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Unwound (Mastered 2)

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“Can we just drop it and go upstairs? My brain is throbbing.”

“Poor baby with a throbbing need. Once we’re upstairs, I’ll give you a little head . . . massage.”

Damn woman always made him feel better.

• • •

AMERY did drop it, but she didn’t forget about it. And she wasn’t sure whether it was a blessing or a curse when she saw the doctor’s appointment card with today’s date and time tossed in the garbage. It wasn’t as if she’d been pawing through the trash looking for clues; the postcard had fallen out of the bag when she’d removed it from the garbage can.

So maybe if she’d found it in a stack of mail or with the magazines in the den, she’d think Ronin had left it lying about, hoping she’d find it and ask him about it. But since he’d stuffed it in the trash . . . that told her he was hiding the appointment from her.

Why? Especially when he’d insisted she was an integral part of his life and his recovery process?

Because he’s back to the same old keeping things from you bullshit.

Amery didn’t want to believe it, but with the way he’d been acting the last couple of days? She couldn’t stop the niggling worry that there was more to it. She’d hoped last night, confronting him in his private space, cajoling him, keeping things light and showing her total support of him with gentle teasing and soft kisses would encourage him to confide in her. But that hadn’t happened. He’d just remained tight and closed off even during his massage. Directly after that he’d conked out.

Maybe he wanted to hear the doctor’s diagnosis first before he involved her. That she could understand. Still, she couldn’t help but feel shut out.

Nothing you can do about it now but wait and see if he wants to talk later.

She ditched the trash in the Dumpster and headed to work.

After working late, she didn’t have the energy to drive to the penthouse. As much as she loved being there, she felt the need to be in her own space for a change. That was another indication she wasn’t ready to move in with Ronin. Her phone pinged with a text message.

RB: Where are you?

I’m at home.

RB: At the penthouse?

No. My loft. Where are you?

RB: Dojo. You didn’t stop in, so I figured you’re working late. Are you about done and on your way?

I’m done, but I’m tired. I’ll probably just stay here tonight.

RB: Fine. I’ll be there in a bit. Have you eaten?

I was just about to make a sandwich. Should I make two?

RB: Please. See you soon. I’ll let myself in.

Twenty minutes later, the high-pitched whine of a motorcycle echoed from the alley. The back door slammed. He didn’t clomp up the stairs. The next thing she knew, Ronin was standing next to the breakfast bar looking at her.


Maybe she was being paranoid, but he didn’t cross the room to kiss her. “Hey, yourself. Have a seat. Food’s almost ready. Can I get you something to drink?”

“I’m good.” He sat on a barstool. “What did you work on today that kept you in the office so late that you’re crashing here?”

Rather than point out that she lived here, she focused on assembling the sandwich. “A new campground contacted me about designing promotional material. They’ve got a unique concept, so that’ll be a fun project.”

“What’s unique about it?”

Amery placed two slices of thick-cut twelve-grain bread on the cutting board. Then she spread brown mustard across each slice. “It’s a winter campground close to the slopes that offers modern tent camping but in the snow. A cheaper option for winter sports enthusiasts to enjoy the ski season in the Rockies instead of staying in pricey hotels in Aspen and Vail.”

Ronin watched as she piled on sliced turkey, tomato, avocado, and alfalfa sprouts. She drizzled balsamic vinaigrette over everything. Then she slathered hummus on the top pieces of bread before layering them on top. She cut each in half, plated them, and slid one in front of him.

“Eat up. And yes, all the ingredients are organic.” She cracked open a small bag of veggie chips—slices of baked beets, sweet potatoes, and spinach. “I seriously eyed the jumbo bag of kettle-cooked salt-and-vinegar chips, but opted for healthy. You should be proud you’re rubbing off on me.”

“I’d like to rub you off,” he said with a wolfish smile before taking a bite of his sandwich.

Amery laughed and relaxed at seeing the glimmer of the Ronin she hadn’t seen for a few days. “Maybe for dessert.” She filled two glasses of water and slid into the seat beside him.

Ronin must’ve been hungry; he finished his entire sandwich before she’d eaten half of hers. Sheepishly, he said, “I forgot to eat lunch.”

“I can make you another one,” she offered.

“I’m full. But thank you. It was delicious.”

After several long moments of dead air, Amery’s sandwich seemed to be lodged in her throat. Or maybe it was the awkward silence between them that was choking her. She asked, “So what did you do today?” and inwardly cringed at her lack of subtlety.

“I was out most of the day, and then I hung around the dojo. Why?”

So suspicious. Instead of zeroing in on the vagueness of his response, she said, “I’m surprised you didn’t eat. Doesn’t Shiori bring you lunch most days?”

“There was a to-go box in the fridge when I returned from running errands, but it was late afternoon and I didn’t have time to eat. Why?”

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