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Revved To The Maxx

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I bent over the engine again, unable to explain my anger. Brian was a decent guy and I had known him a long time, but I didn’t like the way he was looking at Charly.

I finished his job, shutting the hood. Before I could say anything, Charly came out of the office, her attitude brisk and businesslike. “Cash or credit?”

He blinked. “Oh. Usually, I pay whenever.”

She shook her head. “New policy. You have work done, you pay today.”

“Oh.” He pulled out his credit card. “Okay.”

“Oil change and tune-up?” Charly asked me. “List price?”

It was my turn to blink. I had a list price?

“Ah, five percent off for being a loyal customer,” I muttered.

“Easy peasy. Follow me,” she directed Brian.

He left a few moments later, clearly shell-shocked. I waved as he backed out the car, stopping to drink my now-cold coffee.

I brought in the next car. She strolled out, her laptop and file in one hand, a steaming cup of coffee in the other. “I’m heading to the house. How many more cars do you have today?”

“Only three. Tomorrow is booked solid.”

She pursed her lips, setting down the items she was carrying. She waved toward the wall. “We need a system. Like a wipe-off board you write the schedule down on, so I know when to be around for payment. No more walking out without paying.”

“They’re good for it.”

“Not anymore. You do the work, I take the payment.”

“I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but you don’t make the rules here.”

“Rules?” she snorted. “Yowsers—there are no rules! You need to pay better attention. I don’t know where you’ve been the last while, but your mind is not focused on this place.”

Her words made me see red. I stepped right in front of her. “Where I’ve been is none of your business.”

“Obviously it is if you hired me to help.”

“You’re a pain in the ass, anyone ever tell you that?”

“You’re a controlling jerk who refuses to admit he needs help.”

We were so close, I could feel her warm breath on my face. See the flecks of gray in the green of her eyes. I glared at her.

“You’re trying my patience, Red.”

“You’re pissing me off,” she retorted, jabbing at my chest with her pointy finger.

I grabbed her hand, and we both stared at it. Felt the heat bubbling in the air around us. Our gazes locked, and suddenly, my mouth was on hers. Demanding. Hard. Determined.

She yanked back, her breathing hard. “You’re an asshole.”

“I know.”

Then she flung her arms around my neck and kissed me back. She pulled me hard, yanking on my hair. I wrapped my arm around her, settling my hand on that spectacular ass, and dragging her close. Our tongues battled for dominance, neither of us giving an inch.

It was only the sound of a car door slamming out front that had us pulling apart. We faced each other, her lips swollen from our passion, her rapid breathing matching mine. My cock was hard and erect, pulsating with need.

She swallowed. “I’ll order that wipe-off board.”

I nodded. “Yeah, you do that.”

She turned and fled.CHARLYI didn’t run because he kissed me. I ran because I was afraid that regardless of the fact that a customer was about to walk in, I was going to drag him back to my mouth.

My god, the man—the growly, snarly bear of a man—could kiss. Considering the venom his mouth spewed, his lips were addictive and sweet. Even when he was angry. He controlled my mouth, and me, easily. Kissing him made me remember the night we shared. How he felt inside me, the sounds he made while we…

My thoughts came to a standstill.

Made love?


Had a fast fling?

All three?

I set down the laptop on the counter, noticing he had cleaned up after his dinner last night. I had to admit, the place was in chaos, but he, himself, was neat. He simply needed someone to sort through the destruction he’d created around himself.

I sighed, confused. We were like oil and water. He was swift to anger, and somehow, he brought out the same reaction in me. One glare from him and my hackles rose.

Holy moly. So did my temperature.

I rubbed my forehead. I came here to do a job, and I was going to do it. He could huff and puff all he wanted. I ignored the little voice in my head that whispered she hoped there’d be more kissing. Pushing that annoying little voice away, I concentrated on the tasks I wanted to accomplish.

I decided to start a simple casserole of macaroni and cheese for dinner. There were a couple of pieces of short ribs left over that Maxx could eat in addition to the casserole if he wanted to. I put the pot on to boil, then found a sharp knife, and began sorting boxes in the dining room. Most of them were empty, simply tossed to the side. I kept all the box tops so I could match them up with jobs, or where they were in the supply area of the garage. The ones that still contained parts, I piled in the mudroom to be carried to the garage. I worked happily, turning on some music, pleased when a couple of hours later, I stood back and admired my process. The table was clean, and I had polished the wood until it shone. I vacuumed the floor, admiring the heavy oak planks and the vintage scatter rug under the table. The casserole was on the counter, ready to heat, so I sat down, making more calls. Most people were shocked when I explained why I was calling, introducing myself, and the reason for my call. Many were more than happy to send an e-transfer once I gave them the amount owed. I had found a list of prices in the drawer and, after doing some checking, increased the pricing more to reflect today’s rates. No one objected to the amounts. A few were hesitant about my identity, and I informed them to feel free to call Maxx to verify who I was. Some insisted on dropping off payment at the garage later this week, no doubt curious as to what was happening. I was friendly and courteous, trying to represent Maxx in a professional manner.

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