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Unwound (Mastered 2)

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“Makes sense,” Deacon said. “Especially since I’ve gotta go lookin’ for my own pro fights.”

“So at least for the first few events, we’ll limit the bouts to one fighter from ABC, one from Black Arts. That means we’ll need two pro division fighters and sixteen amateur fighters to fill the other slots?” Blue asked Ronin.

“Sound fair?”

“Does to me.” Blue prompted Sophia and Gil. “You guys all right with that?”

Gil nodded.

Sophia said, “We are going to feature at least one women’s bout?”

“What’s the crowd reception been on that? Because we’ve not had experience with it,” Ronin asked Sophia.

“I could claim half-naked chicks beating the crap out of each other and rolling around on the floor really speaks to the type of people who attend MMA events, but I wouldn’t want to be called sexist.”

Everyone laughed.

“Seriously, even if we have to add a tenth match, I believe we should strive to have a women’s bout on every card. Not all promo companies do this, and it would set us apart.”

More murmured agreement.

“Blue, put the call out to other clubs. Since Deacon didn’t fight last time, he’ll be our one fighter.”

Blue grinned. “You sure you don’t wanna have a rematch, Sensei?”

“My fighting days are over for a while.” Ronin felt Amery’s stare, but he couldn’t claim his fighting days were behind him for good.

“It’s been some time since we’ve participated in a smoker,” Gil said. “We haven’t been keeping up with who’s running them on a regular basis. Have you?”

“We used to hold them a few times a year,” Knox said. “Sensei would ref. But the last time he ended up with a heel to the head.”

Blue sucked air in through his teeth. “I heard about that.”

Amery asked, “What’s a smoker?”

“When MMA clubs hold matches against each other. There aren’t winners and losers. It’s just a chance for fighters to compete outside of their clubs,” Sophia said. “The more you’re around the fighting life, the more lingo you’ll pick up.” She stood. “We done here? I gotta see if Katie stuck it out in Terrel’s class after she bitched about putting on the ring-girl outfit.”

“We’re done,” Ronin said.

“You are. The rest of us have classes to teach,” Knox grumbled.

After everyone was gone, Amery stood and paced to the window, then came back.


“You didn’t deny that you’re going to fight again. Are you planning on it?”

“It’s what I do.”

“And if I asked you not to fight?”

“You won’t. You accept all parts of me, remember?” Ronin picked up her right hand and nibbled on her fingers. “Let’s go upstairs. It’s your night to cook. What are we having?”

“Something unhealthy like spaghetti. For having such a kick-ass kitchen, you don’t have all the tools I need to cook like I’m used to. So be warned: I’m bringing my stuff into your domain.”

“Bring it all. Then it’ll already be there when you move in with me.”

“I’m thinking about it.” She squirmed until he let her loose. “Tell me about Katie.”

And . . . she had sidestepped the issue once again. “This can’t go further than us.”

Amery poked him in the chest. “I knew it! She is a  p**n  star you’re trying to reform.”

He laughed. “No. She’s Thaddeus Pettigrew’s daughter.” He explained the situation. “She’ll be Blue’s headache most of the time.”

“Will she have access to you?”

“In limited amounts.”

“Good.” She nipped his chin and then flicked the sting away with a sassy flick of her tongue. “I’d hate to have to give that little bitch the beat-down. I have had training from the best.”

“That you have.”

“I brought you something.” She reached inside her purse and pulled out a package. “Not as fancy of a tie as last time . . .”

“What is it?”

“A gift.”

Ronin ripped open the paper and saw a framed tin-type picture with Asian influences that they’d seen at a Renaissance fair several months ago. She’d refused to let him buy it, evidently so she could go back and get it for him. “Amery. This is . . .” So f**king sweet and personal. He was undone once again by her thoughtfulness.

“Your desk is decidedly bare. Maybe it makes me territorial, but when you see it, I know you’ll think of me.”

“Always.” He kissed her. “Thank you. It’s perfect. I’ll just grab the box of black ropes from under my desk before we go upstairs since we have a tradition of me tying you up after you present me with a gift.”

Amery leaned back to look at him. “A tradition? This is only the second time.”

“A tradition has to start somewhere.”


“ARE you acting nervous because of the skimpy outfit?”

Katie peered at him over the top of the promotional poster she held, her blue eyes piercing. “No. I wore skimpier clothes than this to the club last weekend.”

Ronin forced himself to continue the conversation. “Then why the nerves?”

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