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Heart Strings

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“Yes,” I breathed out, my heart hammering in my chest at his words.

“I won’t be able to walk away. I already know that. I’ll fight to keep you.”

“I need someone to fight for me.”

His eyes softened, but his grip never lessened. “I know.”

I slid my fingers over his face, tracing his lips. He pursed them, kissing the tips, capturing the end of one in his teeth and nipping at it playfully.

“I don’t share,” he stated emphatically.

“Neither do I.”

“I won’t be a fast fuck either. Someone you use to get back at Daddy and walk away. I’m not built that way.” He dragged in a long breath. “I would rather walk away from you now than ever be that to you.” He didn’t move, waiting for my reaction.

“You’re not,” I assured him.

We stared at each other, need and desire wrapping us in our own bubble. His whiskey-colored eyes were passionate and fierce. They mesmerized me. His body was taut with tension, and I felt the evidence of his desire pressed between us. He was like a coiled cobra, ready to strike, yet I knew if I said no, he would back away and let me leave him. But that wasn’t what I wanted.

“You’re not,” I repeated. “I want you for me—just me. Because you’re sexy, sweet, and because you’re…Logan. No other reason.

“Ask me again, Lottie.”

“Take me upstairs, Logan.” I drew in a long breath. “Stay.”

He wrapped his hand around mine.

“Yes.”We didn’t touch in the elevator. We stood on opposite sides as if we knew, once we touched, we wouldn’t be able to stop. My breathing had picked up, and as the ancient elevator rose to the fourth floor, it became harder to fill my lungs. I lifted my eyes, meeting Logan’s intense, passionate stare, the black of his pupils almost eclipsing the rich golden-brown I was used to seeing. He looked dangerous and sexy. I heard my gasp, and my breathing accelerated more, becoming short bursts of air.

Gripping the handrail as if he were holding himself back, Logan pushed his torso forward but still didn’t touch me. “Breathe, Lottie. I promise I’ll ease the ache soon. But I need you alone and the door locked.”

I could only nod.

“Do you have your keys?”

“Yes.” I managed to get out.

“Good.” He exhaled hard. “I’m not going to be gentle. I’m not that kind of lover.”

My breathing shuddered, and my body reacted to his words. My pussy clenched, aching like it never had before. I pressed my thighs together, needing relief.

Had I ever wanted anyone as much as I wanted this man?

The elevator door opened, and I went ahead of Logan. I could feel him behind me, hear his breathing. At my door, I fumbled, my shaking hand unable to insert the key into the lock. Logan edged closer, his large hand closing over mine.

“Let me.”

Wordlessly, I allowed him to pull me back, his hard body crowding me against the door. The key turned, and Logan’s arm wrapped around my waist, holding me close.

His hot breath drifted across my skin, his lips on my ear. “Last chance to change your mind. Once we go inside and shut the door, you’re mine.”

“I already am,” I whispered, knowing deep inside it was true. I had been his since the night he had first sung to me.

He cursed low in his throat, picking me up and stepping into my condo as if I weighed nothing. Using his foot, he hooked the door fast, and it shut with a loud thud, the lock clicking into place. I heard my keys land somewhere on the floor, and he spun me in his arms, crashing his mouth to mine. He didn’t hold back, his tongue plunging inside, licking and sucking. His long, talented fingers yanked on the buttons of my coat, pushing it off my shoulders, and jerked my scarf away from my throat, his mouth latching on to the tender skin and pulling it between his teeth. I fumbled with his zipper, shoving at his cold leather jacket. I wanted it off. When the coat hit the floor with a satisfying thud, it wasn’t enough. I wanted his sweater gone. I needed to feel him. Gripping the bottom of his sweater, I tugged, cursing in frustration when he stepped back with a smirk.

“Tell me what you want, Lottie.”

“You.” I licked my lips. “I want you naked.”

He laughed, the sound low and sexy in his chest. It was the laugh of a male satisfied with what he had just heard. It went along with the pleased smirk on his face.

“You want my sweater off?”


Reaching over his head, he tugged on the material, and slowly, his torso was revealed. Long, taut, with muscles in all the right places, he was gorgeous. His arms and abs were toned and hard. A musical score in black ink was etched into his skin, the start and finish curled around his biceps. I knew without seeing it was embedded across his back, waiting to be discovered, and I wanted to trace it with my tongue as he sang it for me. He trailed his hands down his chest, flicking at the nipple ring that glinted in the dim light from the small lamp I had left on. I wanted to take his nipple ring in my mouth and tug on it. Hear him groan my name. He stopped at the waistband of his jeans, slowly arching an eyebrow.

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