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Forbidden Gold (Providence Gold 5)

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“The evil one,” I answered, getting a shrug from Sadie.

“Most men are freaked out by it. I asked my friend to get me tampons while he was at the shop once, and he lost his shit. I don’t think it’s in most men’s DNA to like them. Then again, most women hate them, too.”

“No,” Beau said, her eyes sparkling. “Cole has a legit phobia. He’s had panic attacks, run into moving traffic to get away from a tampon, fainted, you name it.”

A memory about him must have hit me because I burst out laughing and struggled to get the words out. “When he was at school, his science teacher said they’d be studying the periodic table. He fainted, fell back on the stool he was on, hit the table behind him, and ended up in hospital with a concussion. When they explained what the table was, he said he thought it was a sort of dam inside a woman that released overflow every month.”

Sadie blinked slowly. “I’m not sure I know what to say about that, and I can’t blame it on the booze.”

Beau grinned at her. “The stories are never-ending.”3h 33m 03s timestamp

Waving her hand through the air and knocking herself slightly off-balance with it, Sadie tried to sit upright. “I’m unique. Even I don’t understand myself sometimes. Did you know I locked myself in the ladies yesterday?”

When Beau and I stared at her in amusement, she nodded and continued, “Yup. For some reason, I convinced myself the locks here were like the direction water in a toilet in Australia goes when it’s flushed. Opposite.”

“Why the hell did you do that?” Beau wheezed, the randomness of it just too much for her.

Me? Well, I understood random, so it kind of made sense weirdly.

“Because I don’t make sense. I decided it was broken and just slid out through the gap between the floor and the door.”

Both of us cringed on the screen and looked down at her chest. It was Beau who asked what we were both thinking, though.

“How the hell did you get those through the gap?”

“My poor knockers,” she mumbled. “I had to push them down with my hands and wiggle. I’ve even got a bruise, look,” she pulled down her top, fortunately with her back to the camera.Elijah shot glares at the men he thought were responsible for the series of groans that sounded in the room around us.Back on the screen, both of us leaned forward and made hissing noises.

Nodding, she continued, “Yup. I almost popped one of my wazzers. I think in the interest of booby health and safety, I’m going to have to pee with the door unlocked from now on.”

Well, that apparently wasn’t good enough because the two of us led her to the ladies' bathroom to show her how the doors worked for future reference.

All that could be heard was:

“Lefty loosey—so that opens it. Righty tighty—so that closes it.”

“Loosey is locked, tighty is open.”

“No, wait, this wall on this side locks it,”—this was followed by the sound of Beau knocking on a wall—“that wall on this side over here opens it.”

“What if the bathroom’s facing in the opposite direction to this one?”

“Then, she needs to stand like she’s facing the way we are now. Obviously, if it’s in the opposite direction, the lock will turn in the opposite direction. Everyone knows, all locks face forward. It’s a lock fact.”Without even meaning to, my head thumped down on the table.

“You ok over there?” Parker asked, sounding amused.

Without lifting my head, I shook it, ignoring the slight squeak of my skin on the polished surface.

“No. I’ve just confused myself about the locks on our doors.”

There was a round of snickers from the other occupants of the table, but Sadie understood the mental trauma I was going through. “Avoid the second cubicle after the door. It’s got a wicked jagged edge that’ll pierce your dirty pillow if you scrape it.”

“Or you could just learn to unlock the door like normal people,” Tate suggested, sounding way too smug about it.

Twenty-three minutes of embarrassment later, I leaned over to Sadie.

“Want to help me torture Levi and Tate?”

A small smile lit her face. “I miss torturing my brothers, so I’m in.”

I remembered her talking about her three brothers of the heart, something she hadn’t told us about in detail while we were sober yet, and made a mental note to ask her about them later while I filled her in on what I had planned.

Now that the viewing was over for the night, people started talking amongst themselves again.

However, my brother wasn’t finished. “I’ve had a few comments about the level of drunkenness of the girls that night and how they managed to be as coherent as they were given the amount of alcohol they’d consumed. I have that covered in a series of footage of them making their drinks that night that I’ll show you next week, but I’ll put you out of your misery now, too. In the video, the girls frequently forgot which jug of margaritas they were drinking from as they made it, so one of the jugs ended up being about ten percent mix, ninety percent alcohol. That was the last one they drank from, which was why we found them passed out when we got here the next morning.”

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