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Dirty Obsessions - The Lion and The Mouse

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Let’s see what happens.

I kept the annoyance away from my face, took off my jacket, and handed it to Naveen. Slowly, I unbuttoned my shirt. Never did I leave my view from Hiro.

When I opened my shirt, he stepped forward and lowered his gaze to the big binary tattoo on my chest.

Several of the men left the wall, walked over, and stared at it too. A few nodded and spoke to each other in languages that I couldn’t catch.

Stepping back, Hiro gestured for me to close the shirt.

The men returned to the wall.

Naveen spoke in that language again.

Hiro shrugged.

I buttoned up my shirt. “What’s going on?”

“I asked if you could outbid the contract on you. He said it’s possible.”

“How much does he want? I’m sure I can afford it.”

Hiro pulled out the lollipop and spoke in English. “We no longer take money. We have enough of that, Mr. Stronz.”

Stunned, I took my jacket from Naveen and put it on. “Then what do you want?”

“I’m told you’re the God of Technology. A modern-day warlock.”

“I know my way around computers.”

Hiro leaned his head to the side. “Could you shut off all the power in Japan, if I asked?”

I frowned. “Do you want the long or short answer?”

“The short one.”

“Maybe, but it wouldn’t be one easy swoop. It would be sections of the country hour by hour.”

“And what’s the long answer?”

“After China, Japan has the second-largest pumped-hydro storage installed capacity. Also, the electrical grid in Japan is isolated, with no international connections, and consists of two wide area synchronous grids that run at different frequencies and are connected by HVDC connections.” I buttoned my jacket. “Therefore, it’s a bitch to shut off quickly and all at once.”

“You were prepared for that question.” Hiro raised his brows. “Why?”

“I’ve been asked to shut off Japan’s power before.”

“The Lion asked you?”

“That would be between me and whoever requested it.”

“But you have done the Lion’s bidding?”

“No. I’ve done favors for my cousin.” I gestured to the men lining the wall. “I don’t know if you all are related, but surely by killing and fighting next to each other, you are cousins in blood. When family needs you, loyalty is required.”

“How loyal are you to the Lion?”

I frowned. “In every way possible.”

“And if this outbidding dealt with going against the Lion?”

“Then I would tell you no.”

Hiro nodded. “And there would be war between us.”

“That’s what comes when one tries to kill the other.” I smiled. “Where are you from?”


I gazed at them. “And your friends?”

Hiro crunched on the lollipop, swallowed the candy part, and held the remaining white stick between two fingers. “Some are from Japan. Others were born in China, Korea, India, and Thailand.”

“Interesting.” I bobbed my head. “Japan and China’s electrical grids would be difficult to hack into, but not impossible. Korea would only take me an hour to blackout. India, half an hour. And Thailand, I can darken in minutes.”

I’ll push all of your countries to the dark ages if you come for me.

The man with the black hat and scarred eye glared my way.

I continued, “That’s a day of work at the most.”

“If you’re alive to do it.” Hiro twisted the tiny white stick in his fingers.

“I don’t need to be alive, I have an underground team that can do my bidding.”

Hiro’s face went stiff.

I returned to him. “Why did you ask about Japan?”

“I used to be a teacher.” Hiro held his hands in front of him. There I could see that he’d painted his short nails black. “From time to time, I still like to teach lessons.”

I asked, “Who in Japan needs a lesson?”

“That is my concern for now. Within twenty-four hours, I will call you with a time to shut Japan’s entire electrical grid off.”

“When I do that, it will be the end of my debt to you?”

“Yes. I would end my contract with Leonid in reference to you.”

I didn’t like the way he worded it. “Are there any other contracts Leonid has with you?”

“Yes.” Hiro grinned. “There’s a contract on the prima ballerina—Ava Jones. For that, I will not compromise. You might as well think of her as dead right now.”

I charged for him.

Fast, Naveen held me back.

I growled. “You don’t touch her! None of you!”

“We’re done with this meeting.” Hiro put his back to me and walked off. “For now, you’re safe, Mr. Stronz. Please don’t ruin our friendly moment.”

“We are not done!”

“Let’s go, Misha.” Naveen released me. “Come on.”

I glared at Hiro’s back. While he remained relaxed and blowing at his nails, his men were on guard and ready to protect him. I spotted the X branded on his neck.

“Hiro!” I called at him. “Change the deal!”

Slowly, Hiro turned around. “How?”

“I’ll shut off Japan for you, but that outbid is for Ava Jones’s contract, not mine.”

A knowing smirk formed on his face. “I figured you would want to do that. That’s good. I don’t like to kill women anyway. That works best for me.”

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