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Changing Roles

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I put the kettle on, grateful for something to do, then sat at the table, Thor purring in my ear as I stroked his head, glad to have me home. I was glad too, but I hated being pushed out of the bathroom. I was used to Shelby needing me, and I kinda liked it.

Thor jumped to my lap then to the floor, and I watched, amused, as he thumped his way over to his food bowl, squatting down and loudly munching on his kibble. From the amount in his bowl, I knew why he felt so heavy.

The kettle boiled, but I knew it was too soon to make the tea. My stomach growled, and I realized I hadn’t eaten all day. I rummaged through the refrigerator and made a quick sandwich, eating it standing at the counter. It was nowhere near as good as one of Shelby’s, but it would do. Figuring Mum might be hungry, I made her a plate of some cheese and crackers, thinking that would please her. By the time I was done, I heard my name being called and hurried upstairs to help Shelby out of the tub. I met Lily in the hall.

“She’s all ready for you. I’ll be back in a couple of days, Liam. I’ll let Shelby rest tomorrow.”

Grabbing her, I pulled her into a tight hug. “Ta, Lily. You’ve been smashing.”

She giggled. “Your accent gets heavier when your mum is here. You know that, right?”

I shrugged sheepishly.

She ruffled my hair. “It’s cute, and I’m sure Shelby loves it. I’ll let myself out.”

Grinning, I went in to help my girl out of the tub. She looked much happier than when I left a while ago. After my mum slipped out of the room, I lifted Shelby from the water and set her on her feet, wrapping a fluffy towel around her.

“I got you wet,” she sighed, bunching my T-shirt in her hand.

I stepped closer, grazing my lips to her ear. “That’s usually what I do to you, isn’t it?” I bit down gently. “Beaker?”

She blushed, and I stepped away, chuckling as I pulled my shirt over my head. I picked up another towel and awkwardly started patting her dry the way I had seen her do so often. “I missed your blush.”

“Stop it,” she giggled.

“I missed that sound too.” I kissed her, suddenly serious. “I don’t want to be without it again.”

“You won’t be. I’m right here, Liam.” She wrapped her hand around my neck, pulling me close, her breath wafting over my face. “Right here.”

I nodded, unable to speak. I looked up to see my mum watching us with a gentle smile as she handed me one of my loose T-shirts Shelby liked to sleep in. “Bring yer lass, and let’s get her settled, love. She needs her rest. And I need some tea.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ll get ye a fresh shirt, too.”

I was quiet as I tugged the shirt over Shelby’s head, pulling away the towel. I helped her into bed and tucked the blankets around her, making sure she took some pain medication.

“I’m right downstairs. I’ll be up soon to check on you.”

She captured my hand with hers. “I’m right here,” she murmured.

Closing the distance between us, I kissed her deeply, burrowing my head in her neck, breathing her in. She smelled like Shelby again—light and floral, and like home. I kissed her, showing her without words how happy I was she was home.

“I love you,” I murmured against her lips.

She lay back on the pillows, her smile one of understanding.

“I know.”Mum’s eyes were warm as I handed her the cup of tea. “Ta, love.”

I sat heavily beside her, suddenly exhausted.

“Maybe ye should go have a wee nap with your lassie.”

“You sound like Nan.”

She winked. “It’s the Scot coming out, yer da would say.”

I nodded as I shut my eyes. I was tired. A contented sigh escaped my mouth as I felt my mum’s fingers stroking my head.

“You love her so much. ’Tis a lovely thing to see.”

“Truly, I do.”

“I’m glad ye finally saw it. I told ye before, it took ye long enough. Ye were blind, love.”

“I wasn’t that bad,” I insisted.

“Oi, Liam, ye’re daft. Ye’ve been in love with her from the start. I saw it when I was here last. Ye simply weren’t ready to admit it. I thought ye’d finally come to yer senses when I saw the picture of the two of ye together and noticed her wearing Nan’s bracelet. I knew she meant something special for ye to let her wear that jewelry.”

I snorted. “Yeah, okay, it took me a bit longer to figure it out.”

She huffed a sigh. “Well, ye always took after yer father in that department. I love that man dearly, but he is rather slow at times.”

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