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Heart Strings

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“Hey,” I greeted her.

She looked up and yanked on my sleeve. “Oh my god, sit down. Listen to this guy. He is amazing!”

I tried not to laugh. “Yes, he is.”

“I haven’t been able to move. He’s mesmerizing. Is he here a lot?” she asked, not taking her eyes off him.


“I’m moving. I need to be at this station every day, then.” She glanced over at me. “I mean, seriously. He is hot.”

I sighed, meeting his gaze. “He is. He makes every day better.” He winked and smiled, and I couldn’t help my returning grin.

She glanced at Logan, then back at me. “Holy shit.”


“That’s him?” she breathed out. “That’s the unapproved man?”

I hummed in reply, not wanting to miss a moment of Logan’s song.

Logan stopped playing and, in seconds, strode toward us. He set down his guitar case and bent, brushing his mouth over mine. “Hello, my Snow Queen.”

“Hi,” I whispered.

“Oh my god,” Brianna groaned.

I chuckled and introduced them. Logan shook her hand, and she gazed up at him. “What are you doing playing in a subway station?”

He responded by cupping my cheek and stroking my face with his thumb. “I play for her.”

Brianna sighed. “I’m going to get dinner, and I’ll meet you at your place.” She stood and wagged her finger at me. “You have a lot to tell me, and you don’t get to leave a word out.”

Logan tugged on my hand. “We’ll walk with you. It’s dark, and you shouldn’t be out alone.”

She stared at him as if he were a figment of her imagination. “Sexy, talented, and a gentleman? My god, you’ve hit the jackpot, Lottie.”

I stood, and we walked behind her. I squeezed Logan’s hand. “Yes, I have.”

Over spicy beef and sticky, delicious noodles, Brianna grilled Logan. What he did. Where he grew up. How we met. What grade he taught. Where he lived. I was currently laughing at her last question. Asked with her chin propped up in one hand, the other clutching an egg roll.

“Do you happen to have a twin brother? Even an older one. I’d take him.”

Logan chuckled as he chewed a dripping wonton, wiping the sweet-and-sour sauce off his lips. He swallowed and picked up his water glass, shaking his head. “Just me.”

“Damn. Any spare DNA around? Maybe we could make one.”

He choked as he laughed, meeting my eyes with a wink. “Bit young for you, then, Brianna.”

“Damn it, you’re right. Okay, friends who like to follow your example?”

He grinned. “Maybe.”

“I’m rich,” she stated. “Happy to be a sugar momma.”

He studied her, then spoke, his voice serious. “I think perhaps you’re selling yourself short, Brianna. I believe you have way more to offer than your money.”

Brianna gaped at him for a moment and did something I had never seen until that very moment.

She blushed.

Her cheeks flushed, her mouth opened, but no words came out. Instead, she shoved in a piece of beef and chewed, the incredulous look on her face priceless.

I squeezed Logan’s knee. I always told her that, but I had never heard anyone else say that to her.

The rest of the dinner was quiet, although Logan teased me about my ineptitude with chopsticks, often leaning close to feed me a bite. I knew he was using it as an excuse, and I was fine with that.

After dinner, Logan reached for his coat.

“Where are you going?” I asked, confused.

He bent over and kissed my forehead. “You need some girl time.”

Brianna shook her head. “I’m the one who crashed your night, Logan. I’ll go.”

“Nope. I know Lottie has missed you. I’ve got some papers to mark, so I’ll go get that done.” He slipped his hand under my chin, tilting up my face and pressing his mouth to mine. His lips lingered, warm and firm, then he drew back. “By the way, I have a gig at The Tavern tomorrow.” He tapped my nose. “Want to come see your man play?”

“I didn’t know that.”

He winked. “Last minute. I got a call this afternoon.”

“Absolutely. I would love it.”

He smiled at Brianna. “You’re welcome to join. I have a table reserved.”


He ran his finger over my cheek. “Call me later, Snow Queen.”

“I will.”

My eyes followed him until the door clicked closed. I sighed and met Brianna’s gaze.

“He looks as good going as he did coming.” She smirked, leaning close. “And you have to tell me how fucking spectacular is that vision?” Dramatically, she opened her eyes wide. “He’s an animal in bed, isn’t he, you lucky bitch?”

“You have no idea,” I whispered.

“Well, I’m about to find out, because you’re going to tell me. Don’t leave out a single detail.” She cocked her head to the side. “And I want all the details on how you met, not the PG version. Now, spill.”

An hour later, we had consumed a bottle of wine, and I had told her everything. It felt good to be able to talk about Logan. To say out loud the things I’d been thinking. To share what a wonderful person had come into my life. She had listened, hardly interrupting, although she laughed at the part about my father seeing us on the dance floor.

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