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Classy AF (Cheap Thrills 3)

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At the same time as I was freaking out and pulling it off my face, I kicked a string at the bottom of the doorway which had been stopping the blades of a fan that was resting on my bed with a pile of feathers in front of it. Unfortunately, I did all of that, and I still had my mouth open while I screamed when the feathers hit me, too, meaning that they went in my mouth and stuck to the stuff that had been on the plastic wrap. I still wasn’t sure as I did it what the shit had happened, so I dropped to the floor, rolling around to get whatever it was off me, spitting them out of my mouth and wiping my eyes with the bottom of my scrub top. And that’s when I caught the scent of something, something that smelled like maple syrup, and opened my eyes seeing the white ceiling above me, with feathers still floating in the air.

That’s when I figured out what he’d done.

“I’m going to kick his ass!” No man would understand how much energy it took to wash thick hair on a good day. And thick hair with maple syrup? “He’s a dead man.”

I only just resisted the temptation to go straight over to his house and do something to it, but the thought of the satisfaction he’d get seeing me looking like a chicken with alopecia stopped me. Instead, I turned the shower on, and sniffed all the bottles of shower gel - I hadn’t bought bars of soap since he’d messed with that one - shampoo, and conditioner first. Still not trusting him, I poured some out onto my hands and checked that they hadn’t been touched, and then got in the shower.

It wasn’t until I was shampooing my hair for the fifth time that an idea hit me. I was going to mess with his mind. Have him tiptoeing around, worried to walk into his own house. Have him scared to make coffee every morning until he broke. And then I was going to get my revenge.Chapter FiveRoseSix days later…

I’d lasted six whole days, six long ass days, without breaking and doing something to him. Every morning I had the satisfaction of knowing he was testing everything he came across first, not knowing if I’d messed with something else. Then seeing him open his curtains and stand there sniffing his coffee while he watched my house, frowning the whole time. The first sip of coffee was always my favorite as I peeked through the edge of my curtains - the way he stuck his finger in the mug, lifted it back out, then sniffed it, and finally licked it like he expected it to be potting soil again. Pshaw, like I was an amateur.

Nah, my parents had raised a genius, and I’d been stockpiling things for my revenge. I wasn’t going for something big or obvious, I was going with multiple small things, and ones that would pack a punch.

Just to make him sweat even more, I’d even gone to my parent’s house for two days, only coming back last night. It had been hard not being able to see him, and I hadn’t realized truly how much those innocent glimpses of him and the way he’d scowl when I gave him a wave and smile each morning meant to me until I didn’t have them. Sure, I’d missed them in the past, but something had changed and the two days I’d been away had felt empty when I didn’t get them. Something neither of my parents had missed, by the way, and had both commented on, too, especially when I’d bounced out to my car when it was time to leave yesterday.

“Give him a kiss from me,” Mom had called, waving excitedly.

“Don’t you dare,” had been Dad’s booming response. “And don’t give him a kiss from you either. Kick his ass instead.”

I had done neither, yet, and seeing as how I was at work now, it was unlikely I’d be doing it anytime soon. Which was ok, it meant I could torture him some more.

“Rose,” one of the nurses called Kelly whispered behind me, breaking me out of my musings. When I turned around, she was standing there wringing her hands together. “I need your help in cubicle two.”

“What’s wrong?”

“The woman says she fell down some stairs, but these don’t look like those kinds of injuries,” she said quietly, looking over her shoulder where the cubicle would be if there wasn’t a wall in the way. “And she has a man with her, a big man.”

And the reason for her asking for my help became clear. Gesturing at her to lead the way, I walked behind her, looking briefly at the dry erase board on the wall to gauge how long it would take for a doctor to get to the patient. We were really busy this morning after the full moon the night before, so it was likely it would take at least another hour unless the woman had injuries that would necessitate being seen as a priority.

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