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Sandy - Vested Interest

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She threw her arms around me. “I am so glad he has you.”

I hugged her back. “Thank you.”

She pulled away, grinning. “I think your grandbaby is happy too.”

I laughed, laying my hand on her stomach, feeling the pushing of a foot or a hand. I was excited about this baby—about all the babies. Jordan and I would be surrounded by little ones for years to come.

There was another knock, and Colin came in, stopping when he saw me.

“Nan,” he breathed out. “You are gorgeous.”

“You clean up pretty well yourself.”

“Everyone is here, the boys are in their places, the chaplain is ready, and Jordan is anxious.” He lifted one eyebrow. “What about you?”

With a final glance in the mirror, I picked up my bouquet and the extra roses I had requested.


The girls stood. “That’s our cue,” Emmy said. There was a flurry of hugs, kisses, and a few tears, then they left.

Gina smiled. “I’ll see you at the altar.”

She would stand beside me, and Warren would be beside Jordan. We were keeping that part simple.

I turned to Colin. He grinned and tugged his sleeves, showing me his cuff links. “We all loved them.”


He stepped forward. “I want today to be perfect for you, Nan. I want you to be happy.”

“I am,” I assured him. “And today has already been amazing. Now, I get to marry Jordan, so it will be perfect.”

He kissed my cheek, then crooked his arm. “Let’s do this.”The music played softly, the small gathering in front of me all friends and people I considered family. We were getting married in a beautiful ballroom where we often danced on the weekends. Situated by the waterfront, it was romantic and beautiful, with huge crystal chandeliers that glittered and sparkled in the sunset. The wooden floor was polished to a high gloss and the walls draped in yards of gleaming satin. It was set up for the ceremony on one side, and after we were married, we had space for a catered dinner and dancing on the other end. It was elegant, simple, and everything we wanted for our day.

Then I had a surprise for Jordan waiting.

The aisle was wide, a thick runner under my feet, and strewn with flowers. There were seven rows of chairs and on the left-hand side of each row were the men I thought of as my sons.

They had all wanted to give me away, even calling me into the boardroom to present their arguments.

Bentley’s was short and succinct. “She was mine, first.”

Maddox insisted he would be the best dressed for the occasion.

Aiden had a PowerPoint ready, which mysteriously failed to work.

Reid never got to give his thoughts since Aiden chased him out of the office, yelling that he’d been sabotaged. All Reid managed to get out was “She loves me best!”

Richard sent a text.

It should be me, just so you don’t have to choose between the BAM boys.Van laughed, sipping his coffee. “I just wanted to see this spectacle, Sandy. Carry on.”

Once I stopped laughing and got Reid out of the headlock Aiden had him in, I explained it would be Colin, but shared my idea for the day, and they were all fine.

Each man stood in the aisle, tall and handsome, waiting for me to pass. It was the longest, most emotional walk down the aisle I could have asked for. Van, Richard, Reid, Maddox, Aiden, and finally, Bentley were all demonstrative, the gruff and stern businessmen fading away and the loving, wonderful men they were inside, present and waiting. As they bent for a kiss and a quiet word, I gave them a rose and told them why they were so special to me.

Bentley—his leadership and loyalty to those he loved.

Aiden—his strength and the protectiveness to the people he called family.

Maddox—his wisdom and sense of humor.

Van—his innate goodness and the depth of his love for his family

Richard—for the bond he had with my boys and the tenacity he possessed.

Finally I got to Reid. I could barely speak as I met his eyes. I leaned forward and kissed his cheek, whispering three words, “My favorite son.”

He kissed me back, tears in his eyes. “My mother.”

They all made sure I saw their cuff links, all eager to make me smile. Each of them was extraordinary to me in a different way, and I loved them all dearly. I was grateful for waterproof mascara as I made my way toward Jordan, who waited patiently, tears glimmering in his eyes as he watched me with the boys.

Finally, we reached the front row, and Colin wrapped me in his arms and kissed my forehead before he took his place at the end of the row. “I love you, Nan.”

I pressed my final rose into his palm. “I love you.”

I swept my gaze across the small gathering. All my boys sat with their wives, their hands clasped together, the love and happiness for me evident on their faces. Aaron beamed at me from his place, sitting beside Jennifer and Colin. Jennifer had only arrived today, coming straight from the airport, so she’d declined to be part of the ceremony, electing to sit with her dad and brother. But her smile was wide and open, and I knew she was happy for me. Around her throat was the necklace I had given her, and Aaron had a rose pinned to his lapel and cuff links in his sleeves.

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