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Propositioning Her Brother's Best Friend

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Paul stopped her with a hand on her arm, forced her to turn, then took her into his arms. His hard chest pressed against her front. Within seconds his mouth was on hers, eating at her lips. His lips pressed on her own, almost bruising in their intensity. The moment she started to enjoy it, sinking her fingers into his hair, Paul pulled away.

“I want you to think about that tonight. I’ll give you everything you’ve ever desired, Rachel. If you can trust in nothing else, I can promise you that.” He walked her toward the door. She was shocked when he grabbed a coat and slammed the door behind him.

“You don’t have to walk me home,” she said. “It’s perfectly safe.”

“I’ve been walking you home since you were a little girl.”

“Paul, you’ve got eyes. I’m not that little, and everyone around here knows me.” She loved hearing him chuckle.

“Still, I’ll continue to walk you home. It gives me a purpose.”

He walked her to the front door and waited until she closed it before leaving. Resting against the wood she let out a sigh and then a giggle.

She’d done it.

At the beginning of the night her plan had been to get him to notice her, which had definitely worked. She could not believe she’d actually come out and asked him to teach her about sex. The words that had come out of her mouth were nothing like the ones she practiced in front of the mirror before leaving. Removing her jacket, she made her way upstairs to her room. In the space of an hour she’d been thoroughly kissed twice by the man of her dreams. When she’d been stood in the mirror at the beginning of the evening her plan had seemed so logical at the time. She thought it was a bit impersonal with her approach, but she hoped he would see that she wanted something more, something deeper in time. For the first time she’d seen a whole other side to Paul, a side he clearly kept hidden from the rest of the world. Did Mitch even know the full extent of his friend’s passion? Rachel couldn’t wait to find everything out about him. Her virginity was just one part of herself she wanted to give him. With time she hoped he would accept her heart as well.

Staring at her reflection in the mirror, Rachel was reminded of her brother’s warning to Paul about her. She didn’t know how true Paul’s feelings were for her, but he did feel something; she was sure of it. Mitch had been so far into his little rant to his friend that he had not seen his little sister listening to him from the top of the stairs. Mitch had warned Paul never to approach her for anything, not sex or love. She had waited, hoping that Paul would defy Mitch and approach her. Paul was not the type of man to be told what to do, even by her brother. Her waiting got her nowhere. Paul was never going to approach her for fear it would risk his friendship with her brother. For three years, ever since her eighteenth birthday, she’d been waiting. In that time she’d watched him with different women hanging off his arm. She had listened as they all gossiped about his needs in the bedroom. Now it was her turn to take what she wanted. Rachel was in love with Paul, and she wanted to be his only woman. She hoped getting him to teach her about sex the way he liked it would show him they were meant to be together. Her heart and body wanted him so bad.

Chapter Three

Paul stared around the garage he managed and wondered for the umpteenth time if he was insane. He’d woken up hard as rock from a dream about Rachel. Nothing he did could get her out of his mind. Once he’d returned home last night he’d even resorted to his supply of porn in an attempt to get her out of his mind. Last night, agreeing to teach Rachel about sex seemed so simple to him at the time. He would rather be the one to teach her about sex than some other horny fucker. But in the cold, harsh light of day he felt stupid and his feelings toward her sordid. What didn’t help his feelings was the fact he’d just gotten off the phone with her brother. Mitch had done nothing but question him about Rachel. His friend knew Paul would do everything in his power to look after her. Paul even suspected Mitch knew how he felt. He would never forget the warning Mitch had given him on her eighteenth birthday. He was not allowed near her and yet he was to keep other nasty guys away from her.

He was the only man good enough for Rachel, and Mitch should be able to see that by now. He had looked over her and protected her just as much as Mitch had, more so because of his feelings for her.

For so long Rachel had been a constant temptation staring him in the face all the time. Before last night every time he looked at her, he’d yearned for a taste of her, but he held himself back because he couldn’t have her. After last night, Rachel had given him the perfect opportunity to be the man she wanted between her thighs. He would finally get a taste of her, and he couldn’t wait to get Rachel underneath him, over him. Every way he could, he was going to take Rachel and have her screaming his name.

He had blue balls because of last night. No matter how many times he brought himself off with his palm nothing had satisfied him. Rachel had taken over already with her hazel eyes and glorious brown locks. He’d slept badly. Constantly waking up with an aching hard-on was not comfortable. The night had gotten so bad he’d been tempted to phone one of his women who knew the score and could relieve the ache. However, the thought of using one his women in town disgusted him. Rachel deserved better from him than using any woman he could to ease the ache inside him. He’d promised her that she could trust him. Rachel had already proven she knew a great deal about him even though he tried to keep it away from her. Paul was a controlling man. He liked his sex rough and to always be in control of the sex. Rachel was a virgin, and he’d known some women were startled by what he demanded in the bedroom. He never wanted to be the cause of her fear.

Shaking his head, Paul tried to push her out his thoughts. Working on cars usually took him away from all his troubles. Admittedly, none of his troubles were usually in the form of a full-figured, hazel-eyed woman. Absorbing himself in cars usually helped him work out his dilemmas, but all he could see was the perfect womanly body standing begging for his teachings instead of the rusty engine displayed before him. Rachel was far more appealing than a car.

Glancing over at the other mechanic working in his shop, Paul saw Darren was too busy working on the underside of a truck. He wasn’t leaving the shop. The only way for him to deal with the coming night ahead was to keep his mind focussed.

He pictured her tight nipples and the flush covering her skin as she waited for him last night. He wanted to feel them in his mouth and watch as they bounced while he fucked her. His cock thickened at the image running through his mind. Paul could picture Rachel’s face coming apart in orgasm with her screaming his name as she released.


“Get a grip, Paul.” He muttered the words to himself. His cock strained against the zipper of his scrubs, panting to get out. He winced at the restriction and adjusted his pants to try to get more room.

“Hey, Paul, what’s the matter?” He glanced over at his best mechanic, Darren, who’d popped out from under the hood of the truck, looking concerned.

Paul shook his head. “Nothing’s the matter. Can you take over this for me? I got somewhere else I need to be,” he asked, running fingers through his hair. His mind was so preoccupied he hadn’t done a single thing in the shop.

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