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The Billionaire's Revenge (Tycoon Billionaires 3)

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She stopped herself from smirking. “Actually, Matthew sent me here.”

“Matthew? Why?”

“He asked me over dinner how my interview with you was going. I told him I hadn’t started, and he told me to jump to it. I guessed you’d be here.”

He squeezed her shoulder, sending molten heat deep between her thighs. “Well,” he said, “your opening question could be ‘Joseph, will you bend me over the mixing desk and give me the most mind-blowing orgasm I’ve ever had?’”

Arousal whooshed through her body. “Joseph, I meant what I said about us not getting involved.”

He caressed her face. She tensed up but didn’t try to stop him. Her breathing sped up and her body washed with lust. She willed herself to calm down, but his touch turned her into a trembling pool of passion.

He kissed her on the lips, making her heart thrash with desire. “Didn’t you think it was the best sex you’ve ever had?”

A smile crept over her face. “Yes it was… But I can’t do this with you. We have different priorities. I can’t be a groupie. I want to concentrate on my career.”

He pulled her close, wrapping her up in his strong sculpted arms. “Ellie, I don’t want you to be a groupie. I want to get to know you properly – to date you. You captivate me.”

Eleanor opened her mouth to offer more excuses, but he kissed her hard, so she sank into his arms, allowing herself to fall into him. The kiss increased in passion and he eased his tongue into her mouth – he tasted so manly and hot, and she wanted to succumb. But she was suddenly struck with a flash of their future – sharing him with thousands of other women. How would he ever be faithful to her? She’d had enough of cheating men with Matthew. She didn’t need another one.

She pried herself away. “I can’t do this…”

“Ellie, come on –”

“No!” She turned and grabbed the door, then fled out into the corridor. She wanted to run down the stairs like Cinderella at midnight, but she could hear the receptionist and security guard chatting casually in the foyer, and she didn’t want to cause a scene. She halted and tried to focus, but the air seemed thick and blurry. She sensed Joseph appear behind her, radiating with promises of comfort and affection. He was as tempting as a slice of fudge cake – she wanted him like crazy, but he was ultimately going to be very bad for her. He strode around and blocked the stairs, preventing her from leaving, then he stepped close and ran his fingers through her hair, forcing her to look at him.

She closed her eyes, trying to block him out, but he took that as an opportunity to kiss her – stifling her resolve by inciting lust into every cell of her yearning body.

“Come back into the studio,” he whispered. “We can talk, okay?”

He kissed her again, and she felt as if she might be torn in two with desire. She wanted him so badly, but…

“Joseph… I should go.”

“I know you want me, Ellie. Or you wouldn’t be here. I know you’re scared of heartache, but I promise I have no intention of hurting you. No one knows what the future holds, but let’s enjoy the journey from here to there. I want you. I want to fuck you all night long, and then hold you tight and never let you go.”

He kissed her hard making her feel like a heroine in a movie. Then he stepped over to the glass door of the studio. He pushed it open and held out his hand.

“Come dance with me.”

“Dance? What?”

“You want to do this properly, right? For us to date? Well, I can’t take you out on a date, for obvious reasons, so we’ll have to bring the date here. Come on.”

Eleanor looked down at her shoes. Every woman who’d seen him perform would kill for this chance. But her feet were glued to the carpet. “I can’t.”

“Sure you can. I’ll take care of you.”

She unglued her feet and strode past him as if he was a wild animal waiting to pounce. He let the door close behind them, then he led her into the ‘live’ room. It seemed emptier and bigger than usual, and somehow more relaxed without Matthew’s stressy corporate vibes spewing out all over the place. It was a lovely bright and airy space, and the laminate flooring and magnolia walls made it seem larger than it was. The soundproof glass at the far end overlooked the control room, but the dim lights that were imbedded in the low ceiling shone on the glass, making it hard to see what was going on in there.

Joseph led Eleanor into the centre of the space, then he let go of her hand. “Wait here.”

She stood nervously amongst the mic stands and guitars as he strode off into the control room. With all this musical equipment strewn about, there was just enough space to dance – if they remained cheek-to-cheek. Eleanor’s body quivered at the thought.

The music suddenly blasted out over the speakers, and Eleanor glanced up to see Joseph on the other side of the glass, grinning at her. They held eye contact for what seemed like ages, then he swaggered back to join her.

“This is what we recorded today. I’m doing the vocals tomorrow, but I only wrote the lyrics this afternoon.”


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