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Changing Roles

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For the first time today, she looked upset. “I don’t like the idea.”

“I don’t like the idea of you being subjected to the likes of these assholes,” I snapped, suddenly angry as the humor faded and reality set in. Why couldn’t she understand this? She knew how much I hated this part of my life. “They can be vicious, Shelby. It’s like nothing you’ve ever gone through.” I stood, pacing. “You are about to find out. And it’s not going to be fun.” I’d experienced it far too often, and now, because of me, Shelby would as well.

Until recently she had been in the shadows of my life—someone on the edge to whom they paid no attention. Now, she was front and center. A prime target. We’d discussed this already, but I had hoped we’d have a little more time before we had to deal with it. I stopped pacing and looked out of the window at the sun reflecting off the pool, the light shimmering on the surface, much like the panic that was now simmering below my skin. A shudder ran through me.

Could we handle this situation?

Could Shelby?

Arms draped around me, and Shelby’s warmth pressed into my back. Turning, I wrapped myself around her, and we stood together, drawing comfort from our quiet embrace.

I said my fear out loud. “It might make you change your mind about us.”

“Nothing can make me change my mind. If it makes you feel better for me to have security, I’ll do it,” she whispered. She tilted back her head, her eyes filled with worry.

“I have to keep you safe, Shelby. It’s only for a little while. Please understand that. I have to make sure you’re okay.”

She huffed a sigh. “I know. I don’t like it. But I do understand.” She cupped my cheek. “We’ll figure it all out. I’m not going anywhere, Liam.”

I pressed her against me, kissing her deeply.

I needed to hear that. I needed to know she was still with me.

I buried my hands in her hair, holding her close to my face, kissing her. I needed her taste to calm and center me. I groaned as I pulled her nearer, my emotions suddenly raw and needy.

Some part of my brain registered Everett and Cassidy leaving the room.

“I can’t lose you,” I murmured against her mouth. “I can’t even stand the thought of it.”

“You won’t,” she insisted, running her hands down my back. “I’ll be right here when you get back. I promise. I’ll be waiting on your gay ass to come home to me.”

I chuckled into her hair, knowing she was trying to lighten the mood. “Of all the angles I thought they’d go with, I never thought about that one.” I grinned down at her. “I was sure they’d point out what an old lady you were. Cradle snatching and robbing me of my virtue and all.”

Shelby mock-glared at me, but her tone was serious. “They probably will soon enough.”

I kissed her. “And it will be as false as this one. Equally insulting and filled with lies.”

She nodded. “I know, it was rather insulting. Like the only reason you’d date me is because you’re gay.” She huffed dramatically. “I’m not that hideous. I’ve got moves too, you know.”

“I know that, Beaker. I’ve seen some of your moves. Or were you holding back on me?”

She grinned at me. “Not telling.”

The way she looked at me made everything else fade away. I didn’t care about reporters or false stories or anything outside this room. Only her. Only us.

I pressed my forehead against hers, my voice serious. “Thank you. For today…for keeping me calm. For everything.” I sighed. “I love you, Shelby.”

She tightened her arms around me. She rose up on her toes, brushing her mouth over mine. “I love you, Liam.”

Three small words.

Words I desperately wanted to hear.

Ones I wasn’t sure she’d ever say.

Nothing else mattered.

Because everything right, everything true, was here in my arms.

“Shelby—” Crashing my mouth to hers, I let my lips and tongue tell her how I felt about her statement.

I dropped my face into her neck, breathing her in deeply.

She loved me.

My Beaker.


Together, we’d figure this out, because I wasn’t letting her go. Ever.

I pulled her tighter, feeling my emotions beginning to overtake me. I wasn’t used to this intensity. Feeling the depth of such a powerful emotion for one person. Worried about them. Not wanting to leave them.

With Shelby, though, I felt it all. And right now, it was crashing over me.

She held me close as she returned my passion. “Say it again,” I pleaded against her mouth.

“I love you, Liam. So very much.”

“How long?”

She smiled as she traced my bottom lip with her finger. “Since you smirked at me and told me you were sitting there, interviewing me, commando.”

I looked at her in wonder. She’d even been ahead of me in this, only she kept it to herself. “All this time? You kept it to yourself? Even after I said I loved you?”

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