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Changing Roles

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“Um. Sorry.” I cleared my throat. Bloody hell, my voice sounded gritty like sandpaper. I tried again. “What did you say?”

“Why are you so drunk?”


I was hardly drunk. I was simply…tipsy.

I heaved out of the chair, ready to defend my honor. Except the floor moved, and I stumbled forward, the only thing preventing me from being introduced face first to said floor, was the fact that Shelby’s arms shot out, stopping me and letting me lean into her.

Right. Maybe I was drunk.

But pressed against her felt nice. Really nice. I rested my face in the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply. She smelled good. She always did. I couldn’t control myself as I nuzzled her fragrant skin a little.

God, it was so smooth.

“Liam,” she admonished as she pushed me to stand.

I looked at her sheepishly. “My bad.”

Shelby shook her head. “Let’s get you to bed.”

I grinned sloppily at her. “I’ve been waiting for you to say that.”

She groaned. “Always the comedian.”

I frowned.

I wasn’t kidding.It was a long walk up the stairs, leaning heavily on Shelby. I kept finding her skin with my mouth, and she kept chiding me for doing so.

It wasn’t my fault, really. My lips had their own agenda. I had to follow where they went.

Shelby, it seemed, didn’t agree.

I exhaled as my head hit the pillow, it’s coolness a welcome sensation. Still, I was unsure as to why the room was moving so much.

“Because you’re drunk, Liam.”

I wasn’t aware I had said that out loud.

“You did.”

Or that.

I felt my sneakers being pulled off, followed by my socks. My legs were suddenly cold as my pants disappeared.

“Tsk, tsk, tiger. In such a hurry for me?” I waggled my eyebrows at her, giving her one of my sexiest leers. At least I thought I did. I wasn’t sure how much control I had right now over the muscles in my face. Or my body, to be honest.

Shelby shook her head. “You are going to regret all this tomorrow, Liam.”

The only thing I was going to regret was her leaving my room. I wanted to sniff her again. Then I’d show her who the king of the jungle was. My jungle.

Why was she giggling?

The blankets were pulled up, and I felt Shelby’s warm lips on my cheek. “Good thing I love you, Liam. Good night.”

My hand clasped the back of her head. “I love you, Shelby. I really do.”

“I know.”

I fought the darkness descending around me, reaching out for her. “No, Shelby…I…really…love…”

Then the darkness won.

I blinked with the memories.

God, had I upset her so much she left?

No—Shelby wouldn’t do that.

Would she?

Another thought had me pulling on my hair.

Had she had such a great time with Douglas that she was out with him again? My stomach lurched at the thought.

I bent over at the knees, taking in deep gulps of air as one clear memory hit me.

I loved her.

She was mine.

I didn’t want her out with Douglas. I wanted her here with me. I wanted her to love me back.

As I struggled to take in more air, my gaze landed on a folded piece of paper of the counter beside the coffeemaker. I made my way over and picked up the note.

Gone to run some errands. Fresh coffee in pot. Your breakfast is on the table.

Should fix you right up. Your favorite, I think. ~S

I let out a deep gust of air. It was okay. She was out running errands, but she’d be back.

I poured a coffee and went over to the table, eyeing the covered plate suspiciously. Sometimes on Sundays, Shelby made me a fry-up. I loved those, and she only let me have them occasionally. Otherwise, it was the bird-food bagel or some other healthier version of breakfast—like those fruit smoothie thingies. I wasn’t sure I could face a cold plate of bacon and eggs right now. I sat, hesitated, then lifted the lid. For a moment, I stared at the plate, and then, much to my aching head’s protests, began to chuckle.

Pickles. Nothing but a large pile of pickles was on the plate.

I picked one up and started munching, the tartness surprisingly tasty this morning.

Only Shelby.

My brilliant girl.

I frowned. She was mine. But I needed to do something to ensure that. I finished the pickle, drank my coffee, and grabbed my car keys.To say Douglas was surprised to see me at his door would be an understatement. “Liam.”

“Hey. Got a minute?”

He waved me in. “Sure. I was just having coffee and a bagel. Interested?”


A short while later, we were sitting, silently eating. Inside I had to admit, although I would never tell her, Shelby’s bird-food bagels were far tastier than Douglas’s plain ones. She was also much more generous with the cream cheese.

Breaking the silence, Douglas spoke up, his voice slightly amused. “Are you going to tell me why you’re here, Liam? I highly doubt it’s for my breakfast-making skills.”

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