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Dirty Obsessions - The Lion and The Mouse

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The other wall remained open. Ballerinas and some of my men went back and forth, dancing and drinking. Meanwhile, waiters twisted and turned around people standing and dancing. They did their best to clean up all the food and spilled wine on the table and floor.


Two of my men drunkenly arm-wrestled on one side of the long crocodile covered table.

Oh, dear.

At the other side, Maxwell sat in a chair while a red-headed ballerina rode him. One couldn’t simply tell what was going on among the rambunctious partying and craziness everywhere. But Maxwell’s face held ecstasy and the ballerina moved differently from the song’s beat playing in the speakers.

They’re definitely fucking.

Ava covered her mouth. “I’m glad everybody went on without us.”

“Oh yes. That is one way to think of this.”

“Are you going to have to pay for all of this craziness? If so, I’m so sorry. I can’t believe it.”

“No.” I grinned. “Trust me. Kazimir and my parties are much worse. And if you add Valentina, then the waitresses are usually cleaning up blood.”

She stared at me in shock. “Are you joking?”

“I wish I was.” I guided her around the table.

A strangled hyena noise rose above the song.

Dear God. Must I always hear him orgasm?

I frowned. “Maxwell just came. We can leave now.”

“He came. . .like. . .?”


“Do I want to know how you know that?”

“You don’t.” I glanced back at my buddy.

The redhead hopped off Maxwell and adjusted her dress. Stumbling our way, Ava caught her before she bumped into the wall.

“Isabella, are you okay?” Ava helped her stand.

“Yes.” Isabella giggled. “I just never had such a big dick before. It made me lose my balance.”

“Oh.” Ava looked stunned.

“Do you know where the bathroom is?”

I pointed in the opposite direction. Pretty drunk, she walked the other way.

“Wait.” Ava hurried after her. “I’ll go with you.”

Ava turned her around. Seconds later, they headed off in the correct direction.

I walked over to Maxwell.

He zipped up his pants and shook his head. “You’ve got to get me out of here, man.”

“What’s wrong?”

“These ballerinas party like rock stars. They smoked me out.” He adjusted his shirt as he stood. “And I never knew I would say this but. . .”


“I’m fucking exhausted.”

“Awesome. It’s time for us to go anyway.”

“Yo.” He scanned the space.


“Do you have any idea how many ballerinas I fucked tonight?”

“Two or three?”

“I don’t know.” A sad expression covered his face. “I was actually asking you if you knew. It’s been more than one. Perhaps you counted for me?”

“Next time, I’ll be sure to tally it up.” I chuckled. “Come on. Let’s get everyone. You know the motto?”

“What’s that?”

“No ballerina left behind.”

Yawning, Maxwell rubbed his head and helped me gather our rambunctious group.

It took us an hour to round up all of our crew. I didn’t like the idea of leaving any drunken ballerinas among the wealthy men of the club. Ava helped Maxwell and I collect each one. My guards picked up a few of the sleeping ballerinas and carried them out to the limos.

When we walked out of the club, the sun hung high in the sky.

“Holy shit, man.” Maxwell squinted. “We partied all night long.”

“We did.” I checked my watch. “It’s close to lunch.”

“Fuck.” Maxwell shook his head. “We missed the plane.”

“Well, the plane wouldn’t leave without us, but yes, we’re off schedule.”

“The Big Bear is going to be pissed.”

Annoyance hit me. “Yes. He will.”

We piled the limos and left. Unfortunately, Ava had the idea to split up. She wanted to personally make sure each ballerina made it their apartments. Gathering them up had been a task. It was like putting seven puppies in a line. As soon as you got to the fourth puppy, the first would wander off. Her guard Yefim followed her instructions and helped her get everyone under control.

I didn’t want to leave Ava, but I had my schedule to keep.

After we kissed, I climbed into my limo with Maxwell and a few of my men.

“Up. Up. And away.” Maxwell waved goodbye.

Ava shook her head and waved back.

My window rose.

I watched Yefim and Ava go off with her guards. “Hmmm.”

Maxwell followed the direction I was checking. “What’s up, man?”

“What do you think about the guard next to Ava?”


I snapped my attention to him. “How do you know his name?”

“When you disappeared into the wall with Ava, the man stood there in a guard stance like a dragon or some shit was coming to attack us. I asked him his name and told him to get a drink and chill.”

“Did he relax?”


I looked back at Yefim as he opened the limo door for Ava.

“You’re not feeling Yefim?”

I scowled. “I guess I’m not. . .feeling him.”

“Why not?” Maxwell shrugged. “I could kill Yefim for you. Keep it on the down-low. What did he do?”

“She smiled at him.”

“What?” Maxwell chuckled. “Man, I thought that motherfucker was disrespectful. You Russian dudes be going crazy over sistas.”

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