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Quarantine and Chill - AMBW Standalone Romance

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“Kamal, I can’t just move to New York.”

That determination never left his face. “You had your dreams. I had mine too.”

I went back to eating. “What did you dream about?”

“You and me. We were in my condo and incredibly happy. There was no sex in mine because I’m clearly not as horny as you.”

I almost choked on my food. I coughed a little.

“Are you okay?”

I swallowed. “Yes. And that’s not fair. I haven’t had sex since last year.”

He shrugged. “It’s been two months for me.”

“Amber and you stopped right after she moved in?”

“Pretty much. Her staying was good for about two weeks. After that, she couldn’t pretend anymore. Things went downhill. And when things are like that, my cock doesn’t like to get hard.”

“Oh.” I quirked my brows. “So. . .you wasn’t getting an erection?”

“Not with her, but as you’ve seen yesterday. I damn sure get one with you.”

I thought back to his cock pushing through those jeans last night. “Yes, you can.”

“You wanted me to take care of the Amber situation. It’s done.”

I took a bite of my eggs. “Is it?”

“Her father called. He bought her a plane ticket. She flies out in five days. He wanted to know if I was okay with her staying at my condo for that long and if I had extra gloves and masks at the house for her. I told him that it was fine and that I did have masks and gloves in the condo. She would be able to protect herself on her journey back to California.”

“So, she’s leaving this upcoming week, for sure?”

“Yes. He even paid for and scheduled transportation to pick her up from the condo and take her to the airport.”

“And once she’s gone?”

He frowned. “I’m getting the place cleaned and fumigated.”

I laughed.

“That bed has to go.”

“Kamal, really?”

“It does. I don’t want any memories of her in there. But, once my cleaning lady does me a special favor by sanitizing the area, I want Ganesha and you to come over there with me. It will give us more space.”

“I don’t know—”

“You have time to think about it.”

I let out a long breath.

“I’ll make sure to see if I can convince you in these next days.”

I smiled. “We’ll see.”

“We sure will.”

The rest of breakfast continued with ease. He changed the topic to the latest quarantine news. More states had decided to lockdown. More airlines began to cancel. More deaths had been reported. The world seemed to be shutting down all around us, while we existed within this apartment, starting something new.

This was fast for me, but I couldn’t pretend like I never found Kamal attractive. And with the craziness of this world and his sexy determined words coming from that gorgeous face and shirtless body. . .it was more than welcomed.

Okay. I’m throwing logic aside. Let’s just see what happens.Chapter 12


After breakfast, Jade tried to clean up the dishes. I refused and made her leave the kitchen. With her tiny frame, it was no problem to pick her up and carry that beautiful body back into the bedroom.

She laughed as I set her on the bed. “And what am I doing? Going back to sleep?”

“I don’t know.” I marched away. “But what you’re not doing is washing the dishes.”

“We had a deal. If I cook, you clean. So, when you cook, I—”

“Get your ass out of the kitchen.”

Her laugher followed, filling my chest with happiness. It was pure joy to be with her. Nothing but pleasure and fun.

Is this how it will always be?

Jade was different from other women that I’d been with. She was the first I’d had a real friendship with. I’d know her forever and that familiarity and closeness made me comfortable to be myself.

“Fine,” she yelled back at me. “I’m taking a shower.”

My cock jumped in my pants.

“And will you need help, princess?”

She laughed.

I guess that’s a no.

I picked up the dishes from the table. If Ross had seen this, he might’ve taken a picture. I had a cleaning woman that did this. Once my wealth came, I’d refused to cook or do anything of the sorts. But today I wanted to do something special for Jade. And with this pandemic, I couldn’t simply take her off to a restaurant and spoil her. The world was quarantining—that forced me to take my credit card out of the courtship and make her feel special in simpler ways.

The sound of the shower filled the apartment.

I hadn’t even heard her go into the bathroom. I was so caught up in cleaning. With no control, I hummed Whitney Houston’s You Give Good Love.

Look at what she’s doing to you?

I stopped humming and laughed.

Nothing had made me happier than that phone call from Amber’s father. Soon, Amber would be out of my place, all evidence of her cheating gone too.

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