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Quarantine and Chill - AMBW Standalone Romance

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“Yes. I heard.” I raised my hand to my head and rubbed it. “Is she answering her phone?”


“Damn it. Do we know what hospital?”

“Yes. I’ll text you all the information after we get off. I just didn’t want to tell you through text.”

I closed my eyes. “What about her doctor or—”

“Don’t worry. I have all the information. They also have your number. Kamal. . .it’s going to be okay. No one is as about health and fitness like our mother and—”

“I should be there.”

“Don’t think about it that way. We will do what we can.”

I opened my eyes. “Fuck. I should have flown her out here. Why didn’t I do it?”

“Because you’re a grown man trying to enjoy your life.”

“But still, she’s getting older and all the way over there.”

“Kamal, the last thing we need to do is start having a bunch of regrets.”

I let out a long breath. “What about her insurance card? I can send it to Delores. I have a copy when I put Mom on my insurance.”

“That’s all taken care of. In fact, that’s probably what is going to save her. You put her on a top-notch program. She’s in her own room and received a test before everyone else.” She sighed. “Not many can say that. Delores said Mom felt bad about getting treated like royalty while so many sat in the ER barely breathing and in fear.”

“I’m calling her as soon as we get off.”

“Good, but she may not answer. You know how she is. She doesn’t want us to worry. If she doesn’t answer, then call Delores. I’ll text you her number too.”

I shook my head. “She better answer her phone.”

“She’s stubborn.”

“Damn it,” I growled. “I knew this virus was serious. I’d been. . .making sure to stay safe but I didn’t know this would hit so close to home.”

“It’s going to be okay. It has to.”

“Does she need a ventilator to breathe or anything like that?”

“No, but she’s being held for five days just in case. It’s part of the hospital’s containment policy.”

Once again, I felt helpless this month. I wasn’t liking this feeling at all.

I stared off into the distance. Buildings greeted my eyes. Not many walked outside. A few people sat on their balconies, gazing into their phones.


I swallowed. “Yes.”

“Why are you at my apartment?”

“Amber cheated.”

Zora didn’t respond.

“That seemed like a big deal yesterday.” I smoothed down my wet hair. “Now, not so much. Now, I don’t give a fuck about Amber or what she did. Now, I just want our mother to be healthy and okay.”

“I’m still sorry that it happened to you.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore.” I leaned back in the chair. “The only thing I care about is our mother. That’s it.”

“But how are you doing? Are you comfortable? I know it might be weird being in there with Jade.”

For once, a bit of relief came to me. “Jade has been the best part of this week. I’m thankful I have her here.”


I raised my eyebrows. “Why did you say it that way?”

“Why did you say it that way?”

I frowned. “You know how Jade is. She’s. . .sweet and friendly. You know? She makes you comfortable to be around her.”

“Well, yeah. She’s my best friend forever. I just never heard you describe her that way.”

“Jade and I have never been in a situation where I would say that.”


“Spill it, Zora.”

“I’m just saying. I know you’re heartbroken—”

“I’m not. I was pretty done with Amber a few months ago. I was dragging my feet on the reality of it all.”

“Still. . .”

“Still what?” I asked.

“Don’t use Jade as some sort of rebound fling.”

“I’m not even thinking that way.”


“That hasn’t even crossed my mind.”


“But. . .”

“Oh no.”

“I’m just saying. But, we are two single adults.”

“Don’t even think about it. Jade has gone through a lot. She needs time to heal, and you need time too.”

“Relax. The only thing that will be on my mind right now is our mother being okay.”


I cleared my throat. “How are you over there at the Maldives? Jade said you were stuck.”

“I am. Oh. I’m pregnant too.”

My head throbbed. “You’re pregnant?”


Anxiety shook me. I closed my eyes. “That’s good news.”

“Then, why do you sound so sad?”

“I’m just thinking that I now have another person to stress over this year.”

She giggled. “Well, that’s because you’re going to be the best uncle ever.”

“I will.”

“Did you see President Dreyfuss’s announcement this morning?”

“No. I haven’t been up that long.”

“They’re barring entry into the US from anyone who has traveled to any Asian country in the previous fourteen days. I’m worried. We’re basically in South Asia.”

“Don’t think about it until you have to. The airport is closed there. Let’s deal with one problem at a time.”

“You’re right. Mom, then. . .getting back to America.”

I smiled. “And then the new baby.”

“No. Then, I kick Amber’s ass.”

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