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Tamed by the Billionaire

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Serena shook her head slowly. “It sounds a bit corny to me. What about, caress your face with love?” She looked across at the woman as she spoke and saw to her surprise that Martha’s eyes lit up and a smile spread across her face.

“That’s perfect. I can build a whole campaign around that tagline.”

Serena looked at Roman and he, too, was smiling. He gave her a nod and an enigmatic smile. For some reason it made her think of his touch and a shiver ran down her spine.

For the rest of the meeting Serena remained silent but a warm glow suffused her body. She knew she was being silly but Roman was pleased with her and she was happy.

The meeting wrapped up shortly thereafter and Theresa came in to escort the visitors out. Serena picked up her notepad and pen and was heading out of the conference room when Roman spoke.

“Just a moment, Serena.”

She stopped in her tracks, her heart thumping loudly in her ears. She turned and saw that he was smiling at her. Goodness, he was so handsome when he smiled. She remained standing, her notepad clutched tightly in front of her, and waited.

“You did well today.” His voice was soft and as he took the four steps that brought him within inches of her she shuddered in reaction to his nearness. She struggled to keep her face calm, not wanting him to know the effect he was having on her.

“You’ve got an inborn talent that came out in the meeting today. You have an eye for beauty.” He smiled down at her then took her elbow and turned her toward the door. “You may go now but rest assured you’ll be in many more of these meetings from here on.”

Serena simply nodded, held her back straight and walked out. For the second time in a week he was showing her the door. She was glad for the praise but she would have preferred it if he’d swept her into his arms again and kissed her passionately like he’d done at their last meeting. Was she the only one who’d gotten drunk on that kiss? She bit her lip and kept on walking, her face as placid as Lake Ontario. She would never let him know how much she craved his touch.


That night Serena could not sleep. She’d climbed into bed at ten thirty then tossed and turned for hours with no sleep in sight. She’d had a wonderful day. No, a terrible day. She sighed in frustration. It had been a totally confusing day. First, she’d been defiant, preparing to challenge Roman next time she saw him. Then she’d tingled with the anticipation of seeing him again after their kiss. When he made the declaration that he’d never touch her again she felt deflated. When he praised her after the meeting she felt all gooey. Then he’d shown her the door. Back to depression.

What made it worse, despite her resolve to hate her job and do everything in her power to get fired she’d actually enjoyed the meeting with the ad agency. She’d learned so much in the space of just a couple of hours and, she had to admit, she was looking forward to learning even more. She groaned. That was going totally against her plan. What was she going to do now?

She looked at the clock. One thirty-five, which meant it would only be six thirty-five in the morning in Paris. She was sure that neither Jan nor Tammy would be up at this hour but she didn’t care. Right now she needed someone to talk to. She picked up the phone and dialed Jan’s cell number, praying that the roaming feature would work. It did. Jan answered the phone on the fifth ring.

“Hello.” Her voice sounded groggy and far away.

“Wake up, sleepy head,” Serena said, trying to sound cheerful. “What are you doing in bed at this hour? Do you know what time it is?”

There was a pause then Jan said dryly, “Of course I know what time it is. It’s an ungodly hour of the morning . You know I never get up this early. I’m on vacation, for heaven’s sake.” There was a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Serena sighed. “I know I shouldn’t have called you so early but I just need to talk. I’m all alone over here and I’m going crazy.”

“What’s going on, Serena? Are you alright?” Jan sounded fully awake now. Her voice was sharp with concern.

“I’m fine,” Serena said with another heavy sigh. “It’s just that you guys are over there having all the fun and I’m here working so hard. And to make things worse I have a devil of a boss who’s driving me mad.”

“What on earth do you mean? Didn’t we discuss the plan for your boss? You were going to go in there and show him that you’re a Van Buren. So what happened?”

Serena could not help smiling to herself. They had been so naïve. “Let’s just say, he’s not exactly the boss I expected.”

“Is he nice?”

“I wouldn’t describe him as…nice.” Serena bit her lip and wondered how much she should tell her friend. Then she continued, “He’s probably the most gorgeous man I’ve met in my entire life.”

“What? You never told me this.”

“How could I? You’re halfway across the world. You and Tammy abandoned me when I needed you most.”

“Come off it, Serena,” Jan said, sounding exasperated. “I’m not going to feel guilty about that. We had a plan and you backed out. Mind you, I know it wasn’t your fault but you certainly didn’t expect your father’s rules to apply to Tammy and me. Now let’s get back to the real issue here. Tell me about this hunk.”

“What’s going on?” Serena heard Tammy faintly in the background.

“Serena’s found a man and he’s handsome,” she heard Jan say.

“No, I haven’t,” she retorted. “The man is my boss, for goodness sake.”

“Really? She’s finally fallen for a guy?” It was Tammy’s voice again, closer this time.

“Yeah, and she’s going to tell me all about it,” Jan said excitedly.

“Will you guys stop that?” Serena yelled into the phone. They hadn’t even waited to hear her story but had jumped to all kinds of conclusions. Trust her crazy friends to be so…crazy.

“Okay, okay.” Jan laughed into the phone. “I’m listening.”

“Thank you,” Serena said in a huff then she drew in a deep breath and began. “As I was saying, my boss is nothing like I expected. He’s over six feet tall and he has jet black hair and such startling dark eyes. And his skin is dark, like…I think he’s part Italian or something.”

“Sounds like a movie star,” Jan said, dreamily.

“Hey, I’m not hearing any of this,” Tammy whined in the background.

“Shh, I’ll tell you all about it when we’re done,” Jan hissed, quieting her. Then she said to Serena, “So have you gone out with him yet?”

“What do you think I am? I just met the man last week. Anyway, his name is Roman Steele and he’s the CEO of Steele Industries-”

“Roman Steele? I know him. I mean, I’ve seen him in the papers before. You’re right, he’s a real hunk. You’re so lucky…”

“No, I’m not. He acts like he doesn’t even notice me.” There was a sudden hitch in her voice and Serena sat up and cleared her throat.

“It sounds like there’s something going on, something you’re not telling me.”

“No, there’s nothing,” she said quickly, “It’s just that…he’s…” Serena bit her lip as a sudden tear stung her eye. She didn’t know how to go on, she didn’t know what to say.

“Serena,” Jan said in a schoolmarm voice, “be careful what you’re doing over there. Sounds like you’ve gotten yourself into something deep. But whatever you do, don’t fall for him.”

Too late. Serena put her left index finger to her lips and began to nibble at the nail. It had only been a week since she`d met the man but that advice had come way too late to save her heart.


It was after five o’clock but Roman had no plans to leave the office any time soon. He’d been working on a report for the past three hours and, looking down at the papers in front of him, he realized that he didn’t have very much to show for all that time. He’d been distracted all afternoon and, as important as this report was, for the life of him he just could not put his mind to it.

And it was all Serena Van Buren’s fault. The witch was driving him crazy. He’d avoided her most of the week but this morning they’d spent over two hours together poring over the files of old ad campaigns, discussing those that had been successful and restacking those that had not had much impact. They’d sat together around the conference table, so close that he could smell the light fragrance of her perfume. The closeness had made him aware of her every move and he’d been hard put not to pull her into his arms and kiss her breathless.

Today Serena was wearing a tailored navy blue suit that clung to the soft curves of her hips and bust. The soft waves of her hair floated around her heart shaped face, giving her the look of an angel. Her full lips were rose pink and there was a slight flush to her face that made her look vibrant. Once when they both reached for the same sheet of paper their hands touched and she jumped as if she’d been shocked. He’d felt it, too. A jolt of electricity rushed through his body, making him suck in his breath. He’d tried hard not to react to her closeness but it became almost difficult to breathe and he couldn’t help glancing at her every now and again. He shook his head as he remembered how his physical reaction to her had been so strong that at one point he’d had to get up and go over to the table to pour himself a glass of water just to get away from her.

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