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Beneath the Scars

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Revulsion tore through me. “You’re the most despicable person I’ve met. I regret the day I ever heard your name.”

He leered at me as he shrugged his shoulders. “Regret away, Megan. I still win.” His eyes glinted, dark and nasty as he shoved some more papers into my cold hand. “You made it all so easy, as well.” Then he turned and walked away, leaving me looking at the order receipt from Zachary’s paint, which had flown away, and some more pictures of the two of us together. He’d been here and seen me—he’d been watching us—following us. He found the information he needed because of my careless mouth and a piece of paper I let blow away. I hadn’t noticed him, never saw him passing me on the highway or watching us.

I swallowed the bile rising in my throat again. I had led him right to Zachary.

Jonathon came around the corner, frowning when he saw Jared’s departing figure. His eyes softened when he saw my tears, and he slipped his hand under my elbow to steady me. “Are you all right?”

I shook my head, unable to speak.

“Let me take you home, Megan.”



“Yes,” I mumbled. I had to get to him.* * *I stumbled into the house, refusing Jonathon’s offer of help. I needed to be alone and think before I went to see Zachary. The roads had been deserted, so I knew no one followed us from town, but I still hoped Zachary was safe in his house. I stopped at the sight of Dixie on the sofa, my hand clutching the doorframe for support. She’d been at Zachary’s when we left.

Why was she here?

I gasped as my eyes swept the room. Sitting on top of the mantle was a canvas I would know anywhere. Tempest was leaning on the wall; one long rending tear slashed diagonally across the painting, the image ruined. With slow steps and fresh tears falling down my face, I crossed the room, my fingers tracing the edge of the tear gently, the meaning behind the gesture plain.

He was destroying what I loved, because he thought I destroyed him.

A small piece of paper was tacked to the corner.

Finally. You got something you really wanted.Sinking to the floor, I buried my head in my hands as I sobbed. I didn’t have to go to his house to know he was gone. His house would be vacant, the rooms echoing with silence.

He had left. I didn’t know how to find him and tell him the truth.

He left thinking once again he’d been used and discarded. He believed that I used him, because he was unworthy of really being loved.

A small bundle of fur crawled into my lap, and I pulled Dixie close to me as I wept. He brought her back to me and left me with the thing he believed I wanted most.

Except it wasn’t the painting I wanted. It was him.

Now, both were destroyed.24MeganSomeone was tugging at my arms. “Megan. You have to move.”

Blinking, I looked up into Karen’s concerned eyes, then took in my surroundings. The room was dim, and I realized I must have cried myself to sleep sitting on the floor.

When did she arrive?

She shook me slightly. “Stand up,” she commanded, her voice firm but patient. With her help, I struggled to my feet and moved to the sofa. She handed me a glass of water. “Drink.”

I sipped at the liquid, the coolness feeling good on my parched throat.


“Ashley called. She said you needed me. Right away.”


All the memories came back, my eyes widening and filling with more tears. Karen took my glass and clasped my hands. “Tell me.”

Between sobs and hiccups, I told her everything. She listened, cursing at times, rubbing my back on occasion, while I cried and got out all the words.

“Bastards,” she hissed. “Both of them.”

I frowned at her, shaking my head. “This isn’t Zachary’s fault. You can’t blame him.”

“He believed Jared! How could he do that?”

“Jared did a thorough job.” Sniffing, I pulled the crumbled paper out of my pocket, showing it to her. “He covered all the bases—again.” Another sob wrenched from my chest. “For the second time, I handed it to him. Only this time, I’m not the only one hurt.”

“Stop blaming yourself. You had no idea Jared would do something like this, Megan.”

“I should have, though.” I stood up, pacing. “I should’ve taken the damn offer, like you and Bill said. Put it behind me. He stole my book, then had no problem calling me a liar and defaming me everywhere. I should’ve known he wouldn’t stop.” I held out my hands in a pleading gesture. “I dropped a receipt with Zachary’s name on it. I didn’t know Jared had followed me.” I choked back a fresh sob. “I didn’t know he was watching.”

Karen grabbed my hands and tugged me back down beside her. “I know,” she soothed.

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