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Changing Roles

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She flashed me an incredulous look.

“You are beyond beautiful, Shelby. Douglas is a lucky man,” I stated firmly.

Her eyes flew to mine, and she glowered.

I yanked on my hair.

Now what had I said?

Why was she angry?

Before I could say anything else stupid, I pulled out the other gift for her.

For a second, she looked puzzled as she stared at the empty frame. Then she beamed in understanding.

“You did? You finally cashed the damn check?”

I exhaled a heavy breath. “All done and safe in the bank.”

Inside my head, I added, for now. But I kept my face neutral.

I was good at that. It was the actor in me.

Standing, she flung her arms around me and kissed my cheek warmly. “Thank you.”

She moved away and began looking for a vase.

My cheek felt nice where she had kissed it.

She looked over her shoulder. “Wanna move movie night to this evening? I’ll even let you choose since I was the one to change things.”

I sighed in relief. “Least you could bloody do, woman. After all, you’re leaving me alone on a Saturday night to go out on the town with my more charming cousin. There better be jujubes. I think you need to make popcorn, too.”

“With butter, Oscar?”

I shook my head mockingly at her. “As if it can be eaten any other way?”

She grinned at me in agreement, her eyes twinkling.

“As if.”

And we were okay.

We were Beaker and Oscar again.

But I really hoped she would keep wearing those glasses.I turned off the TV and glanced over at Shelby, who was lying propped up with cushions. Her feet, as usual, were in my lap, and I had been rubbing them while we watched the movie.

“Maybe we’ll watch the second one tomorrow?” I grinned at her as she rolled her eyes.

“You cheated.”

“Did not.”

“I said you could pick a movie, Liam.”

Leaning over, I picked up the box. “I chose the Lord of the Rings saga, Shelby. One box—one choice. We have to watch them all.” I shrugged. “It’s like an unwritten rule—we can’t only watch one.”

“I’m picking out a saga then, next time.”


“My choice.” She pointed out. “Maybe Outlander. That Jamie Fraser does something for me.”

I groaned at her dig even as I bit back a grin. The girl had a thing for men in kilts. The truth was that I didn’t care. As long as she was beside me, I’d watch some redheaded Scotsman prance around acting tough. I could run circles around him any day. Besides, I could always pretend to be absorbed and sleep while she watched it. She’d never know.

“You can’t nap either. You snore. I’d know, and I’ll start it over from the beginning.”

Double bugger.

“I don’t snore,” I growled at her.

She snorted. “Um, yeah, you do.”

I rolled my head to the side and grimaced at her. “Fine. Your choice next. I call dibs on the Indiana Jones one next week.”

Shelby quirked her eyebrows suggestively at me. “I’m good with that—he’s hot.”

I chuckled at her.

Then she frowned. “But next Saturday is the hospital event, Liam.”

Crap, I had forgotten. “Right.” I squeezed her leg, feeling nervous as I asked, “Will you go with me, Shelby?”

She regarded me quietly for a moment. “If you really want me to.”

I sighed in relief. “I do. You made it so much better.”


“Great. I’ll talk to Lily. Make sure she has a dress for you as well.”


I held up my hand. “No arguments. That’s what Lily does. Tuxes, suits, and dresses. She’s a walking closet.”

Shelby giggled, and I smiled at the sound. I loved hearing her giggle.

“You want me to do that?”

“No, I will.” I wanted to talk to Lily. I wanted to make sure she dressed Shelby in red again.

“Ask her for small heels this time.”

I picked up one of her feet, digging my thumb into the arch and grinning when she moaned in appreciation. “I’ll ask. And I’ll rub them if she refuses. Deal?”

She sighed. “You do give good foot rubs. Deal.”

“Brilliant. You tired?”

Shelby shook her head.

“Watch the second one tonight?” I winked at her. “One movie closer to your Scotsman.”


“Can I have more popcorn?”


“Ta, Beaker.”8LiamIt was well after three o’clock in the morning by the time the second movie was over. Shelby was half asleep as she stumbled up the steps ahead of me, and finally, fearing she would fall over her own feet on the stairs and take me out with her, I scooped her into my arms and broke my own rule.

I entered her room.

Luckily, it was quick work to pull back the covers and tuck her in to bed. I bent over to click off the light, pausing as I studied her face. Her hair was dark against the white of her sheets, her skin pale and glowing in the dim light. Unbidden, I traced her smooth skin with my finger, grazing over the eyelashes that rested against the swell of her cheek. They fluttered and opened, her ocean-colored eyes gazing at me sleepily. She then smiled saucily as she whispered, “Finally got me into bed, Liam?”

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