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The Contract (The Contract 1)

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“Don’t stop,” she pleaded.


“I want this, Richard, with you. I want you.”

I crawled up her body, cradling her head; kissing her mouth with a reverence I had never felt or shown another person. “Are you sure?”

She drew me back to her mouth. “Yes.”

I moved over her carefully; I wanted to make her first time memorable. To show her with my body what I was experiencing with my soul.

To make her mine in every sense of the word.

I worshipped her with my touch, keeping it light and gentle, her skin like silk under my hands. Loving her with my mouth, I learned every part of her in the most intimate ways, memorizing her taste and the feel of her. I stroked her passion with my own until she was pleading for me.

I groaned and hissed as she became bolder, touching and discovering me with her teasing lips and tender hands. Her name fell like a prayer from my mouth as her fingers stroked my shoulders, down my spine, then encased my cock. Finally, I hovered over her, covering her with my body, sinking deep into her tight warmth, holding her until she begged me to move, and then, and only then, did I let my passion fly. I thrust powerfully, driving into her over and again. I kissed her hard as I took her, needing her taste in my mouth as much as I needed her body wrapped around me. Katy held me tight, groaning my name, her fingers digging into my back as she grasped me hard.

“Oh, God, Richard, please. Oh, I need . . .”

“Tell me,” I urged. “Tell me what you need.”

“You . . . more . . . please!”

“I’ve got you, baby.” I moaned, pushing her leg higher and sinking deeper. “Only me. You’re only ever going to have me.”

She cried out, her head flung back, body tensing. She was beautiful in her release, her neck stretched taut, a slight sheen of sweat on her skin. My own orgasm flickered, and I buried my face in Katy’s neck as the force of my pleasure rocked my world. I turned my head, grabbed her chin, bringing her mouth to mine, kissing her as the shockwaves rippled then calmed in my body. I rolled, tugging her to my chest, nuzzling her hair. She sighed, burrowing close.

“Thank you,” she breathed out.

“Trust me, sweetheart. The pleasure was all mine.”

“Well, not all yours.”

I chuckled against her head, pressing a kiss to her warm skin.

“Sleep, Katy.”

“I should go—”

I tightened my arms, not wanting her to leave. “No. Stay here with me.”

She sighed, her body giving a long, slow shudder.

“Front or back?” I murmured. She liked to sleep with her back pressed to my chest. I liked waking up with my face buried in her warm neck and her body connected to mine.


“Okay.” I loosened my arms so she could roll over. Bringing her back to me, I kissed her gently. “Go to sleep. We have a lot to talk about tomorrow.”


“Tomorrow. We’ll figure out the next step tomorrow.”


I shut my eyes, breathing her in. Tomorrow I would tell her everything. Ask her to tell me what she was thinking. I wanted to tell her what I was feeling—that I was in love with her. Clear the air for both of us. Then help her move her things into my room, making it our room.

I didn’t want to be without her beside me again.

With a sigh of contentment I didn’t think I’d ever experience, I fell asleep.I woke up alone, my hand on cold, empty sheets. I wasn’t surprised—Katy had been more restless than usual the past few nights, and even more so last night. More than once I had pulled her back to me, feeling the sobs she was trying to hide. I had held her, letting her emotions drain from her body.

I ran a hand over my face and sat up. I would have a shower, then find her in the kitchen. I had to talk to her. There was so much to clear up—a great many things I needed to apologize for, so we could move forward—together.

I swung my legs off the bed, grabbed my robe, and stood up. I began walking to the bathroom and stopped. My bedroom door was shut tight. Why was it closed? Was Katy worried about disturbing me? I shook my head. She was one of the quietest people I knew, especially in the morning.

I crossed the room and opened the door. Silence greeted me. No music or any sounds from the kitchen met my ears. I glanced over toward Katy’s room. Her door was standing ajar, but there were no sounds from her room, either. Something in my stomach tightened, and I couldn’t shake it off. Crossing the hall, I looked inside. The bed was made, the room tidy and spotless. It felt empty.

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