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The Billionaire's Heart

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The handsome stranger slotted himself between Samira and Danny, towering down on him. He seemed to be made of muscle. But he was clearly very agile, too – the sort of guy you needed on your side in a fight. His posture was open, challenging the jocks to take him on.

“You wanna harass someone, boys?” he growled. “You’re welcome to harass me. Want some?”

Danny looked like he was about to pee his pants. One of his friends ran forward and grabbed his arm to drag him away. “We didn’t mean anything. We were just being friendly.”

“Just being friendly?” the stranger said, following the boys as they tripped over each other to get away. “You were making this young lady feel uncomfortable to fuel your own sad little egos. But I can play that game; I can make you feel f**king uncomfortable. You want me to?”

“No, no, please… sorry…”

“Good. Now leave this f**king beach, and leave her alone. If you ever speak to her again without her permission, you’re f**king dead. Understand me?”

Samira’s heart fluttered with relief as the boys fled to leave the beach – obeying the orders of her handsome saviour with their tails between their legs.

The stranger turned back to Samira and his tough-guy posture softened. He gazed at her with his gorgeous blue eyes. “You okay, Miss?”

She shrugged, trying to act cool. “Yeah, I was doing alright – I’ve dealt with plenty of idiot-boys in Iran.”

His lovely face lit up. “Iran? Wait, you’re not Samira, are you?”

She frowned. “Yes?”

“Oh my god, I’m Ivan – Tariq’s friend!”

“Ivan, no way! It’s so great to meet you!”

Samira’s body filled with delight. She’d been looking forward to meeting Ivan for a long time now. He was her cousin Tariq’s childhood friend, and the two men had come to California to get away from New York for a couple of weeks to work on some mystery project together. Samira was happy for them to stay in her three-bedroom home – which Tariq was so generously funding. Her cousin had worked hard to help her gain a visa to study in America, so allowing them to stay for a while was the least she could do. She wasn’t expecting them to arrive until later, but she was grateful that Ivan had been walking on the beach when he had…

Ivan offered his hand to shake. His grip was firm and commanding. Samira was still trembling after the scuffle with the boys – but her trembles were also due to Ivan’s tantalising touch, which made her want to do anything for him.

He held her gaze in his. “The pleasure’s all mine, Samira. Thank you so much for allowing us to stay with you. I sure do appreciate it.”

“Oh, it’s no problem. Tariq’s told me so much about you! Come here…”

Samira reached out and hugged him. It felt natural to do so, even though she was dressed in her bikini. His arms fell around her, making her body flush with arousal. This definitely wouldn’t be allowed in Iran.

Ivan held her close, resting his strong hands on her bare back. “It’s great to meet you... Tariq forgot to mention how beautiful you are. And how blonde.”

She chuckled at his comment on her hair colour. Back in Iran, Samira would’ve been in trouble simply for going outside without a headscarf, so when she’d first arrived in America she’d taken delight in dying her long thick jet-black hair a vibrant platinum blonde. It earned her a lot of looks around campus – but not for reasons of immorality. She wore her blonde tresses with pride. Here in America people could dye their hair whatever colour they wished. She loved this sweet land of liberty.

The hug broke apart and they stared at each other in silence.

“So…” Samira said. “Welcome to Los Angeles.”

Ivan chuckled. “Thanks – it’s great to be here.”

“Hey, would you like to walk back to the house with me? I’d like to go say hi to my cousin, but… Just in case those guys are still around?”

“Sure, I’d love to.”

Samira quickly threw on her summer dress, which was low-cut, short, and made of clingy material. It showed off her curves, making her feel sexy and empowered. Hopefully Ivan would be impressed…

She smiled coyly. “Let’s go.”

They walked bare-footed along the soft sand together, side by side. Samira could see Ivan’s bulging muscles under the short sleeves of his casual shirt, and she suppressed a desire to give his biceps a squeeze. She focused her attention ahead. The brilliant blue sky was turning orange and pink as the sun set over the crashing waves, giving the beach a romantic vibe. Samira wondered whether Ivan was attracted to her.

? Also By Julie Farrell

· The Billionaire's Heart · The Billionaire's Affair: Billionaire Brothers · The Billionaire's Secret: Billionaire Obsessio... · The Billionaire's Revenge: Billionaire Brother... · The Billionaire's Kisses: Billionaire Brothers · The Billionaire's Heart: Billionaire Brothers · The Billionaire's Heir: Billionaire Obsession · Billionaire Brothers ? Last Updated

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