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Changing Roles

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“And I want a lawsuit launched against the rag. Throw everything at them. Everything. I want them out of business.”


“Crush them.”

I took in Cassidy, Everett, and Douglas, who were all watching me. “Use your contacts. I want the names of the paps in the crowd. There were so many cameras going off, someone captured what happened. I want to know exactly who put their hands on Ryan and Shelby. Who the hell is responsible for sending them over those stairs.”

I had already read the reports and heard the stories from eyewitnesses on the news. There was also a video a bystander had taken. The scene was chaos. Too many reporters, and only Ryan and Shelby, desperately trying to get away. Amidst the shouting and pushing was the moment when the altercation broke out. Watching Shelby get hit and fall backward, and the way Ryan dove after her, protecting her as they went over the railing, horrified me. The sheer panic on her face broke something inside me. Seeing them lying on the concrete, her unconscious and Ryan gravely hurt, was ghastly. So was the fact that the mob barely stopped, snapping pictures of them lying injured and bleeding. It was someone walking by who contacted 9-1-1—the paps were too busy getting their pictures or running away. The entire scene made me ill, and Everett had the same reaction.

“What are you planning, Liam?” Douglas asked.

“I’m taking them down. The police are looking for them, but they’ll take too long. The paps won’t talk to them willingly. I saw lots of familiar faces in the crowd. The lowest of the low.” I barked out a laugh. “Even some legit reporters were there. Offer enough cash—one of those bastards will give up their competition, no problem. I want all the pictures and proof.”

I drew in a deep breath. “And as an added incentive, whoever gives me what I want gets a one-on-one with me.” I paused. “Two hours of my time. No holds barred.”

Everyone stared at me as if I’d lost my mind.

“Liam, you never—” Cassidy began.

I cut her off. “When it comes to Shelby, there isn’t a ‘never,’” I informed her. “In fact, call a press conference. Now. Today. I’ll issue the statement myself about the reward. I have a few things I want to get off my chest.”

Everett frowned. “Liam—”

I held up my hand. “No. Don’t say it.” I scrubbed my face roughly. “If this had happened to anyone else, and a child had been hurt, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. There would have been a huge outcry and an immediate investigation. But because it was the girlfriend of a celebrity—of mine—it’s no big deal? The police are dragging their feet—as if it’s not urgent. They act as if I should accept it. Well, I don’t. I will never accept it. The paps hurt Shelby and did nothing to help once she and Ryan were injured. All that mattered was a goddamn photo and story.” I sucked in some much-needed oxygen and pointed down the hall. “My entire fucking life is down there. She’s in a coma because of them. Ryan may never walk properly again. Someone needs to be held accountable for this bloody atrocity. This is not about my privacy. This is about much more.” I slammed my fist into the wall. “Fuck!”

Suddenly, I was exhausted. Leaning against the wall I’d just hit, I let my head fall to my chest. I sighed deeply and lifted my gaze, meeting Everett’s eyes.

“I can’t let them get away with this, Ev. You know I can’t. I have to do this.”

“Liam, you don’t talk about your personal life,” Everett said as he frowned at me.

I braced my hands against the small table in the room, ignoring the throbbing of my knuckles. “I will give and do whatever it takes to make sure those bloody fuckers get what is coming to them—especially criminal records. If giving up a few personal details will make it happen, then so be it.” I shook my head. “I’ll read whatever statement you prepare, Cassidy. But I want it good. Plain. Honest. You got me?”

“I’ll take care of it.” She jotted some notes. “I’ll handle the questions after, though, all right?”

I turned back to Samuels. “Once we have the names, I want restraining orders against all of them. Personal lawsuits brought forth.”

“That’s always tricky, Liam.”

I shrugged. “It’ll send a message. Make life hard for them, at least for a while. I’m through playing and being nice. They hurt the most important person in the world to me. It’s time they paid.

“Everett—cancel everything. Appearances, interviews—everything. Tell the studio I’m on hiatus. Taking a personal leave of absence. I don’t care how much they bitch or what they threaten to do. Until Shelby is home and well, I’m not going anywhere.”

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