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Living On A Dare (Cheap Thrills 2)

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Moving it to the pocket of my jeans, I went about putting the food in a bowl, and heated it up in the microwave with Liv watching the whole thing closely. This girl loved her food, so as soon as it beeped, she started doing a celebratory dance, which was basically just a full body wiggle. Lifting it out, I shifted her back on to my hip, and leaned against the counter so that she had it supporting her booty with my hip supporting her front, while I stirred the food around to make sure there weren’t any hot pockets of air in it. I hadn’t even lifted it fully before she swooped in and chomped it off the spoon, making dramatic noises as she ate it.

“Good?” It was Jose who answered me, though. “You give her the chicken one?” “Yup,” I replied, laughing when Liv almost took the plastic spoon out of my hand this time. “So, wanna tell me why your ass is in the fridge?”

“Not really.”

I was about to ask again when there was a hammering on the door. Only one person had been known to do that to my door, so it didn’t take a detective to figure out who it was. “That’ll be your sister.”_______________

“It’s all your fault I’m like this, and you go and arrest me?” Tabby snapped, curled up in a ball on the couch with her ass in the air. What the shit did these two do today?

DB held his arms up in the air. “How was I to know what today was? And how exactly is it my fault?”

Turning her head so that she was facing away from him, she muttered, “Because you’re a man.” Then something occurred to her, and she turned back around again. “And you slapped my ass.”

This had been going on since they’d arrived, and it was funny as hell. Liv had since finished her dinner and was now eyeing the jar of fruit like it was the best thing in the world as she sat on my knee, DB staring at the jar like it was made of diamonds. Jose hadn’t said anything about it when I’d pulled it out of my pocket, too amused by her sister and her fiancé, as she sat on the couch with an icepack under her butt. After Jose had made her way slowly to the door to let them in, DB and Tabby had helped her wipe out the fridge and put everything back in it as I’d fed Liv, with Tabby moving just as slowly as her sister.

Picking up the other icepack from the coffee table, DB sighed as he sat down on the same couch as Tabby and gently held it against her butt cheek. I had several theories in my head about what they’d done, but I was probably wrong about all of them. Spooning fruit into Liv’s mouth after stealing one for myself, I listened as they continued arguing, hoping they’d give me some indicator of what exactly was causing so much pain. When that didn’t happen, I gave in and just asked. “Will someone please just tell me what the hell y’all did to your asses today?”

Both Jose and Tabby went as pink as the latter’s hair and stayed quiet, so it was DB who filled me in. “They had their birth control shots.” Not knowing what my response to this was meant to be, I scooped up more fruit and fed Liv while I thought the information over. I still wasn’t sure what to think or say by the time Liv got halfway down the jar, but when I looked up Tabby give me a dramatic wink, and it all clicked into place. Well, shit!

Just then, the noise of the wind got louder along with what sounded like a garbage bin being swept down the street.

“Sounds bad out there, we’d better go,” Tabby jumped up, squealing when she pulled the area that had been injected.

And just like that, we were alone, and one jar down on the banana dessert seeing as how DB found the stash and had taken one with him. Well, kind of, apart from the little princess who had a full belly and was now scrunching her face up in the way that warned us what was about to happen. I was lying every time I said it smelled like roses, so I braced myself for the diaper tornado that was definitely about to hit us.Chapter 7Jose

I would not be doing what my sister had done and sit with my ass in the air no matter how much I wanted to. I didn’t mind her doing it, but me doing it was weird, it drew attention to the fact I had one butt cheek that was the size of a fully grown human, and I also had a wet patch on my gray shorts from where the icepack had been that made it looked like I’d peed myself. As I’d only done that once today (slightly) when I’d had the injection, the answer was fucking no. I was going to suffer this out with as much dignity as a person could have after being found sitting in the refrigerator, and he could suck it. Granted, Ellis wasn’t doing anything that made me think this, I was just going on the fact that, if the roles were reversed, I’d be eagerly waiting for it to happen while I thought up jokes and comebacks about it.

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