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Beneath the Scars

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Her excited little bark made me turn my head to see Zachary and Elliott coming toward us. Dixie turned in frantic little circles of excitement as they came closer. I giggled as I realized, if I could, I would do the same thing when I saw Zachary. He was almost larger than life, striding toward me, his overcoat billowing out behind him, stretched taut across his broad shoulders. My stomach did strange little flip flops every time I saw him. The longing to feel his arms around me grew with every step he took closer, and a small sigh of pent up emotion escaped my lips when I was wrapped up in his embrace.

“Ready to go?” he asked, his voice rough.

I tightened my arms around his waist. “It’s only a few days. I’ll come back as quick as I can.”

“I know.” His lips nuzzled my hair. “You’re sure about Dixie?”

I tilted my head back. “Yes. I’m staying at Karen’s and I’ll be busy. If she’s here with you, she’ll be happier and I won’t worry.”

“And you’ll come back.”

I tamped down my frustration at his words. He still couldn’t accept I’d come back anyway. I reminded myself he needed time. The longer I was with him, the more comfortable he would become, and he would accept this was real. We were real. I kept my voice patient. “I am coming back, Zachary. Even if I took Dixie with me, I’d come back. I’m coming back for you. For us.”

His mouth covered mine, his kiss hard and desperate. He surrounded me, molding my body to his as he wrapped us both in his coat, seeking the reassurance my touch would give him. Slowly, the kiss morphed into a tender, gentle one of farewell, and he released me with a quiet exhale of air.

“I’ll walk you to your car.”

I swallowed back the unexpected sting of tears. I didn’t want to leave either.


I looked up at him, his expression one of surprise. “Don’t cry, Megan.” He wiped away a small tear under my eye. “I’ll be right here, waiting. Hurry back to me.”

I wanted to ask him to come with me, but I knew that wasn’t possible. So, I nodded and forced a smile. “I know.”

We were quiet as I slid into the car. Zachary kneeled beside the open door. “Drive safe. Call me when you get there.”

“I will.”

He dropped a kiss to my forehead, his lips lingering, his expression forlorn. “I’ll miss you.”

He shut my door, and without a backward glance, walked away. I knew he was fighting his emotions, and all his doubts were messing with his head. He still didn’t believe he mattered enough. I wasn’t sure he even understood what that meant. So accustomed to rejection and being used, his insecurities crippled him. The cold, indifferent face he showed to the world was a far cry from the unsure, caring soul he kept hidden.

I knew I had to be patient. I hoped with time he would realize it. Once enough time passed and his trust grew, he would know how much he meant to me. His first instinct wouldn’t be one of distrust and worry, but rather the assurance that came with the acceptance of love. My love for him. One day we’d get there—together.

His tormented, worried eyes haunted me the whole drive back to the city.* * *I wished for Zachary’s presence beside me as I faced Jared in the boardroom at his lawyer’s office. Both Bill and I would have preferred the meeting elsewhere, but in the end, we had agreed to meet here. I hardly slept last night and hadn’t been able to even look at breakfast, my stomach was so tied in knots. We were kept waiting, which only increased my anxiety, and more than once, I realized I was tugging on my ears, trying to remain calm. I caught my reflection in the mirrored tile on one wall and grimaced at how bright pink the right lobe had become.

Jared’s arrogant stance and nasty attitude were even more obvious than the last time I had seen him as he strode into the room, a smug look on his face. He was sure I was coming to sign his offer and disappear, so he could move ahead with his plans. When Bill informed him I would not be accepting the deal and refused to withdraw my claims the book was mine, he became angrier, addressing me directly, even as his lawyer tried to override him.

“Take the damn money and sign, Megan,” Jared hissed through clenched teeth.

“No.” I shook my head, refusing to back down or show him fear. “I’m not taking your payout. I can’t fight you, but I’m not going to let you take my work.”

“It’s mine. We both know that!”

“It doesn’t matter how often you say it. It will never be the truth. I’m not signing.”

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