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Changing Roles

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I set her back on the counter, keeping my eyes averted. She hissed in pain as I placed her feet in the warm water. I grimaced in understanding. “Sorry. Now, where can I find bandages?”

“My bathroom has a first aid kit. Left cupboard by the vanity.”

“Okay, stay here.”

“Where else am I gonna go?”

I hesitated. “I’m not gonna have to touch…other things to get to the kit thing, am I?”

She smirked. “Other things, Liam?”

I rubbed the back of my neck. “Um…your girl…things, Shelby?”

“No, you’re quite safe.” She winked. “Just make sure you open the left cupboard. Not the right.”


“No, left.”

“Bloody hell, don’t confuse me! I don’t have a lot of blood in that particular head right now!”

Her amusement followed me down the hall.

It was music to my ears.SHELBYI watched him leave, unable to believe what was happening. His reaction to me. Mine to him.

The entire evening had been torture. Liam had looked devastatingly handsome as he’d waited for me at the bottom of the stairs, and he’d seemed anxious all night, refusing to let go of my hand. Every chance he got, he wanted to walk or dance with me. I didn’t have the heart to tell him how sore my feet were. When I realized I had kept the wrong shoe size but had to wear them anyway, I knew I would end up with some nasty blisters, but I hadn’t expected how painful it would be. My feet must have swollen as well because the leather was digging in everywhere, and I knew the heels were rubbed raw. Every step felt like my feet were on fire.

When he saw what happened, his reaction was unexpected. I had never seen that “take-charge” side of Liam. My shoes were discarded without a thought, and he covered the sore flesh with his own socks, ignoring my protests. When he lifted me into his arms, I gave up. His hold was firm, his expression fierce in its protectiveness as he instructed me to keep my head down. Once in the car, he didn’t lessen his hold, and when I finally looked at him, what I saw in his eyes made my heart race.

Open adoration and pleading. There was nothing but want and love in his gaze. No one had ever looked at me that way.

Liam’s quiet, honest words had broken through my fast crumbling walls.

His warm embrace promised shelter, love.

All the things I felt were issues, he dismissed. What I saw as insurmountable, he saw as things we would work through—together.

His insistence of how right we were made me understand how deeply he did care.

When his lips found mine, firm, warm, and possessive, I surrendered. I knew in that moment, I wanted this. I wanted him—I wanted it all. Forever.

I was home.

Liam was my home.

His arms were my safe haven.

And I never wanted to be without them or him ever again.

I was anxious for him to come back. I wanted more of his touch. His care. His kisses. I wanted him to make me laugh again. No one made me laugh the way Liam did. I loved his way of looking at the world. He wasn’t jaded and bitter the way many people in Hollywood were. He was sunny and warm.

He was Liam.

I heard his hurried footsteps and met his anxious eyes as he barreled into the bathroom.

“Good. You stayed put.”

“Not much choice, Oscar.”

“Bloody feet aside, Beaker, can I say you looking smashing in my shirt sitting on my bathroom counter?”

I smiled at the sincere tone of his voice. He stared at me, his feelings no longer hidden. Desire, blatant and hot, poured from his expression. It warmed me all over.


He cleared his throat. “All right. Let’s get you fixed up.”LIAMI finished wrapping her feet and sat back. It wasn’t the best job, but I had smothered them in antibiotic ointment, and they were covered. “There.”

“Thank you.”

I stood with my arms leaning on the counter, caging her in. “No more high heels. I don’t give a bloody fuck what Lily says looks good.”

“She won’t be happy.”

“I’ll handle her.”

“They’ll heal. It was my fault—”

I placed my finger on her lips. “No more. You hate high heels, and I can’t stand to see you in pain.”

Our eyes locked, apologetic blue meeting firm green. She nodded in silent agreement. I pressed my finger against her mouth harder, and her lips parted, the warm breath flowing over my skin. I dropped my hand to her waist and pulled her forward. “Now, where were we before your feet got in the way?”

She giggled and pushed on my chest. “I should go to bed.”

My lips brushed her ear. “My thoughts exactly.”

She shivered. “Liam.” Her voice was low and pleading. “It’s too…”

“Fast?” I finished for her.

Her eyes begged me to understand. I cupped the back of her head gently. “I know, Shelby. But I don’t want to let you go. Not yet.” I brought her closer. “Stay with me tonight. Just sleep with me. Let me hold you.”

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