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Quarantine and Chill - AMBW Standalone Romance

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She undid my chaos and had a braid there in seconds.

I grumbled and combed another section. “There’s something you’re leaving out.”

She laughed. “Okay, Mr. I Win At Everything.”

“By the end of this week, I’ll have braiding down.”

“After I do these simple buns, I won’t need to mess with it much anymore.”

“No. We’re braiding your hair every day. I must get this promotion from combing to braiding.”

“You’re impossible.”

I squinted as I attempted another braid. After two minutes, I gave up. “There’s a pattern to it.”

“Yes.” She grabbed the new section that I combed through and began.

I watched her. “Princess, stop.”

She froze, holding the hair.

“Go slowly.”

“Kamal, it’s not that serious.”

“Go slow.”

“So, you grab the right section with your right hand and the left section with your left hand.”

“And then the middle?”

“Yes. Let it hang free.”


“Then, you kind of hold the strands against your palm with your middle, ring, and little fingers, keeping your index fingers and thumbs free.”

“This is insane.”

She chuckled. “Cross the left section over the middle section. And then with the index finger and thumb of your left hand, grab the middle section of hair—”

“No. I give up.”

“It takes practice, but it’s not that big of a deal.”

“I now have more respect for women and their hair than I’ve ever had before. You do this all the time?”

“When I wash it.”

“I salute you.” I parted a new section and combed through it. “And is this how you keep your hair so soft and sweet-smelling?”

“I guess.” She glanced back at me. “Thanks so much. This is really sweet.”

“What am I? A stranger or—”

“Don’t you start, Kamal. I am telling you thank you.”

I chuckled to myself.

We spent a good hour working through her hair and making sure it was all detangled. I loved every minute of it. Our banter filled in the time. She told me about her favorite anime Shaolin Assassins. I talked about how I got the idea of my company and how I believed it would be doing well after this crisis.

When we finished detangling her hair, I had the pleasure of undoing all those braids and then brushing it through. I never thought I would take such pleasure in playing in Jade’s hair. But there I was on a peaceful Sunday afternoon, sitting on the couch, massaging her scalp with lavender-scented oil, and relishing in the joy of her silky strands.

She raised her hands.

I gently pushed them down. “Let me do the buns.”

She giggled.

“I don’t like how you’re laughing at me. I’ve learned a lot in this hour.”

“Well. . .buns aren’t too difficult.”

“Show me how to do one and I’ll do the other.”

“I was only going to do one.”

“Oh no.” I shook my head. “We’re doing two. One on each side like Princess Leia from Star Wars.”

“Alrighty then, Mr. Crazy.” She slowly did a bun on the left and then gave me a rubber band.

“Hmmm.” I took it and proceeded to execute a bun on the right. At first, it dangled near her ear and didn’t match the other side. I took it out and tried again. That didn’t work either. I took that out.

“Kamal, I can just—”

“Absolutely not.” I perfectly completed this one. “There we go. Check it out.”

She raised the mirror.

I took the small mirror from her. “No. You have to go see my art in the biggest mirror in the apartment.”

“Oh, my bad.” She slowly rose. “I must respect the artist.”

“Exactly.” I took her hand and guided her into the bedroom. “Close your eyes.”

She did as I ordered. “You’re ridiculous.”

I turned her around and placed her in front of the large dresser mirror. “Okay. Open them.”

She grinned. “Perfect.”

“Yes. You are, but what about my bun.”

She blushed. “That’s perfect too.”

I gently turned her around. “But is it worth a kiss?”

She parted her lips. Desire lay within her eyes. “Yes.”

“Hmmm.” I leaned forward, pulled her into my arms, and consumed her mouth. The first time had been amazing. This second time doubled the pleasure. It was everything, yet I still couldn’t be satiated.

I pulled her in some more. Her soft breasts pressed against my chest. That lavender fragrance added to my building desire. Kissing her deeper, I lifted Jade and set her on the dresser. I yearned for more. I needed to savor and taste every inch of her.

A soft moan left her lips.

I left her mouth and kissed my way down her neck. “How could you think I wouldn’t kiss you again?”

She murmured, “I was being logical.”

“Don’t do it anymore.” I licked up the curve of her neck.

She arched her back.

Kissing her again, I lifted her shirt up. My fingers found their way to the swell of her breasts. I pushed up the bottom of her bra with both hands. My body shook with lust.

She must’ve felt it too. She yanked off her shirt completely giving me a lovely view of those full breasts. And then she unsnapped the back of her bra and let it fall.

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