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The Amendment (The Contract 2)

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We walked to the kitchen as the rain picked up again. It hit the windows hard, the sound echoing in the quiet—tiny pebbles of water striking the glass with fury. I poured us coffee, and we sat down.

“Does anyone know that you’re home?”

Laura sipped her coffee and shook her head. “We came right from the airport. We knew all the kids would be at work, and Julia is away visiting her parents with the grandkids, so we decided to stop here first. We’ll see Jenna and Adrian tonight. Graham spoke with Adam briefly, and he’s going to join us at the house later.”

“The girls will be excited to see you when they wake up.”

“We missed them. We missed everyone.” Laura sighed.

“How is Richard?” Graham asked. “Jenna said he was burning the midnight oil daily.”

“He’s been busy,” I acknowledged. “He’ll be thrilled to hand the reins back to you, Graham.”

“I thought I was going away at a quiet time. I had no idea how many new projects were going to happen.”

I waved my hand. “Aside from missing his girls, he’s enjoyed it.” I glanced toward the window. “I have a feeling he’ll be home soon, though.”

Graham tilted his head in understanding. “His headaches.”

“He refused to admit it, but I think one was coming on today. He had that look in his eyes when he left that he always gets when one is coming on.”

“No doubt Brad will be dropping him off.”

I was surprised. “Brad?”

“Adam told me that Richard had a flat tire and Brad drove him to his meeting. Jenna had checked with him and Richard said things went well, which she passed it on to Adam. If his headache was bad, I’m sure he’d have Brad drive him home. I’ll arrange for his car to be brought home.”

I smiled in gratitude. Graham always looked after us well. “Thank you.” I glanced at the clock. “Do you know when his meeting ended?”

“A while ago. Traffic is bad with the weather. They’ll be along soon.” He shrugged. “Or perhaps knowing Richard and his stubbornness, he insisted on going back to the office to debrief. You know how he likes to write out his thoughts after a big presentation—headache or no headache.”

We all laughed because it was true. Richard kept careful notes on a client’s reaction, good or bad to a pitch, jotted down any information he thought would be helpful going forward, and other things he thought of in regard to the campaign or the people.

I heard Gracie’s voice over the monitor calling for me, and I stood with a grin. “So much for quiet time.”

Laura stood. “I’ll come with you.”

Graham’s phone rang, and I heard his quiet hello as we ascended the stairs. I heard my phone ring, and I met her gaze. “It’s probably Brad and Richard calling to complain about each other.”

She smiled. “Perhaps.”

“I hope it’s not someone trying to call Graham about business already. You haven’t even unpacked yet,” I muttered.

She shook her head. “Probably Jenna. She was going to call to confirm the time for this evening. We’re going to order in some Chinese and relax with everyone. Will you and Richard join us if he is feeling better?”

Graham’s voice calling me made me pause on the stairs. Laura patted my arm. “You see what Graham wants, and I’ll get Grace.”


I hurried down the stairs, pausing when Graham appeared in the door. He was pale, his face drawn. “Katy, we have to go.”

My stomach dropped at the tremor in his voice.

“Graham?” I asked, my voice shaking. The fear and worry in his eyes were blatant.

He gripped my shoulders. “There’s been an accident. We need to go to the hospital.”

“The-the hospital?” I repeated, unable to grasp what he meant, even though I had heard what he said.

“It’s Richard and Brad.” His voice shook. “It’s bad, Katy. We have to go now.”

My breath stuttered.

“Now,” he repeated.I shivered, unable to get warm. Graham frowned and pulled off his cardigan, draping it around my shoulders. I pushed my hair off my face, trying to gather my thoughts. I barely remembered the drive to the hospital. Laura stayed with the girls until Mrs. Thomas came home. Graham remained calm, taking control when we arrived at the hospital, speaking with the nurses at the desk, who directed us to the waiting room. We were still waiting to see a doctor.

“How long have we been here?”

“About an hour, Katy,” he soothed. “The doctors are working on them.”

The hurried click of heels on the floor caught my attention, and I glanced in the direction of the sound. Jenna and Laura were approaching, Adrian following behind them.

I met Laura’s eyes. She reached out and pulled me in for a hug.

“Mrs. Thomas is at the house with the girls. She said she will handle everything, and you be here for Richard,” she murmured. “Oh, Katy,” she added when a sob escaped my throat.

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