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Dirty Obsessions - The Lion and The Mouse

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“That’s fucked up.” Maxwell inhaled the joint.

“Tens of millions of computers around the world were affected.”

“But how did it work?” Maxwell asked.

“A person sees an email with the subject ‘I LOVE YOU.’ As soon as they open it, the virus takes control, sending copies of itself to everyone in the person’s email address book. Those recipients, thinking the email was either an odd joke or a serious declaration of love, open the email and spread it further. Meanwhile, everyone’s hard drive is destroyed, and most files are deleted. In five hours, ILOVEYOU spread across Asia, Europe, and North America, triggering internet mania.”

“Circuit didn’t do it for the love of everyone.” Rolan shook his head. “He did it because he’s a psycho.”

“Genius or psycho. It was superior malware but so simplistic.” I kissed the tips of my fingers. “Artistic in every digital way that counts.”

Maxwell handed the joint to Rolan. “The Mosquito sounds like he’s a fan of Circuit.”

I nodded. “A huge fan.”

“What happened to him?” Maxwell widened his eyes. “I bet his ass is under the jail.”

“Circuit is a free man.” I smiled. “Somehow, no government has been able to discover his whereabouts.”

Rolan grimaced. “However. . .”

“What?” I shrugged.

Rolan took a hit from the joint and gave it to me. “Tell him, Mikhail.”

“However.” I grabbed the joint. “I found Circuit years ago, and now he works for me. I keep him well-hidden and he does tasks that I need from time to time.”

“And that is why Kazimir calls Misha the Crow.” Rolan beamed with pride. “Mikhail has a magical knack for finding the unfindable. A way of delivering messages to those that can’t receive them.”

“But I like Mosquito.” I inhaled the joint and blew out smoke. “In these past days, it’s grown on me.”

Maxwell grabbed the joint from me. “I dig it, man. You can spread viruses like a mosquito. Who’s fucking with that?”

I winked at Maxwell. “This is why we’re homeys. You understand.”

“Wow.” Instead of smoking the joint, he laughed. “I kind of wish I never started calling you that.”

“It’s too late.”

Rolan crossed his big legs. “Since you’re in a nice chatty mood, Mikhail.”

I sighed.

“After the ballet, Maxwell and you will leave for Paris?”

I thought of Ava’s naked body trembling under me. “I changed our schedule to tomorrow morning—”


“Ava needs some time.”

Rolan roared. “Enough with your avoidance!”

Maxwell jumped a little.

I ignored Rolan and looked out of the window. “It’s a small delay, batya.”

“But your delays are more than a few hours. They’ve turned into days. A lot can happen in Paris. Now is the time to be there.”

“It’ll be fine.”

Rolan’s voice rose as he shifted to Russian, “Kazimir won’t let you take a back seat anymore. Stop avoiding him and do not let this problem with the nukes continue to get out of hand.”

I responded in Russian. “I already told you that I cannot be on Kazimir’s side. It’s a full-time job. And I sent Naveen to Paris.”

“Naveen will not be enough. The Mosquito should be there.” Rolan returned to English. “You must leave this evening.”

Pain hit my temples. I rubbed my forehead. “Tomorrow morning.”

“In the morning? Then it must be one in the morning.”

I glared at him. “No. I meant eight in the morning.”

“Two in the morning.”

I growled. “Four in the morning is as early as I will raise it.”

Rolan sighed. “Fine. Four in the morning. That should give you time to see your ballerina dance, stick it to her, and get on the plane.”

Directing my view to the window, I mumbled, “Stick it to her.”

Maxwell cleared his throat. “And I’m coming to Paris with you?”

“Yes. Rolan will remain behind to watch over Ava and her grandmother. Once we’re done in Paris, then we will return to St Petersburg. After that, all of us will go to Prague to bury my father.”

While Rolan doted on me like a father, he was the Big Bear. Murderous. Treacherous. Nothing went by him. And any enemy that came near him was sure to die. Ava and her grandmother would be safe with him.

“The more I think of it, Mikhail. . .” Rolan sighed. “I should come with you to Paris.”

I frowned. “Batya, you’re staying.”

“I’m not staying in St Petersburg.” Rolan shifted back to Russian. “I will follow you to Paris to get the codes.”

I massaged my forehead. “You said you would watch over Ava.”

“I will not leave your side until you do your proper duty as Igor’s son and Kazimir’s cousin.”

“No. You will protect Ava.”

“I don’t trust you to be responsible.”

Shocked, I asked, “Why not?”

Rolan returned to English. “Because of new pussy, Mikhail.”

Maxwell choked on weed smoke.

“New pussy is very dangerous.” Rolan wagged his finger at me. “A man always wants to sit inside of it. He ignores his duties. He forgets all that is important.”

I scowled. “Ava is more than new pussy which is why you’ll stay here.”

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