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Living On A Dare (Cheap Thrills 2)

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I’d only just gotten the last word out when she leaned forward and kissed me. It started off gently and full of emotions, and then I angled her head to the side slightly, giving me deeper access, and it all changed. Pulling her body more closely against mine, I groaned when I felt her nipples and the fullness of her breasts through the thin barrier of our t-shirts. Running my fingers slowly up her side, I lifted the hem of her top, and slipped my hand underneath it, getting rid of the barrier that was keeping me from her skin. Every inch was soft, smooth, and silky, and I had to remind myself to take it slowly as I moved higher, feeling her ribs, and then stopping when I hit the heavy globe of her tit with my knuckles. Pulling my mouth away from hers so that I could talk, but close enough that I could feel each of her shallow breaths against my lips, I watched as her pupils dilated as I shifted my hand so that my thumb skimmed the sensitive area. I had callouses from years of holding a tattoo machine and drawing, and I used those to my advantage as I skimmed the digit upward to her nipple, circling over the hard tip of it slowly.

“Jesus, Ellis,” she shuddered, her breathing increasing with each pass.

While she was distracted by one hand, I used the other one to lift her t-shirt up higher until both breasts were visible, my mouth aiming for the nipple that wasn’t being touched. Leaning in, I flicked it with my tongue, smiling slightly when she jerked and moaned, before circling around it with the tip. The contrast between the rough skin on my thumb on one side, and the soft, wet warmth of my mouth on the other, was deliberately done to drive her crazy and push her closer to the edge. And then I swapped sides, the thumb on my opposite hand replacing my mouth on the left, and my mouth replacing my thumb on the right, making her moan and her nails dig into the back of my neck. The sharp pinch as they cut in made my eyes close in pleasure, and if she left a mark, I can’t say I’d have one shit to give.

With the hand that wasn’t busy, I picked up her thigh and moved her so that she was now straddling me, just my jeans and the thin material of her pajama shorts separating my cock from her. Not that it deterred me from what I aimed to do as I gripped her butt cheek and ground her down into me, kissing back across her chest to her other nipple. I pulled her down just as I thrust upwards and sucked deep at the same time, tipping her over the edge. Her head tipped back with a loud gasp, and then she started to shudder as she lifted her head back up again, dropping it onto my shoulder as she came. I didn’t stop moving her hips the whole time or grinding up into her, making sure she rode the wave until the very end. I was harder than a rock, but this wasn’t about me, it was about her – it would always be about her.

As her breaths started to settle, and I felt her muscles relax under my hands, I lifted my head up and angled it so that my mouth was next to her ear. “Your beauty amazes me, but watching you come like that? It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” She shifted allowing me to turn my head even more and watch as she opened her eyes drowsily, her cheeks flushed pink, with a look of contentment on her face. Holding her eyes, I continued, “We’re going to take this slowly and go at your pace, but one day soon I’m going to see the look you’ve got right now when I’m deep inside you,” her eyes widened and then flicked down to my mouth, proving she was on the same page as me because I was just about to kiss her. “Mouth, baby.”

Jose lifted her head slowly, and then moved in, kissing me softly. I wasn’t a dominant man, I was too reserved, yet at the same time too easygoing, to control a situation, but with Jose I could feel the need coming out in me. I know she was just getting back her control, so I was going to make sure that everything we did cemented what we were going to have together. If she stumbled, I’d pick her up, and I wasn’t going to stop doing it. She had a man at her back now who wanted her, and who cherished her and her daughter.

Pulling back from me, she slowly opened her eyes again and stared at my mouth. “Please don’t break my heart. With him, it didn’t hurt as badly as people think it did,” she rasped. “But, with you?” I reached up and lifted her chin so she’d look me in the eye and see the truth staring back at her as she voiced her worries. “It would break me into pieces, Ellis.”

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