even more as we spoke so openly over dinner. It took everything I had not to sweep her into my arms on the side of the road and have my way with her before we reached my place. But I wasn’t going to rush it and not give her the sensual and seductive, that we both needed, to set the balance right again. Our last sexual experience had been a hate fuck, and I wanted to correct the wrong. Tonight, I didn’t want to just have sex with her. I wanted to make love to her.

Once we reached the bedroom, I let go of Corrine’s hand to light a candle on the nightstand. It gave just enough light to cast us in a soft, romantic glow. When I turned to face her again, my heart skipped a beat. Corrine was pure perfection sprawled out naked on the bed. The time away from me left her hungry, wanting, and ready. We were on the same page in that regard. Wide, sultry eyes watched me undress before her.

I towered over her, placing my palms on the mattress. “I love when you look at me that way.”

Corrine arched her body, attempting to make contact with my chest. “And how am I looking at you?” she questioned, gazing even deeper into my eyes.

“Like you belong to me.” I lowered my face to hers, nipping at her lips. “You’re mine, Corrine. Others may not know it yet, but it’s only a matter of time. Mine,” I murmured against her mouth.

My gaze locked on hers before I flipped her over on her stomach. My hands rested on her hips as I compressed the full weight of my chest against her back. I pressed my lips to her ear and whispered, “I like seeing the firmness of this bare ass… waiting for me.”

Corrine moaned softly and lifted her bottom to press against the hardness of my cock. “I love feeling you pressed against me.” Her voice was almost a purr.

“You were so beautiful at dinner being honest and more real than any woman I’ve ever met,” I whispered while one hand traveled to the silky smoothness of her sex. My fingertip pressed past the folds and dipped into her warmth.

Corrine cried out as my finger gently prodded in and out of her wetness.

“I don’t want you to leave this bed again,” I growled into her ear. Her wetness intensified as she ground against my hand, urging me on.

“I’m here as long as you’ll have me,” she moaned, her muscles tensing as she neared the edge. “Yes… I want to be yours. Only yours.”

“Cum for me. I want to feel you cum against my hand.”

That was all it took. I held her body tight against mine as she climaxed, absorbing the passionate spasms of her release.

With one fluid motion, I rolled her over and drove my hardness deep within. Corrine’s head flew back as she cried out. Her fingers clutched desperately at my back. The sound of her pleasured cry triggered a desire to hear her moans over and over again. I could think of nothing else but rocking into her until her cries became a scream of ecstasy.

Corrine wrapped her legs around my back, pulling me deeper within. “D…” she gasped before bringing her lips to mine.

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