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Revved To The Maxx

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She had given me yet another dream I’d never thought I would have.

The wrench now hung over my workbench, framed and displayed proudly.

Next to my wedding day, it was the greatest day of my life.

“You still shouldn’t be doing this. You look tired.”

She waved her hand. “It will pass. My back was a little achy, but it feels better now.”

I heard the sound of Mary’s truck, and I stood, going to the door. Mary waved as I opened it, but before I could step out to help Mary carry a box she was holding, the sound of Charly’s panicked voice made me turn my head.


She was standing, holding her stomach. A puddle of water was at her feet. She met my shocked eyes.

“Not an ache. A contraction.”

“Holy moly,” I muttered.

“No pies,” she said in a shaky voice. “Today is now baby day.”Thomas Sean Reynolds arrived only four hours later, apparently anxious to make his presence known. At eight pounds, he was a good-sized baby, especially given he was early. He also possessed a great pair of lungs, which he liked to use to show his displeasure. Named after my dad and her brother, he was long and healthy, with a head full of hair that looked suspiciously dark red. He liked to hold my finger from the moment they put him in my arms. The first time he did that and blinked up at me with his wide eyes, I fell more in love than I had thought possible. The intense feelings I’d had all through Charly’s pregnancy seemed insignificant to the massive emotion that now swelled through my body.

I was fascinated by him. Infatuated. I could barely put him down. I held him in one arm, and grasped Charly’s hand, staring between the two people I loved the most in the world.

She had been amazing. Labor had progressed so fast there was no time for an epidural, and watching her bring my son into the world was one of the most profound experiences of my life. She amazed me before—now I was in complete awe of her strength.

The hospital was quiet, Charly finally resting. Tomorrow, visitors would come, and I knew the room would be buzzing with people and gifts for the new arrival. I wondered if it was rude to refuse to let anyone else hold my son. I could probably glower enough that they wouldn’t ask. Charly might have something to say on the matter, though.

Stefano texted me to tell me his mother and sisters had been to the house, finished the pies and filled the freezer with enough food, we were set for weeks. Kelly had texted, saying she would arrive home next week and would be making a trip out to see Charly. She still flitted around the globe, taking her photographs, but she and Charly saw each other when they could and remained close.

Then the next day, I could take my family home. My feisty, beautiful wife and my son.

How my life had changed.

All because of the sleeping redhead who still kept me on my toes and loved me with a fiery passion that amazed me. She made my world brighter. Her spirit filled our home and the garage. She was adored by many, and her funny little expressions were now commonplace by all who knew her. Easy peasy, holy moly, chap my ass, were bandied about as normal parts of conversation. But they still made me smile hardest when she used them—especially thrown at me.

Her sassy mouth made me fall for her. The way she handled my grumpy ass and never backed down. The way she demanded that I never change. That she loved me exactly the way she found me.

My Red.

She stirred, and I leaned over and kissed her. “Love you,” I murmured.

That sassy mouth curved into a smile before she drifted back into sleep.

“I know.”

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